I am a student from the U.K looking to hear from or speak to people who believe they have had some kind of 'awakening experience'. I am interested in all experiences, whether they were had through the use of psychoactive substances, through spiritual practice, or even just in nature. I will provide below a set of questions that can be answered in written format, or if anyone wishes to discuss their experiences further I would be happy to do some form of online interview. I am very eager to learn more and explore this topic and any help would be extremely appreciated! I have attached an information sheet that explains the nature of my study if you wish to know more about what your stories will contribute to ( Participant Information Sheet template for UG dissertations 2019-FNupN.docx ). I have also attached a consent form which must be signed if you are to be included in the final study! If you consent to the study please either state this in your reply along with your signature (can be any form e.g. a first name or a singular letter) or email me the form
Awakening Experience Questions
1. In your own understanding, how would you describe an ‘awakening experience’?
2. Could you describe the events of your experience? If yes, please answer in detail.
3. What were the main feelings you felt during the experience?
4. What are/were the lasting effects of this experience?
5. Did your experience have a purpose in your life? If yes/no, please explain why.
6. How has your experience impacted your life?
7. Are the impacts still relevant in your present life?
Thanks and happy holidays!
Consent Form 2019 FN.doc