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Everything posted by Hulia

  1. Don´t you see? It´s not a matter of allowance. They ARE as emotional and vulnerbale as they are. The question is: to hide it or not.
  2. @Gesundheit One more proof for you! Here is a song of a crying man. Alone. On the beach.
  3. Do you think other women cry more? Then it´s because I don´t have a boy friend in front of whom I could cry to awake his protecter-instinct and to have his attention. It confirms my theory. That women cry less on private than on public. And men cry more on private than in on public. We are balanced!
  4. I haven´t cried for years! No tears here and there. But I don´t cry asmuch as you! And I am a female ?
  5. This is what I call masculinity - Not restraining the tears, but holding to the thing which you find right without being distracted by some crazy swans
  6. What I am telling you is that women normally exagerate with crying since men understate crying. Not because of different emotional condition. But because crying might be helpful for women and troublesome for men. I think, crying alone is natural and more comfortable for all genders. I wonder, if somebody would count all the hours of crying alone for men and women, if there would be a big difference? I am not that unfair, I hate also men I just have my problems with this type of women. But there is also a type of men which I cannot stand: overconfident, overcool and almost aggressive type in their pursue of domination
  7. We are speaking not about crying per se, but about crying on public, or in front of a partner. (I have no idea, how often men cry or get emotional on private) What this white swan doesn´t tell you, dear men, is that for women crying in front of partner is not just expressing their emotion. It´s a proven method to get something, they want. Even if it´s unconcious, even if it´s intangible. Like love, attention, caring. This method works for women but not for men. This is the reason why women cry and men don´t. If a man wants attention and love, the last thing to do is to cry in front of his girl friend. As the swan-lady tells again and again he should give her a feeling of safety. Show her that he has everything under control. Nobody irrespective of gender has everything under control. But he should bear an appearance of having everything under control.
  8. Why are people interested in divine masculine growth? Why are you interested in? P.S.: I think, I just cannot stand this woman. So earnest, pathetic and stony.
  9. I don´t know, what menor boy is, but I am not misandrious. On the contrary, I solemnly allow men to be emotional as often as they are emotional
  10. Oh god.... Men, do you really need somone to tell you, when you are allowed to be emotional and when not???? Pussies! ?
  11. I like you. Many other people here like you too. You have a talent for writing. It´s so easy and entertaining to read you, no matter what you are writing about. Even those who are rude to you, it´s not necessarily that they don´t like you, it might be bad moods, bad temper or whatever. I heard somewhere that we prefer certainty (even the negative one) over uncertainty. So it´s easier for you to tell, nobody likes me, because you think it will spare you the pain when you confront with the unwished reaction towards you. The reality is that some people will like you, the others won´t, but the most of them will be indifferent because they are too busy with their own egos, and even when they leave some strange comments on your behalf, it´s not because they don´t like you but because it feels good for their egos. The problem is your thinking in the categories: liked - not liked Or just: your thinking Realise that this is not their not-liking-you that causes your suffering, but your thought of them not liking you. The thought. It doesn´t even matter, if the thought reflects reality or not. It´s a sheer thought that let you suffer and not the facts. When these so familiar thoughts of not being liked or being unworthy come, cut them. I assume you have been thinking these thoughts for many years, so they will come again and again - they´ve learned this route too good. The trick is to unlearn to think them.
  12. Osho is clever and funny. I can imagine, I would enjoy meeting him, talking and playing with him in his younger years, Maybe even have sex. He has this type of gaze, which is sexy, - steady and penetrating, black eyes. But he is not the one from whom you can learn something. Not in a classical sense. I don´t understand this obsession about him. My hero is Jiddu Krishnamurti.
  13. @mimi You are 20, you don´t need to ask your father for permissions any more. Just dress your way and go out when you want. What can he do? Reject you a pocket money? But these are the peanuts, you can earn them with some small jobs. Just do it. He might be outrgaged in the beginning, but he will have to cope with it after time. He will get used. The other side-effect is, maybe he stopps to see you as "a stupid, weak and easily manipulated creature". Stop pleasing him all the time, it hasn´t worked and it won´t work!
  14. It reminds of George Carlin. "The planet is fine. The people are fucked". The new ecosystems will form, no doubt, the question is, if they will be suitable for us to live.
  15. @Preety_India you are a witch. Witches have always been suspicious. People don´t hate you, they just don´t get you. It´s ok. Accept them and yourself as it is and relax. Relaxed witches don´t look that dangerous and cause less negative reaction And yes, sometimes it might be quite useful to shut up and be nice
  16. Stop denying our ukrainian awesomeness ? 2013-2014 I´ve discovered that there is a macro sample of me - Ukraine. A country where I happened to be born and grown up. Untill then I thought I am a cosmopolitan. P.S.: I am not very good informed about Serbia, just in general. But I´ll try to learn more
  17. Why haven´t you become a wealthy therapist helping people?
  18. Who tells it? Uktaine is not the strongest state, bit it´s definitely not the failed one. Even when our president flew and the country was left for some period of time ungoverned and the Russia began military intrusion, it hasn´t collapsed! Hey, where else it would be possible? The same peolpe who attacked governmental building during revolution, guarded it and the polititians inside (no matter good or bad), which acted strictly according to costitution: elected provisional government and organized new transparent and honest election. No chaos, no coup in spite of advatageous situation. A big part of popultaion has become volunteers since the state was almost impotent at that time. I would rather expect that Russia collapse with its demoralized population and a government which is held by only one person, with ruined institutions and zero opposition. What happens if Putin dies tomorrow or goes competely nuts? BS. Why should USA swallow Ukraine? Why it hasn´t swallowed Mexico which is next to USA? The most Mexicans want to live in USA, I assume. But instead of swallowing they even build a wall
  19. Because it´s his world- Fucking animals and children It has nothing to do with nationalism. We have broken a contact to our ukrainian relatives and friends living in Russia and supporting aggression against Ukraine, and vice versa some of my russian friends living in Ukraine have become the greatest patriots of Ukraine. Besides I don´t understand the nationalism. How can you tell the nationality? We all extremely mixed in terms of nationality. It´s all about state form. We Ukrainians deeply despise the authoritarian forms of leadership / government. Don´t you see? We can never never live with russians in one state, in one society. The Russians are after greatness and we want Freedom, fuck the greatness! Even if we haven´t been successful during the centuries and turn sometimes our struggle into circus (we just hate to be pathetic), it´s our deepest wish, which has survived hundreds of yeas of tsars and soviet dictators. It´s not the same. Ukraine and Russia have been since more than 30 years two DIFFERENT INDEPENDENT states. Russians have absolutely no right to impose on us their concepts and ideas. They can do it in their own country, the bastards, they have enough of it.
  20. Or he sees a potential sexual partner. Putin likes to fuck little boys and dogs.
  21. I think a problem with truth is, that many perceive it like a solid rock in the changeable sea of life. Something substantial to hold on. That´s why this urge to find it. To hold on. But it´s exactly the opposite.
  22. I think he means, that we memorize thoughts in which we beleive and vice versa we don´t beleive in something, that we cannot recall. Like who is that guy... Lesus? Jaha? What was special about him? Shit, I forgot! Now I know, why my memory is so bad. I am skeptic!
  23. He tells, that there is a lot of good simple people in USA, not establishment, but simple people, which he appreciates a lot and will lean on them also in the future Trump might have lost, but his supporters are still there.
  24. Yes, but it´s not that they are so clever, the average man is too dumb