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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. @roopepa What do you want from any of this? If you want to know something, why should it be frightening or scary?
  2. @machiavelli But why should you care posting radical stuff? What's the point? Don't post for a week and see what happens. I have done the same thing. Now, people don't even like my post. And I rarely post there. It wastes your time. When I stopped posting, I realized that, mostly, I was doing for the likes.
  3. @machiavelli But why do you do it? When people don't understand what's being said (if you truly know about it) they will think your weird and weirdness is generally a bad sign in mainstream. Even if they like it, most of them don't understand it. Facebook is not the right place to say or post spiritual stuff in my opinion.
  4. @Gabith Even if it is a cult, it does not matter. What matters is that what do genuinely want to know or understand something in this case. But if you do that you will realize that it is not a cult. And what makes a cult a cult. Well, Leo has books on it and you can buy and read them if you haven't read them already. Even Leo stresses that don't believe him and watch or study others. Or maybe I am a cult member who tries to justify that Leo is not a cult leader. Or maybe question what is a cult and how it starts to develop. How do you judge whether someone is in a cult or is a cult leader? That's not obvious. And where did you get the idea of a cult? E.g. You might say there is a cultish behavior around here. But I would say that it is not special to this environment only. You can find it anywhere else (in your family, friends, etc). And, of course, would a cult member reply to you in this way?
  5. Don't know if this is related to the topic, but @Leo Gura Are the breadcrumbs also my imagination that there is this thing called God to be realized?
  6. One of the important lessons is to make good distinctions. That's the problem here. Once, I wanted to kill myself, because I was questioning myself too much. But you have to go deeper and realize that killing the body is not the same as killing yourself and even making that distinction does not mean that you have realized what you are.
  7. I am discovering my hidden emotions.
  8. @The0Self Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the suggestions.
  9. @RendHeaven Unfortunately, can't book a plane ticket. Got a really long way to go.
  10. @RendHeaven When you move "upwards" does at some point deconstruction become limited? If it does what happens at that point? What comes next? Just curious.
  11. Why not? And I think it will be good if he knew what you think about him before having a conversation with him.
  12. It was awesome! A different view of Leo. It was refreshing.
  13. His way of communicating makes people either follow or not follow him, which makes people be serious with him.
  14. Happy Birthday Love and Respect
  15. It is mostly for children and entertainment. Even when someone is teaching valuable there, it can motivate you a little bit, but you won't put the time to work on yourself. I have created educational and entertaining content there. Eventually, it turned mostly into soulless and robotic work.
  16. @Swarnim What I have noticed in my experience is that wanting is different than actually having an experience (It's a subtle, but important difference). Confusing those with each other will waste your time.
  17. Isn't the point of this conversation that reality is perspectival? At the end of the day, everyone will trust only their own experience as much as you convince them otherwise. Or am I not getting it?
  18. @supremeyingyang It worked. Thanks.
  19. No. Imagine that you have never eaten an apple and someone says to you that there is this thing called apple. He/she describe what is an apple. (Not) believing in it does not change the fact that you have never eaten an apple. And it does not matter if most people say that they have eaten it. It could be useful to believe in that, but you have not actually eaten it yet.
  20. The fact that the earth was believed to be flat means that it can be believed to be anything. E.g. sphere, round, egg-shaped, etc.
  21. @Swarnim I feel you. When I knew that there was a more "quick" way to mystical experiences and awakening I started thinking about forgetting spirituality. It was one of the worst things that happened to me, because, like you, I don't have access to substances. But later it became obvious that I didn't care about the truth. All I can say is to sit and realize that you know nothing.
  22. I think there needs to be a How to know if you spiritually gifted video series.
  23. I do not know any forum that values honesty, open-mindedness. is a rare kind of thing that can change your life and it deserves its appreciation. Every video is special in its own way, but the one video that made me to open up to new kinds of things was outrageous experiments in consciousness. Especially, the part when Leo is speaking about love between him and god. And of course the members who put time and effort to respond consciously to new comers and try to open you up to new ways of thinking, ... . Thank you.