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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. If by mind you mean human mind, then it depends; otherwise, everything is a construct, which means, for example, if you don't eat, you would get hungry even if eating is a construct, which will make you unable to keep being aware that it's a construct.
  2. @Vynce, YES! I had an emotional outburst from that video. I couldn't stop crying.
  3. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I was thinking of buying the spore syringe of that mushroom a few days ago. I can't wait to grow some mushrooms.
  4. Meditation is nothing compared with psychedelics for awakening. The effects of psychedelics are just too radical, instant, mind-melting, beautiful, otherworldly, highly direct, etc. However, I think meditation may be helpful to understand the workings of your ego and develop your concentration. If you do long retreats, you may have some realizations or insights, but they would never ever be like those ones that psychedelics offer. Furthermore, you have to consider many factors to know which one, when, and for what purposes is right for you. I haven't meditated for about a year. For now I don't see myself gaining anything from it. I would rather work on my career and life, have a bit of fun, learn and understand interesting stuff, and have awakenings than tire myself with meditation with little to no results. To be able to seriously meditate, first of all, you have to want it, and second, you have to calculate a lot of stuff so that you don't easily get distracted. FYI, I have done a meditation retreat for a month before at home for about 5 hours or more per day, as I can remember. Although I did daily meditations for short periods of time regardless of the retreat.
  5. @Leo Gura, so, basically, meditation for discipline and psychedelics for awakening?
  6. I don't know. But Leo has been deliberately avoiding getting popular. I think Leo wants people who put an effort into finding him without putting his videos under a paywall, although people could also be lucky. But what I'm trying to say is that influential people could use him by labeling him as bad, evil, etc., and then the media could catch up on him. And then people could investigate the posts without proper context, which could end up badly. I hope not.
  7. That won't surprise me. I have long ago read and watched other people's takes on Leo on the internet. I'm more worried about Leo being misrepresented or used in politics by influential people.
  8. I think Leo going popular is gonna end bad, especially with the help of people like Joe.
  9. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ Also, I don't think you would want to be surrounded by people who are significantly less developed than you. Your financial independence could enable you to permanently leave that place; however, it would require you to learn a new language. Ah, I love these challenges; they tickle my mind.
  10. @Leo Gura, it's very difficult. There is way more social pressure. You must be 1000 times more careful about whom you befriend. Being alone is a luxury. There will be a huge development gap. ... Those all take a toll on your mind. Furthermore, obtaining psychedelics can be risky due to the legality, limited choices, and uncertainty about the quality of these sources, if they exist at all. You could lose your job or be ostracized for it. However, all of that makes it more motivating for finding solutions, at least for me.
  11. @Princess Arabia, well, those aren't the Cosmic Premium Ultimate Deluxe Plus+ package. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. @integral ๐Ÿคฃ
  13. @integral ๐Ÿ˜
  14. I just calculated the time it takes when it goes green. I touched it as fast as possible by looking at it going green knowing when it would go green.
  15. What do you mean by pre-clicked?
  16. It's not about accepting or not. It's about abuse.
  17. @MsNobody, stay strong. @How to be wise, do you understand that a child is different than an adult?
  18. The last blog post โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. @How to be wise, children aren't developed enough to understand and handle the consequences.
  20. Psychedelics are not narcotics. Although it's quite difficult to go through a psychedelic experience. It's insane. You wake up as if you're waking up for the first time. It's like pulling the rug out from under your feet. Most people would not be able to handle it.
  21. @Daniel Balan, it seems that you still think that things exist outside of your experience.
  22. Me too. Eyes open or closed, it didn't matter. I also experienced changes in my Auditory field. I was hearing sounds in new ways. Sensory field. I was feeling my body very intensely and thoroughly.