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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. @Leo Gura That's the thing I don't understand when you say you can imagine and create anything you want. Does it mean I imagine what's happening now and can imagine anything (live the life I want) or is that you can automatically change how you perceive anything? I'm just curious.
  2. We can simplify it like this. A thought is a thought. That sentence is a thought again. You will get stuck when you think about something which references to the thing which you are thinking about. So, you can't solve this by thinking. You have to realize that it is a thought. Being silent or aware of your thoughts can help to get past that point. Hold this thought in your mind. This is a thought. Realize that that is a thought too.
  3. I love conceptualising, which is a trap for this work. After I watched a bunch of Leo's videos, I started creating Leoism (this was few months ago), beacause of his huge influence in my life. It was so hard to break out of it. So beware of your constructed beliefs.