Theo E

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About Theo E

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    USA (NH + NC)
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  1. Do i have a better chance of finding a giant space kangaroo?
  2. YES YES YES YES. i love to hear someone else talking about true and natural healing on the forum. i have been learning regenerative detoxification from Robert Morse ND for 3 years now, started when i was 19 and now i am 22. I have adopted a mostly fruit diet since then. the healing is astonishing. i have yet to be fully Fruitarian the way that i want to, with the longest time being 6 months. the Healing system is now so simple after learning that all diseases are caused by humans venturing to far away from our natural diet. i really like the way the robert morse has taught the wisdom of the lymphatic system and the importance of eliminating our cellular waste through our kidneys and skin. but it all comes down to eating the right diet which is a fruit based diet! the amount of people that he and others have healed in chronic conditions with [Natures System] is undeniable.
  3. The Future is a thought happening in the now