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About samijiben

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  1. Again, who are we kidding here: On a very rudimentary and basic level, we have control over our bodies. I'm not taking about an abstract concept of control. Look at your hand. Move your fingers. You can do that. That's unequivocal. But can you move your neighbor's hand? No. Again, this duality does not seem to be a mental construction. I'm having such a hard time collapsing this duality even though I recognize it as such because for me it's too apparent and experientially true to be conceptual.
  2. How does one reckon with the seeming control we have over our bodies? I mean, how does one reckon that reality with the oneness and nondualistic nature of all things? How does one contend with the True Self, which by no means is limited to the physical body, when we clearly have control over this physical body and not others? I mean, doesn't it mean SOMETHING that we can move our hands, but not the hands of our neighbor? I guess you could respond and say that I am "imagining that they are my hands," and I guess I could get behind that, but when it comes down to it, let's not kid around here: We can move our hands. We cannot move our neighbors hands. The meaning of this? I don't know. That's why I'm making this post. But I intuit that there is one. It just can't be the case that it's absolutely insignificant to the nature of reality, epistemologically speaking... I was watching a bird today on my kayak. The way it moved was beautiful. I laughed. But then this entire conundrum arose. How is it that I can't control the bird's wings? If I am everything, why not? Anyways, I don't want to ramble too much, I hope the question I'm asking is clear. Thank you for answering my questions, kind people of!
  3. @Yimpa lol, I feel it A question for you, though, is where do you cut the line? I mean, you say you have no problem killing wasps and other such pests, but how big or intelligent or warm blooded or etc. does an animal have to be before you feel bad about killing it?
  4. @Nathan But, but, but.... How could you know that that's what goes on in the mind of the fly?
  5. @Osaid Man, thanks for that! It made me laugh it and it really cheered up my rather shit day! Thank you. I'm curious, how did you develop your writing style? Are you really into Shakespeare? I think the way you write is really cool, and I'm even inclined to take what you said as the word of God! In all seriousness, I really enjoyed reading this. You're great, man!
  6. @Osaid aha! So does this extend to all sentient organisms? Is there some kind of logic or system of organization to God's supposed rules? Would he permit killing a fly with the intention to eat it? Is killing a fly on the same caliber of "bad" as killing a human? All these questions are important and pressing to me, and they're why I can't simply accept that "God said it's wrong."
  7. @Someone here Ok. So are you saying that if I kill the fly quickly it's okay? Are you saying that the moral line here is between painlessly and painfully killing the organism? I'm not sure I understand. For me it's not about the way I kill it. I swat the sonnuvabitch fast, with one fluid motion of my swatter, rather like a ninja. No, the question I'm asking here is if I am somehow doing something objectively wrong or "unspiritual" by ending its life. My reason for killing the fly or bee or whatever is twofold: one is ending the buzzing which irritates and annoys, two is because, like I said, I take pleasure in it. It's just good old fun
  8. Is it wrong that I enjoy swatting flies? I mean, what can I say — I get a kick out of taking that pink fly swatter and ending the seemingly unending buzzing of whatever bee or fly unwittingly entered my living space. I don't mean to justify my actions. I am genuinely curious as to whether or not they are morally justifiable, and if God would have any qualms with killing another conscious being.
  9. What separates relative from absolute truth? How do we deal with the implications of educating between the two? How do we weed out conflicts in the image of the absolute, and how do we know that in the process we're not confusing that definition for our own relative terms? If there is Source, if there is the Truth or God or Whatever that they speak of, then what really is it, and what is it not? If it IS EVERYTHING, then that implies that everything is correct, and that everything is true. But if that's the case, then how does a society deal with edjudicating between right and wrong? Does God provide any morality? This is the ultimate question. And the answer seems to invariably lead to no. What???? God never actually gave us some moral compass, perhaps one akin to the "10 Commandments," to navigate the world and edjudicate conflict between humans!? Then what must we do? How must we deal with things? Who lies down the Ultimate Path? And, you see, you can't exactly answer with "oneself," because then the same problem appears of dealing with everyone's separate definition of what's true. What makes killing another man bad? What makes it wrong? God? I think not. So then the final question becomes: "If the Absolute Truth of Being has absolutely no bearing on how we live and act in the world of things, then is it really the True Truth?"
  10. @flowboy @aurum Thank you both. Your advice means the world to me. My specific problem is just this: lack of confidence. I do not feel "content" when I look in the mirror. Yet, somewhat mysteriously, my problem seems to be limited to my physical appearance. You would think that such an issue would stem from a deeper, internal issue, right? I thought the same thing. In fact, I have been contemplating this "issue" of mine for a little bit now, and it seems without source, without cause, without reason to exist. Why do I not feel confident with how I look? I feel confident with who "I" am, my hobbies, passions, interests, thoughts, etc., yet when it comes to my appearance... well, I'll stop repeating myself.
  11. Memories, Dreams, Reflections - his autobiography. It will inform you as to whether or not his domain is conducive to your interests
  12. Alright Ladies, here's my call for help I am 16, at a boarding school, in Israel. I just arrived, I'm here for four months, and God is it good to be away from my parents! They are mean and emotionally unstable, but that's beside the point I've already connected with many kids, the boys are cool here; some of them even into philosophy and God and such things. One of my teachers speaks about enlightenment, about Truth with a capital T, from a Jewish perspective. It's enlightening, to say the least. There are 18 boys and 40 girls in this program. A lot of the girls are very beautiful and I want advice on how to talk to them, connect with them, and more. I guess I'm just inexperienced. And also looking for advice for my unique situation. Any further advice regarding how to get the most from this experience would be greatly appreciated.
  13. @Leo Gura I suppose that's true, and "What's in it for me?" filters everything I look at. Spirituality means self-sacrifice.
  14. Leo, I believe that most of your audience, if not just myself, are still thoroughly entrenched in the Orange "MEME, and this means it influences our decisions and desires significantly. If the authors of Spiral Dynamics suggests that community and individuals alike can only evolve progressively - that is, stage by stage - then would it not be wise to focus more on the foundation of the tower before you reveal the clouds from the top? I'm sure you have a solid reason for catering your teachings more to the advanced mind, but with the objective of spreading your teachings to the most people, while greatly influencing them too, it seems that material to transcend orange (or green) is necessary. Can anyone otherwise point me in the direction of a solid and sure way to transcend orange?
  15. Thank you! I feel so grateful for the members of this forum. It's almost like having a guru of infinite wisdom at my disposal (if the right person answers!)