Hi Leo,I'm Kyle. I don't mean this in an arrogant way, I just want to send you Absolute Truth and Love. I have the ability to guide you to fully awaken God Consciousness into your heart and lower Chakras. That is, my spiritual teacher can FOR SURE help you FULLY FULLY FULLY awaken to not just Truth, but that the Truth that you are obviously able to tap into better than anyone I have ever met can be embodied as Absolute Love and Infinite Intelligence, 24/7, as the core of your own being. I have begun to see how I am paradoxically me (what The Human calls Kyle) and you, everything, everyone and God, in eternity. Your mind may be skeptical, but I want you to really feel into these words and have such radical open-mindedness (as you so brilliantly have explained and coined the term) that you are willing to die and reconsider you ENTIRE self-orientation. Please sit with this question; "Am I willing to die for Absolute Love to be granted and felt into my being, in me and as me
Also, if you would like to contact me, my main email is [removed] for some reason I was not able to sign up as this email... sort of weird, but perhaps there was a divine reason why I couldn't, wink wink hahaha.
Joy, Peace, and Love