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Everything posted by Hulia

  1. Yes, you cannot go on like that. Or you´ll end up as a loner. Horny and sad. You need some flaws! The start is good. At least one girl has rejected you. It makes you less repulsive now ?
  2. hehehe .. I just wrote him a message. I hate him. Nobody is allowed to be so perfect in seduction thing. He needs some flaws urgently
  3. You can do massage, play guitar and sing.. You have an excellent command of words - a poet. So fucking irresistable. I almost hate you. ? Good that it´s here just an online
  4. "..when God peoples.." :))) I read somwhere on this forum from some spiriotual guy, you don´t like
  5. Yes, I know. I saw his hands
  6. Hush! Don´t spoil me this guy! Did you hear him? He really thinks, he is the the most godly God of this forum. Humbleness has never been his strong point.
  7. I thought, you hate him Somehow, I have everywhere "i" instead of all the other vowels, "i" annoys me. It shouldn´t be there, but somewhere else.
  8. @Zeroguy I see, that you had had here quite a fillfilled love-life before I arrivied. Now I understand why you have deleted all the records of our dialogue. Hiding the traces!
  9. We love you too! Like for real!
  10. Well we live too far away from each other to have actually a genuine friendship/relationship. We have only this forum. What is wrong with people witnessing our convos? @Zeroguy is it true? And I thought, I was special
  11. Then go to your journal with cars and female butts, this is your space ? good night
  12. ...on your hairless developed chests? ? Good night!
  13. @Zeroguy Good for me that I haven´t colored my hair yet. Everything in vain! Nothing is good for you, my guy
  14. You want me stretched and fit? Bur choose the Schneider´s wife? Zero???
  15. No wild brunette? Whom then?
  16. Bon nuit! Vraiment And don´t forget the burgers!
  17. :))) Vous etes tres insistant mon ami. Mais je ne sais pas. Ne suis pas sûr..
  18. I just don´t want to offend you by objectifying, by reducing your personality to a single body part, you know
  19. What shall I do with his blondomania? It´s disturbing.
  20. This is what I´m keeping telling him. But the proud serb wants a helicopter instead. I guess, he need a Porsche not for work but for seducing my neighbor´s wife, who is blonde.
  21. I would rather do gardening. May I?
  22. There is a Porsche factory close to where I live, The rumours are, they are all the assholed there. No, don´t like Porsche. Too pretentious. And the guys who drive them too. @Zeroguy BMW is better. But please not too big - not good for environment.
  23. @Preety_India You know, Ivan looks too good. It would frighten me off. You just see that appearance matters for him. This type of men did always frightened me. Like I am afraid to hold on with them. I never invested too much time in my appearance. And than you have this perfectly looking guy on your side. It feels like I need urgently to go to beauty salon or something. And it´s too stressing for me.
  24. Why? Is your dick not as good as Ivan´s? Don´t worry! You have 3 Porches. And a firm striving to tomatos, I mean, stars. ?
  25. Who is a poet with a rifle? Ivankiss? Or is it a cummulated image of 2 random serbs? Zero with rifle, Ivan with poems?