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Everything posted by AdeptusPsychonautica

  1. Guys… what can I say I’m sorry that your guru has agreed with my assessment from 18 months ago, you know the one you all got triggered by and said I had COMPLETELY WRONG. Perhaps try reflecting on what went wrong with your assessment there, could perhaps the same biases be in effect today? I think they are ? I’m sorry that you might feel a bit ridiculous right now, and so might look to divert the topic rather than acknowledge the obvious. I’m sorry my tone offends you, but I believe ridicule is one of the greatest tools in deconstructing the absurd. Im sure none of you have a problem with Donald Trump being ridiculed for his preposterous outbursts do you? I appreciate that I was a little bit harsh in some of my words, but to say you guys need to come down a peg or two is a massive understatement. The level of pretentiousness and ego is insane, to the point I even doubt you know the meaning of those words. Anyway, these threads are rarely productive so I shall say farewell. ??
  2. Whether you cognitively agree or not, the fact that you picked up a device and typed out your disagreement, while acting out entirely in accordance with my "assumption" is good enough for me. Perhaps next time you should just dream your thoughts over to me, it would be a much more convincing argument. As for the simulation/illusion/hallucination then I already covered this in the video around the 09:17 mark
  3. OK, let me chime in here and hopefully straighten a few things out. Firstly let me clarify my motivation for making this video and also the previous one about staying grounded, and its to and put the brakes on the kind of mentality that lead to the recent suicide of one of the members here on Actualized. I think a strong grounded foundation is critical for any kind of serious psychedelic exploration, and I would say that when that is not the case then we end up with Conor Murphys and tragic cases like Sunni. I would hope that this would be something that we can all agree on - that (regardless of what else is going on) we have bodies, and that we interacting with a physical plane of existence. No matter how much of it we PERCEIVE, it is REAL (the definition reality was in the video). Actions have consequences, and its happening independent of you - now if we cannot agree on that then you leave the door wide open to future Sunni's, and needless to say THAT WOULD BE BAD. Even Leo has said similar things in the light of these events (look after your bodies, actions have consequences, don't hurt your physical form) so I really don't think there is a whole lot of daylight between me and him here (Leo feel free to correct me). We need to look after our physical bodies, because they are (at the very least) occupying a physical plane, and the shit going around you (while not being the totality of reality) is real. I notice a lot of the usual silliness here and most of it has fuck all to do with the point at hand. The plane of reality I discuss within this video has ZERO impact on what you might want to believe about God, consciousness, religion, or whatever else - so calm your tits. I'm also seeing a lot of the same "everything is imaginary" waffle which is what led to the recent tragedy, I guess some things never change... ho hum. Now the argument I presented within this video is specifically to debunk the case put forth by Deepak within the documentary. You might argue that there are other additional factors that I didn't take into account, but that's not what I was debunking. Deepak put forward his case with some very specific examples in a mainstream documentary, and there were BAD easily debunkable examples. I used the full clip quoting Deepak, and included dictionary definitions of the words at hand, so he was not in any way misrepresented. I will say that I think Deepak Chopra is pretty notorious for his word salad bullshit and that I don't think there is much value in anything he says (most of which he just regurgitates from other more useful sources). So in summary all I would say is that if this (the case Deepak makes here) was the foundation you were using to understand reality then you probably should go back to the drawing board, because its an extremely flimsy basis which might make for a quirky soundbite but doesn't hold up to much scrutiny.
  4. @soos_mite_ah Thank you for writing such a detailed post and for seeing my video in the light it was intended. I hope others will follow your example ?
  5. That's not true at all mate, I have said many times that I personally have enjoyed and found value in many of your videos, so to frame my criticism as a vendetta against you or this forum is simply false. I have defended you against absurd statements on my own channel, have given kudos to you in conversations with other YouTubers, and I was more than happy to show support in the recent Connor debacle in which I completely sided with you - so lets not muddy the waters here. Still, if this particular comment from me has hit a sore spot then apologies, that wasn't my intention. I simply saw others within Actualized raise the same concern and thought you might appreciate an outside opinion.
  6. No mate, its my ammunition. I have zero problem with users like this. They bake the cake for me, so please don't interpret this comment as me complaining, and these guys are welcome to come test their mettle on my channel anytime. I am genuinely trying to help you here - Its your bad PR, just like Connor was your bad PR. Do what you will with that bit of feedback, its your house
  7. @Leo Gura for sure I acknowledge that, and it would be wise for those users to realize just how triggered they are. Still there is triggered, then there is TRIGGERED. After all the bulk of the membership here isn't acting in such a way, and the element that is is actively pissing off others within the group - hence, you have a problem. Of course I do not personally identify within this group so I am sincerely offering you this as an outside opinion, because it certainly does seem like you have a blindspot for this particular user which I do not think you would let others get away with.
  8. I would just mirror what users @Tetcher2 and @Derek White have openly said, and what many others have tried dancing around. @Preety_India is a complete embarrassment to this community. When people like myself refer to the cult-like element within this forum, then honestly this is precisely what we are talking about - she is the gift that keeps on giving. I must have received around 40 comments from her within the space of about two hours on my channel, and I see here that she was equally busy spinning that story over here, in the time between each of those. Of course she would paint that conversation as my immediate "calling her an idiot", but that's not quite what happened, and it took a good amount of attempted civility on my part before I could see I was pissing in the wind. You have a problem here guys.
  9. I figured a few of you are Martin Ball fans and so might enjoy this.
  10. They were people who said they knew someone who had an experience, and they said there was some stuff they didnt like. Personally if i was Psymposia I wouldnt have seen hearsay like that as valid evidence to try and accuse someone of being a sexual predator
  11. @Leo Gura Leo, you stated you would be interested in a public discussion and I (perhaps incorrectly, but I'm sure I am not alone here) interpreted that as you offering to have an on camera conversation - after all, our primary method of public broadcast is YouTube and that is where our collective audience is. That you expect me to engage with this forum rather than our common platform, and that you have ignored all my previous communications since your initial offer, makes the offer itself appear insincere and more like an attempt at damage control. My complaints and criticisms of your work are already out there so I don't need to rehash them, but I will address a couple of the points you raised in your response which can be found here - 1. You are absolutely NOT responsible for Connor, but you are responsible for YOUR treatment of Connor - clearly you agree at least to some level, because you have stopped calling him an unhinged lunatic and started treating him like a human being. So NO, you are not expected to "support" Connor Murphy, but you are expected to not be a total arse to him just because he is parroting you. 2. The disconnect of YOU calling Connor an "unhinged lunatic", for saying almost word for word the EXACT same things you say is utterly absurd. 3. I fully appreciate that going through a process on camera is messy, and when framed as a subjective stream of thought then I have zero complaint with that. My issue is that doing so WITHOUT that proper framing is irresponsible, and both you and Connor are making the same mistakes here. Sure we all say strange things as we go through our process, but your "I'm leaving video" makes many statements framed as objective fact - and not to state the obvious, but you made this video BEFORE your 30 days of 5MEO. So NO you weren't recovering from 30 days of 5MEO breakthrough... unless of course we are adding time travel to your list of abilities? 4. I have never made a video on your "5MEO in the bath" antics. All my criticisms and footage I have ever shown are specific to the "I'm leaving" video which I have stated many times, and I try not to get bogged down in the numerous "Look what Leo has done now!" requests I receive. I think the fact that you are bundling it into this situation and getting defensive about it, probably says more about how YOU feel about that "5MEO in the bath" video. If you want my opinion on it - then I think setting up a laptop in the bathroom for the explicit purpose of watching porn and masturbating in the bathtub while high, is simply an indication that you have an unresolved porn addiction rather than an expression of supreme spirituality. But hey - whatever rocks your boat dude. 5. Yes I am white knighting Connor, because sometimes people need a white knight. One can only assume that on some level you agree, because you did a 180, stopped making derogatory comments about Connor, reached out to him, and now everyone seems happier for it. This is the beauty of peeking outside of the echo chamber once in while, because sometimes the position you have needs to be challenged. Now that job is done I can ride my white horse home. 6. I have never questioned whether you are, or are not God, nor stated that you claim God is exclusive to you. This is a strawman of my criticism, so allow me to clarify. My criticism simply revolves around the abilities you claim can be unlocked by having had the God awakening - an awakening which according to YOU, you have gone through multiple times. My argument is simply that such abilities are completely delusional bullshit, along with the various ego inflations which seem to accompany it. I don't want to go through the entire video blow by blow, but here is one of your direct quotes to accurately highlight my position, and how your statements are being framed as objective fact rather than fluffy poetic subjective interpretations (see point 3 above) "I can help you to discover that you are God. When you do realize that you are God, this will instantaneously solve every single problem in your life, not only that but it will heal you, it will heal you of every disease and problem that you have" ...apart from porn addiction, chronic fatigue, digestion problems, and textbook narcissism I guess? We can clearly see that I absolutely acknowledge that your narrative is "God for everyone", and there are many more examples of this throughout the video, so why you latch onto this strawman is baffling. Its a real disservice to Actualized that so many of its followers make this basic mistake. Now as for all the various claims about psychic powers, nonduality, what all this means - that's something we could get into if you ever want to ACTUALLY ENGAGE with me, but I'm not going to spend any more time on this forum than need be. I signed up purely for the reason to take you up on your offer for a public conversation, but if that offer is no longer there or that I misconstrued it then this account is of no use to me. Forum based back and forths are often petty and unproductive, and I think you of all people know this, so why you would suggest it as an appropriate medium for a discussion like this is baffling - again it just reeks of the insincerity of the original offer. My offer for a conversation is still there, and as I think this whole debacle has perfectly highlighted - sometimes its good to be challenged. That challenge works both ways, and make no mistake about it Leo - you could certainly challenge me, and I think we could have a fascinating conversation. Despite how you might read my admittedly snarky and blunt comments, I have said many times that I greatly respect what you have achieved here with Actualized, and that you have done some superb work with great insights. I sincerely tip my hat towards you and encourage you to stick your head above the trench-line, because the greater conversation around psychedelics and consciousness will happen anyway - just without you. This is somewhat tragic because I think you have valuable contributions to make to the discourse that is happening OUTSIDE of Actualized, if you could just pull your head out of your own arse and be prepared to accept a few bruises to your ego. If you find me too much of an insufferable twat to deal with, then might I recommend "Your Mate Tom" who I know is also open to talking with you. I actually spoke with Tom just last night, and he's a great guy - very down to earth, and open to different perspectives. Yes we talked about you and, with some obvious caveats, we both reiterated that we appreciate your work. Maybe its time to leave the Howard Hughes persona behind, rejoin the conversation, and clean up the bottles of stagnant piss? One final point I would like to address is more to your fans who seem entirely obsessed with the notion that "I am here to cash in by milking the Leo cow". I find comments like this about views and subs to be extremely lame, but since I am already here and we are having a reality check then lets roll with this. Out of 102 videos I have made then 3 are about Leo (its really more like 2.5 since this last one is more about Connor Murphy, but lets round it up to 3). None of those 3 are anywhere close to my best performing videos - so NO, Leo is not a cash cow. My best performing videos are all related to substances (DMT, 5MEO, Amanita), so if we must use such crude analogies then SUBSTANCES are the cash cow by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. I'm sure even Leo can agree with me here that a video about 5 MEO will get more traffic than a video about Leo Gura, so if your opinion of me is that I am simply looking to cash in, then your argument makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE. I talk about Leo when he says something I think needs addressing, not because he is instant cha-ching ...because he isn't. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read all of this. Rob - Adeptus Psychonautica
  12. I'm addressing the Actualized members I see posting here rather than Leo, because I see the delusion is still running strong through this core group, so lets do a quick recap on what has now been confirmed by Leo himself, and then we can put this whole shitstorm to bed. 1. My criticism of Leo's attitude to Connor was a factor in Leo re-examining his position - so the criticism was valid 2. Leo has conceded on the example I stated about "instantaneously solving all problems, curing all diseases etc", that he was in fact exaggerating and speaking out of turn - so the criticism was valid 3. The framing of my criticism as "nuuuh, Leo never said ONLY he is God" is a strawman - a complete fiction you invented. This is just what we can agree on, and to be honest I could go on for a long time posting more quotes which I'm sure Leo would also agree are exaggerated, but the examples above are fine to make my point. So when the outside world says something like "this sounds delusional", and you all rush into defense mode and say "Adeptus is dishonest" or "Adeptus knows nothing", then just think back to this. It took a prick like me to stand up and highlight the truth which you guys all claim to hold so dear, and even now when faced with an admission from Leo, you still cling on to your fantasy, and it makes you look ABSURD. None of you had the spine to address the "exaggeration", none of you could even acknowledge that "yeah maybe he has a point, even if I don't like the way he said it", and even NOW that Leo has done the heavy lifting for you and admitted that there is some validity behind all this, you still struggle with reality. That you wrap this up in a framework of "enlightenment" and "truth-seeking" is insane, and this should answer your question about why Actualized attracts so much negative attention - you bring it on yourselves through your own defensive cult-like behaviour, and lack of critical thinking. Of course Leo cannot choose his audience, but when I see zealotry such as this then I feel embarrassed on his behalf - is this Actualized? Are you really even following Leo's work, or are you just a fanatical mob rushing to blindly defend any perceived attack against your guru? In terms of criticism this one is done, the ink has dried on the facts - try and learn from this experience, and move on. Leo - thank you for taking the time to respond. Regardless of our disagreements it is appreciated.
  13. Kudos to you for reaching out to him, its good to see something positive come out of this thing. I think there is a lesson there in regards to your initial reaction, because I think we can see with a bit of hindsight... it wasn't great. In regards to your offer of having to discussion to correct the record then I have messaged you and posted in this forum to try and arrange something, so if you are sincere then the ball is in your court. If you have changed your mind then that's fine, but please do me the courtesy of saying so - after all it was you who made the offer. Rob
  14. @Leo Gura Hi Leo - this is Rob from Adeptus Psychonautica, I have emailed you this morning to take you up on your offer for a discussion. I’m genuinely not looking to have a debate or argument with you, but rather a good faith conversation between two rational human beings. Please respond via email and we can work out the details. Thanks