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Everything posted by Fredodoow

  1. You're right, I simply haven't been going outside enough, recently, and spending too much time on the internet. However, if we're strictly talking the about internet world, don't you problematic that you can post "fuck white people" and get a pass but "black people" = banned, cancel etc... And before you say "because those people were degraded (or those people's grand grand parents) in the past)" well ask yourself, how in the world does that justifie it?
  2. He is not antagonizing, he made perfect sense to me...
  3. Even tho I've just started posting, I've seen your posts. You're delusional. Anything that doesn't fit your exact world view is delusional to you. You're jumping on every single thread to shit on every one who expresses the trouble that men, or white people face. I find your way of argumentating disgusting, lazy and profoundly stupid. You don't know what some white men have been trough. Completely denying the awfull terrible reality of white people in south Africa? I have relatives over there who have suffers in ways you can't imagine. I think you've actually suffered nothing (from seing your posts) but you have a victim complex. I just thought you should know. Therefore, you can comment on all my future posts if you want but I won't be acknowledging you or your comments, and I say that from the bottom of my heart, you racist, sexist maggot.
  4. I wasn't expecting any less of you, pretty india!
  5. @Parththakkar12 Plus historically white men have been pretty good at war. I hope they remember that before fucking with us too hard. lmao (just joking of course)
  6. @hoodrow trillson well I'm reassured that you answered that. Otherwise, yeah, I'm aware of that mechanic, and I see it clearly robbing my of both my energy and peace of mine... I mean it's worst than junk food, so I'm doing something about it. It's true that there is a gap between the internet and real life.
  7. @Parththakkar12 I just hope it does'nt get too crazy. Sometimes I think to myself, was that what the climate felt like, back in 1935 when the german started getting pissed at the jews? Now I'm not saying it's the same thing, even remotely, but sometimes it gives off this kinda vibe.
  8. @hoodrow trillson Ok now I have a very concret question for you : would you be saying the same thing about a paranoid ultra feminist who ranted about mysoginy being every where? Otherwise, I am strategically removing internet/tv/social media from my life, bit by bit, I doesn't do me any good.
  9. @Parththakkar12 You really think that's where it's coming from?
  10. I don't identify with mgtow, who I find moronic, or the red pill. (Except for the cool part about going out and picking up women). But what gets to me is this : I wish saying "kill all men" on twitter got the same treamtment as "kill all jews". That's it. Fair treatment. Would that be nice? I am planning a serious internet detox.
  11. @Godhead I guess it just gets to me that they get a pass. I wish saying "kill all men" got the same treamtment as "kill all jews". But no, I don't intent to make this a part of my life. I'm already cutting back on my internet... Just need to vent and to hear reactions and advices.
  12. @Husseinisdoingfine Could you extand on that? I mean, I actually honestly think you might be right, I'm just honestly curious what in my post gives of this impression.