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Everything posted by vizual

  1. I have seen video of civilian house blocks ravaged by bombs. That’s not tactical or strategic, unless the Russians are extremely incompetent. It’s just causing pure mayhem to put more pressure on Zelensky to surrender so that the Russian army doesn’t have to push harder through Kyiv and lose more casualties.
  2. Most likely crossing the border via Poland.
  3. By accepting that you suck and to see life as a learning experience. Make use of every opportunity to learn so you can be as effective as possible. And let’s be real; the internet has given us all the opportunity to do this. There are no excuses to not be learning and improving everyday. And this is also a very important philosophy in the East; in stead of hanging your self worth on the fruits of your labor, you bring your own fruit to your labor. We focus on being present with our work, we love the process. The goal is mastery, not exploitation.
  4. Putin looked at the west and thought the west went soft because of all the woke-ification going on; transgenders, animal rights, MeToo, environment etc. He never expected such an agressive backlash for invading Ukraine. He also has zero respect for Biden
  5. We don't know your end game Leo. Maybe your plan is to buy an island, gather hundreds of followers, make them work for you as your personal slaves, and finally order everyone to commit mass suicide, Jim Jones style, lol.
  6. @somegirl Not true though, he only has a couple of videos dedicated to Leo. And he probably made those for some spiritual Youtube clout chasing. Gotta build your channel somehow
  7. @Fleetinglife more whataboutisms and apologia for Putins crimes against humanity. Keep em coming brother, a couple of fancy words ain’t fooling nobody.
  8. I’m getting bored by the Russian apologists who continually try to use mental gymnastics to spin the situation in such a way that Russia somehow was forced to invade Ukraine and kill thousands of innocent people, lol. Bunch of clowns
  9. @Leo Gura The article said that the writer reached out to you to comment, is that true?
  10. They should go more after someone like that Bentinho guy. Who is talking about creating an 'enlightened city', being an alien, creating a social hivemind , targeting young girls with mental health issues so he can sexually abuse them etc.
  11. How do you even know that that is your highest desire? Because if it was, you probably wouldn’t even be asking that question on a forum
  12. Putin never saw Ukraine as a threat, lol. Quite the opposite, Putin saw Ukraine as a total joke. And he fears that if Ukraine becomes a Nato member, it will become an American puppet state. Just like Belarus is a Russian puppet state. So that’s why he bum rushed Ukraine expecting to take it over within a couple of days, with a complete disrespect of the Ukrainian armed forces. It’s clear he underestimated them and now has to use more time and resources to take over Ukraine than expected.
  13. Where is the option: i only watch YouTube videos? ?
  14. You should have people by their actions and the results they produce. Labelling someone a psychopath is not going to create a better world. I’ve also been called an asshole, psychopath, bad person, heartless etc. Is that true? No. The truth is that sometimes people are bitter and they will look to blame someone for their failures. Another truth can be that I made a mistake or bad judgment and that person used that mistake to label me as something evil. If an employer fires an employee doesn’t mean the employer is an evil psychopath, but it can feel that way from the perspective of the fired employee. It all depends on the circumstance. And the more powerful the employer is, the note difficult positions he had to make. It’s easy to be a ‘good’ person if you have no responsibilities, because then you can’t really fuck things up with a single bad decision.
  15. lol that website is just trash sensationalist gossip. Every click on that website is one too many
  16. @Preety_India lol, the Nazi argument is the same as the weapons of mass destruction argument of George Bush. It’s a deceptive and fake reason to cast fear in the civilians so that they won’t protest the invasion
  17. Over 2000 reported civilian Ukrainian casualties up till this point
  18. If there is a hell after life, these prosperity preachers are definitely the first ones in line to enter it.
  19. @axiom His fear could be deeper than that. An existential fear of Russia losing its identity when the West gets too much influence over Russia. He already saw Ukraine slowly 'westernizing' and feared the same thing happening to Russia. That the westerfication of Russia will make it lose its identity, and in turn, makes Putin lose his identity. Because Russian culture is the only thing he truly trusts, and if that slips away, Putin will have nothing to hold onto any longer. A fear of change can be pretty brutal on some people, even if that change is for the better. A lot of people rather have familiar misery, than uncertain bliss.
  20. At least he didn't abandon ship like the kleptomaniac coward Ashraf Ghani did when shit hit the fan in his country. Just like the Royal family fled my country during WWII. It's especially in the hardest of times that a country needs their heads of state to stay put and firm, act as a symbol for the sovereignty of your country.
  21. In defense of art; art has the ability to awake certain emotions in me that are close to impossible to awaken in me in real life situations, if that makes sense. It can make me feel things that I haven't felt before, and of course, make me see things that I haven't seen before, sensory wise. Is that valuable? Maybe, it can inspire me, which in turn, can make my life feel more meaningful. It's like; when the movie Top Gun game out everyone wanted to be in the Airforce, and they had a huge spike in people that wanted to join the Airforce. Of course you could say that that's just a propagandic function of art, just like how the dictators use art for their own selfish purposes. But this inspiration can also be used in responsible ways. A great piece of art can change the way I look at world. A new invention which is going to make my internet twice as fast is amazing, but it won't make me look at the world differently, nor will it impact me emotionally.