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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. 😂 Basically, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The holy trinity of the war.
  2. @nhoktinvt Realizes that masculinity isn't the end all be all and understands that he can embody it in different and healthy ways that might not be considered masculine by people. His understanding of masculinity or femininity comes from self-reflection, and he doesn't view the world from those perspectives all the time. Also, your question depends on where people live and how developed they are. In less developed countries, people have very narrow and dogmatic views about it, even if they work. It's more fear-based.
  3. @Princess Arabia Maybe. I don't remember. I also lived with Muslims and Coptic Christians. But that was before living with Orthodox Christians.
  4. @Princess Arabia I could, but it's still useful. I got a real-time understanding of religious people's minds. I can talk with them, but they are so arrogant about their views about spirituality that it makes me sick. I enjoy talking with atheists or agnostics more. I live in a third-world country, which is the first Christian nation. They don't know what direct experience even means. They still believe that meditation is satanic, are conspiratorial-minded, and, especially the priests, project their fears on non-religious or other religious people by having read some occult stuff in a superficial way (of course, judging from their limited Christian perspective).
  5. Sorry, I'm also allergic to the word religion. Got a huge dose of it back then.
  6. @vibv @Princess Arabia The question is: How much and what change is good? @vibv I think that those kind of communities already exist.
  7. @vibv I don't think there can be a "religion" without a leader. @Princess Arabia Then we should specify what kind of religion we are talking about. I'm not against it.
  8. @Princess Arabia Well, we can change the definition, but wouldn't that make it complicated? Why not say spiritual community? Or maybe a word that is more direct.
  9. @vibv Everything depends on how you define it. Maybe religions are having trouble surviving in this era. It doesn't matter how pure or corrupt they are; they are meant for ignorant people. The pollution starts when people who have some direct experience start teaching others without giving them the ways to do that or just by telling them. How can you trust that all of them got you? How would they know what direct experience is? That process is so internal that you can't prove to others whether you get it or not, even if you say the right words. When religion is formed on it, don't you see that the pollution gets polluted, no matter how the spiritual texts are written—with the same words or changed? And this is only the spiritual aspect of religion. A lot of religious people believe that they are the chosen and most truthful ones, but they don't really think through that, not even the teachers. Nowadays, they can openly tell others that there can be many truths, but they believe otherwise. Maybe in the past, religions were useful for people, but they were still dumb to the people who actually had the luxury to experience life more fully.
  10. @vibv Religion can't exist without dogma. You have to be religious in order to have a religious experience. Those people cannot tolerate, from their point of view, such vulgar and filthy environments.
  11. @Incognito It's one of the best tactics religions use to keep their followers dumb, and it's how they generally survive. The interesting thing is that you don't have to be or act like a madman to get the same or "better" result. That's way more sneaky.
  12. I'm generally easy and open to talk to, but I don't have friends. I love it and enjoy being alone. Maybe in the future, I will have friends. I'm leaving this in the universe's hands. I'm too selfish to have friends right now, and I don't want their selfishness to creep into me in the name of selflessness.
  13. You can apply for a job as an intern and learn along the way if you doubt that you can make it all work by yourself, or for higher positions if you are more confident and actually know your stuff. If you haven't worked for a company and want to try it, you will get a bit disappointed because often there will be some repetitive stuff and other things. You have to be passionate enough or have a good enough reason to ignore the things that you didn't think would be part of the job. Eventually, that stuff would bother less. I think you should do some research on what Leo wrote and give it a try. Maybe something better pops up along the way.
  14. Happiness is conditional and important to some degree. It works like luck. E.g. Watch some good comedy shows for a week or month.
  15. Sorry, I hope you didn't think that I was attacking you. But I was a little bit mean. What I meant was that you don't have to be forgiving to religious institutions for not liking people's behavior here; testing their limits, going extremes, or else, which doesn't have to be what you called "cargo cult". Of course, there are people who do that; they tend to be religious. I think there are sneaky deceptions being played here. What's interesting is that seeing people here as cultish, religious, or something that is insulting to your intelligence at some point becomes your enemy; you start to use skepticism to feel how clean and objective you are, which to a certain degree is true. You start to become skeptical of your abilities because you know that you can be deceived, forgetting that skepticism might be part of the deception. And there are other things that can be said, but my head is starting to hurt (I wrote a lot of things but then deleted them; they could be misunderstood). ?
  16. You are doing the same thing as the ones you're criticizing. Go be religious (which I don't recommend) and then criticize the people who are at least trying to understand their limits. I agree with you that trying to do it sober can get you nowhere over time, and we should use the tools that the teaching requires. But the thing is that religious people are generally in a much worse situation when it comes to spirituality. And the people who aren't using it are just trying to find out how far they can get (which can get delusional if you're not careful) without using it until they finally get psychedelics safely.
  17. @Leo Gura Let's say it's appropriate for the ones who are the opposite, do the principals for men and women stay the same or do they switch?
  18. Is the game appropriate for only masculine men and feminine women?
  19. @Leo Gura Are all types of girls the way you describe them fundamentally?
  20. Well, spend some time doing nothing. I have had days and still have days that are very mundane or enjoyable when I do nothing. Sometimes it is important to do nothing. By nothing, I mean unconsciously doing things, healthy or unhealthy.
  21. Do they pay for everything for you? If they want to pay, enjoy as much as you can, but you will have disagreements, and they will control you for the rest of your life. Even if they don't actively control you, they will still have a say in how you should live your life. You can use that time to get out of that situation. I sense that you don't have a good relationship with your family. Am I right? If they are paying, then there needs to be some understanding between you and your parents.
  22. Is that expensive for you? If not, why not? I'm not saying not to enjoy yourself and have a good time.