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About TheSpiritualBunny

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  1. I tried a lot of psychedelics, for me all of these 4-HO Tryptamines were really mild and fun psychedelics, non of them come even close to the intensity of Psilocybin/ psilocin, even though their chemical structures are so similar, psilocin is just much more hardcore then any of it's analogs. TBH I would even say that all these psilocin analogs like 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-DET or 4-HO-MiPT are kinda baby psychedelics, which is so surprising, because psilocin/ psilocybin itself is one of the most hardcore serious psychedelics I've tried.
  2. Thanks a lot, that makes sense. The trip right before my ETH-LAD trip where I realized I was God, which was also on 200ug ETH-LAD I also got intense panic out of nowhere during the comeup, it felt like something huge was about to happen, but I couldn't tell what and I had no clue why I was panicking, it made the effects crazy intense. I guess I was close to ego death so that in the trip after I managed to break though that barrier. I'd like to do it again, but I'm worried that I would freak out again and harm myself, I can see how these trips can get so horrifying that someone would kill themselves to make it end, especially with mushrooms. I think I'm gonna try it with Mescaline instead for now, it feels a bit more gentle. Btw, what do you think of trip killers like xanax or valium? Do you think there is any situation where it would be appropriate to use them? Since they can be quite addictive.
  3. Hello, so I tried all kinds of psychedelics, LSD, ETH-LAD, several Psilocin derivitives and phenethylamines like 2C-B, but I find the by far most intense psychedelic besides 5-MeO-DMT I've tried is Psilocybin. I used LSD up to 750ug, ETH-LAD up to 275ug, as well as 2C-B up to 45mg, but 3g of mushrooms are much scarier for me then any of this, even 1g often gives me bad anxiety, half of my trips on it were pretty bad, while on the other psychedelics I rarely had bad experiences. The worst one was my last mushroom experience over half a year ago. It was a dose of 3 or 3.5g (not sure), and at first it took so long to come on, for the first 2 hours it was super weak but after the 2 hour make it suddenly got super intense. So far it was pretty fun, even the peak was great. All kinds of dualities and differences between things seem to melt and dissapear, everything in my mind and around me seemed to melt together. The scary thing started when I was starting to come down, this melting together of all concepts started to gave me extreme confusion, it was such severe confusion that it was terrifying. It started when I tried to text a friend and I couldn't decide what words to use, I didn't know what wording would be best, all I could type was "everything is so confusing, I have no idea what's happening". I had no idea why something would be good or bad, and when I would try to calm myself down I would thing "Why should I calm down and meditate? It makes no difference if I panik instead." I was questioning why I was here, what is even happening in this existence. I tried to distract myself and continued watching one of Leo's videos about self deception, and I remember him saying something like "Whatever self deception you would find in Trump, you would find times a thousand in yourself" which freaked me out even more, I couldn't understand why we would find self deception in ourselves. I started restlessly running though the house feeling like I'm gonna freak out, I even got scared that I would kill myself because I thought I went insane., so I ended up taking some xanax to end this, which brought me back within just 20 minutes. This was so scary that I haven't taken mushrooms since then, except for 0.25g doses, but even these would give me anxiety. The weird thing is that this happened when the trip was mostly over, the peak was really amazing. I'm just wondering what happened there? Was I maybe close to some kind of awakening experience or ego death? I would really like to try mushrooms again, but this experience really scared me.
  4. So you mean prussian blue and high potassium intake wouldn't work? Did you find some articles about that?
  5. A while ago I watched Leos video about detoxing from heavy metals, and as someone who studied Chemistry for almost a decade now I have to say that the information in this video is very good, much better then I would expect from a typical "detox" video. I have to applaud Leo for doing proper research about this topic, there were a lot of things I didn't even know about. Chelation therapy is a proper treatment for removing many heavy metals like Lead, Mercury and Cadmium from the body. However, there is one really poisonous heavy metal for which chelation won't work, and that is Thallium. Thallium (element Nr. 81) lies between Mercury (80) and Lead (81) in the periodic table and is a metal you probably didn't hear much about besides it having been used for murdering people and as rat poison. In the test results Leo showed in his video the Thallium level was the 2nd highest right after mercury, but surprisingly he didn't even mention this metal once. Thallium causes peripheral nerve damage, hair loss and induces cancer, which is different from Lead and Mercury which mainly cause CNS damage. Acute thallium poisoning makes people feel like they are walking on red hot coal. Sources for Thallium exposure are Vegatables and fruits high in potassium, because Thallium acts like Potassium and therefore gets accumulated in these plants. Cement work, waste from the oil industry and smog from coal burning introduce Thallium into the environment as well. Lead, Mercury and Cadmium all have a charge of +2 in the body, therefore they bind with sulfur in proteins which usually has a -2 charge, thereby destroying them. Chelating agents like DMSA have negatively charged sulfur in the molecule which attracts the positively charged metals like a magnet. However thallium has only a +1 charge in the body and doesn't interact as much with negatively charged sulfur, so chelating agents like DMSA don't interact with it. In order to remove thallium prussian blue is used which forms an insoluble complex with it. Thallium competes with Potassium in the body, so making sure to get enough Potassium via Food, Potassium suppliments or by using low sodium salt (which has potassium added to it) is also very important for removing Thallium, besides other things these are the two main way you can get rid of Thallium. I would suggest doing more research about this yourself. Anyway, I hope this interesting and helpful to some people here.
  6. Exactly, you get it! Everything is love and we all want love and do everything out of love. Now you also have to look at all the things you don't like and realize that it's love, Hitler started world war 2 our of love, he just wanted to make the world better.
  7. No, this is exactly what turns people away from atheism. Yes, I just think that atheism might be the next step in for many people in their developement, I also was an atheist for 22 years of my life. And that's exactly what I'm trying to do when talking with religious people. I actually have a muslim girl as a friend I met on OkCubid, I decided it would be pointless to date her because her believe, so we remained friends. I sometimes just try to encourage her to question her believes while still being respectful, which sometimes even worked. She told me that her ex was mocking her religion saying stuff like "uh, Muhammed was a pedophile" and she broke up with him because of that. Religion is a huge part of their identity and ego, and therefore mocking it just turns them away. Same with atheism, I just wish people wouldn't so dogmatic about their believes, then we could learn a lot from each other.
  8. I don't think so, a lot of your looks like your facial structure is genetic, some people are just really unlucky. And a lot of it is also depends on your childhood, like if you have been breathing through your mouth a lot when growing up and didn't use your jaw a lot for chewing (which is a problem almost everyone in the west has due to modern food) your jaw doesn't develope properly and you get a receeding jaw and croocked teeth, which you can't really change much anymore once you're an adult. Gym can also only increase your looks to a certain level, your genetics and childhood developement put a cap on how attractive you can get. Personality is also very hard to change, it developes during childhood and when you're an adult you can't really change a lot about it anymore. Also, a genetic condition isn't caused by "your parents not giving a fuck", it's literally in the name, it's GENETIC. If your child has a genetic condition like downs syndrome, which is caused 3 of the 21st chromosome instead of 2.
  9. Yes, many don't know how to do this and get damaged by attractive guys who only wanna have sex with them.
  10. I'm actually vegetarian and agree with most of what vegetarians and vegans say, but I cringe at these agressive vegetarians and vegans, they just put people off and thereby ironically keep many people from becoming vegetarian or vegan, I would never judge someone for eating meat, I think it's okay in many circumstances and I also did it for 17 years of my life. These are typical strage green people and I see they are important in the developement of our society. Same with atheists, they are mostly typical strage orange people and an important step in the developement of society, Atheism is very useful and an definitely more developed then religious people, so I don't judge them. Same, I always cringe at my older comments, I probably will even cringe at the comments I'm making right now in a year, but that's a sign of developement. I just hope that many of these atheists will do the same, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
  11. I see so many posts here basically saying "If you're an unattractive guys, you can improve a lot, if you're an unattractive girl, you're screwed." It seems to make a lot of women here feel very insecure, and I also think it's simply not the case. Women are just as visual as men, an attractive guy has way more options then an average or below average guy. If you make a tinder profile with a very attractive guy, even if his profile text is horrible, he still gets a lot of matches. There was an experiment were someone made a profile with a guy that looks like a model and in his description he said he molested a child, he got hundreds of matches with girls messaging him saying they like "bad boys". Also, even an unattractive women has way more options then a average or below average guy has. These guys might not be the most attractive, but a lot of them are still great options, these women are just often not interested in them. If a guy looks attractive, women mostly also assume that they are more confident and have a better personality. I'm socially extremely awkward, and I had a really awkward video call with a few asian women from bumble who were really into me, after the video call, their interest in my did not diminish at all. I still think personality is important though, for both men and women. If a women who is interested in me is attractive but has a bad or boring personality, I would still wanna have sex with her (I try not to tho, it's unhealthy), but I wouldn't wanna date her long term. And there were also women I weren't really attracted to in the beginning but became attracted to them late on because they were really sweet, loving and compassionate, which is extremely important for me in a girlfriend. So I just wanna give girls who might be not so attractive some encouragement, and for guys to be a bit nicer. If you don't wanna date a girl just because she isn't attractive, you probably aren't really worth dating anyway. And I also would like girls to pay more attention and be conscious of how looks influence your dating choices, because it has more more influence then you might think.
  12. Of course, I didn't just believe it when I heard it, I just thought it was worth looking into.
  13. The weird thing is for a minority of guys aspergers seems to make their personality really cute and more likable, but for most it makes them less likable, and this is unrelated to looks. I know one guy with aspergers and he is way more likable then most people I know. Also from my experience it also seems to make me more likable, people often have much closer friendships with me. So maybe I didn't makes such a bad impression as I think, not sure.
  14. Yeah it's kinda sad. I was an atheist my whole life, in fact I'm really into chemistry. I think I saw your videos about god and oneness not even two years ago when I still was an atheist, and I just thought "hmm, that makes so much more sense then what science says" and I had absolutely no direct experience of it at that time. I just assumed that many other people, especially atheists are like me. You also came there from atheism. For me when I heard about god and spirituality, it answered almost all questions science and atheism never answered, so it was easy for me. Exactly, but they think almost exactly like religious people.
  15. So I saw a lot of posts on the r/atheism of people bashing religion and religious people, so I felt like I had to make a post where I explained why I religious people are religious, and that we have to be more compassionate to them instead of insulting them, because it just turns them off and makes them hate atheism. I got A LOT of hate for this posts, it has about 9% upvotes right now and moderators removed the post. I think it's pretty ironic because atheists often say they unlike religious people they wanna have constructive conversations, and then when I start one about religion they are just hateful and remove my post while saying that religious people are just stupid and we have to keep telling them that. This makes me kinda sad, I'm not religious nor an atheist, just like Leo I came to spirituality from atheism. However, I think atheism is extremely useful and it would be great if we get more religious people to get into atheism, but atheists just alianate them with this behavious. I feel like most of them have no interest in getting religious people interested in atheism and and just wanna show off how much "smarter and superior" they are compared to atheists.