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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. @Schizophonia 🤗 I get emotional when I know someone is traumatized because of abusive group. 🥺
  2. Every month, they come with their books and knock on my door.
  3. Wasn't AI an impossible thing a few years ago? Companies are already working on integrating AI into the workplace. An immediate replacement won't happen. It'll be gradual. People will have jobs, but they'll be more managerial and/or creative, I guess. Companies that value people's lives will train them to have the necessary skills to keep working for them. But these companies are rare.
  4. @Leo Gura Would you consider joining those kinds of communities to learn a technique? When you say techniques, do you mean the ones that aren't human inventions? Can't you intuit or know if the techniques in those communities work or not by having done other techniques? They might even be a trap for getting you in and staying stuck like them, which might corrupt your previous awakenings. My intuition tells me to not waste my time in those communities and do psychedelics, meditation and/or rely on and work on my mental faculties.
  5. Yeah, I meant that. Why wouldn't it be mostly BS? Can't you brainwash yourself into thinking that you're awakened by doing the techniques? I've had some minor awakenings, and I can tell that a lot of people, especially in the religious and spiritual circles near me, haven't even reached that, but they talk as if they have gone beyond what I have reached, even if mine is minor. Either I'm wrong about them or they are totally brainwashed.
  6. @Leo Gura Do you think you can awaken someone with your content? I don't think you would be awakened or reach higher states without psychedelics. Am I wrong? Can't someone delude himself enough to speak of the same things as you do? I agree with you that techniques have their limits. I think the more the technique is surrounded by human BS, the more it's easy to brainwash yourself. How do you measure the limits of the techniques? Would you learn a technique if there's a high possibility of brainwashing yourself with human BS and wasting your time for the same or even better results?
  7. @Leo Gura So it's the state change that matters. But how can you determine if others had actual awakenings if they speak like you? If someone told you he or she had an awakening without doing meditation or psychedelics, would you say they were deluding themselves?
  8. @Leo Gura Can't contemplation awaken you, like meditation? Are awakenings possible only with meditation and psychedelics?
  9. You don't see how problematic it is. I was just giving you an example of how bad your situation could have been.
  10. @Schizophonia Imagine a place where having a girlfriend and not informing her brothers and not planning your marriage with her and your family is extremely insulting. 😁
  11. @Thought Art He is either a comedic genius or doesn't know that it's a trap.
  12. You are right. What I meant is that at least OF girls are trying to do their work, even if those guys are being dramatic about it. Just be a little bit nice to OF girls and be genuine. They (but not all of them) will see that and will care a bit about what you say and want. Am I wrong?
  13. Yeah. Those are the ones who don't have a lot of emotional satisfaction and are "logical". I mean, just appreciate and respect that they even do it for you without caring too much about who you are (not saying that OF-ers are above anyone and you should be a doormat; they can be very deceiving).
  14. Fake or not, I have had interesting conversations with a few of them. Some of them are just doing it because they love it. But it'll be way harder to connect with them because they see you as a client first and foremost. They can't trust your sincerity immediately.
  15. @Leo Gura I PM-ed you four days ago. Please, would you read it in your free time?
  16. @Carl-Richard Every community is based on some faith. What differentiates religion from others, regardless of its purpose, is that it justifies lifestyle with spiritual talk and spiritual talk with lifestyle. The technique doesn't matter, or it even makes their beliefs stronger. Think of vision as reality, and you've only been wearing one type of glasses. You don't have the experience of changing or even removing your glasses.
  17. @StarStruck It's all about increasing your chances or luck of getting a job. The hiring process is a BS that you have to go through. But I guarantee that money will not be worth it if your group or environment isn't supportive, uplifting, inclusive, and doesn't value fair competition. There are a lot of lucky people who like to boast about how hard-working they are, but they just had the right amount of luck, regardless of their intelligence.
  18. Be careful not to use that to justify what you find disgusting.
  19. I agree. But there are levels, and they do matter.
  20. Religion is like a crude game inside a game inside a game. The only way to awaken from that game is to not play, because it wasn't made to awaken in the first place, which paradoxically makes awakening possible. But other games might be different. The techniques can make you even more locked in that game.
  21. That story is actually about rape. Anything else is religious BS.