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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. Also, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that, from your perspective, they aren't strange. And you don't have to care about survival in order to see them as strange. This is about how you feel towards them, not about survival. Also, why should you care about having babies? If you think deeply, you will see that survival made you think that way. There are straight people who don't care about having babies; are they also inferior? If survival demands that you manipulate people and you start to become aware of its problems, wouldn't you change yourself?
  2. @Twentyfirst You are using survival to justify why it's not normal to be attracted to the same sex or have different experiences of who you are. If you say they are weird, then you would also have to say that you are also weird. They understand that they are different than most people. They just want to be treated humanely. Survival can be brutal. But why not be more just? Isn't it truthful to acknowledge their right to exist? These issues don't have to be unnecessarily mixed together. If some alien civilization attacked humans for not having advanced technology for survival, how would you feel? I bet you would want to acknowledge your existence as a human, right? Or would you go with them, even though they hate you for being a human and treat you like a slave? And they say things like, What a weird creature; they can't survive like us.
  3. If, so then you are confusing different problems and you're using this to invalidate their existence.
  4. @Twentyfirst So, if you don't have a baby, your existence is inferior?
  5. @Twentyfirst Then you would also have to admit that you are strange for being straight. Why should you be like everyone else? Isn't that strange? When they want to be normal like you, they want to be accepted like you. That's what I think the LGBT community is for. It only takes a loving parent to say that they love them, however they are (I don't think that this can solve all of the problems that they have). Even though I know that straight kids aren't appreciated that much, it's way worse for LGBT people.
  6. @Twentyfirst Do you think that the normal people you speak of are pure of heart, wise, intelligent and aren't shoving their "family values" into their kids? Imagine not being accepted for who you are, being compared to murderers, etc., and being gaslighted for being weird. For that, them being the way you described is more justified. They see all of your "questionings" about them as an attack on their existence because you are more comfortable expressing yourself than they are.
  7. The comment section of that video is also interesting.
  8. @thenondualtankie I don't know about others, but I have watched his videos like 5 times a day. So, of course, it had an influence on me. I'm glad that I can speak bluntly. Back then, I would nicely disagree with others that they wouldn't notice it. But I like both of them.
  9. @An young being The whole problem is that how can you respect others if they can't respect you? What if respecting others means the destruction of your life? Do you see how deep this can go? This is the relativity that traditionalists don't understand. Also, what does it mean to not respect? For a traditionalist, not having "traditional values". For that, you will be handled brutally. So, how can you respect them? They will gladly believe without any doubt that they are right and objective. But they are far from being objective. But I also understand that you can't do anything in the beginning or most of the time. So, gaining respect can become a waste of time. Why do I have to live my whole life in order to gain respect? I would eventually devolve into being like them. So, it would be more effective to find other solutions, regardless of my feelings about not being respected.
  10. If it were that simple. It's not easy to keep it as a secret when it has an influence on how you live. The activists are not only there because the government does not accept them. But I agree with you that in Iran, it's more scary. The traditionalists need a slap in the face.
  11. That video instilled fear in me.
  12. @Ramanujan Get an internship. I recommend applying to a company that at least values the mental health of its workers. Build your CV. Create a profile on LinkedIn and start searching for whatever positions you are comfortable with.
  13. I have been searching for resources about it, but I want your advice on how to be careful about the scams. Can you really learn it by using educational platforms like SkillShare, Udemy, etc., or by joining a membership or purchasing immediately from the teachers, or do I have to go to a physical art school? I found so many resources that I feel that I can't be fooled that much, but who knows? I have been observing how they advertise or describe their work.
  14. There are other ways, besides getting a green card, to move to developed countries. E.g., applying for a job and moving there.
  15. Hi. It's nice to know you. Thanks. Recently, the situation has gotten more brutal. I'm not that involved in politics (mostly ignorant of it) or any kind of movement, as it messes people's minds up too fast. Too much groupthink and too little self-reflection.
  16. @Buck Edwards Xenophobia, homophobia, and other good stuff. 😄
  17. I haven't watched any documentaries, so I'm going to start from my country.
  18. @Yimpa I think that it's an embodiment issue. They give you an immediate value that you get stuck repeating in the old ways. I think that people, if they want it or need it, should integrate it into their lives in a more safe, direct, educational, open-minded, honest, and creative way.
  19. @Princess Arabia It's my first cat. I love cats, maybe because I'm born in the year of the cat in the Vietnamese zodiac.
  20. @Julian gabriel The less he is active, the more his content will be high-quality and revolutionary at this point, I think. Other spiritual or religious people have repeated the same stuff over the years, whether they know what they're talking about or not, but he just doesn't care if he's perceived as right or wrong, good or bad, spiritual or not-spiritual, and comes to some conclusion by himself. Now that's a teaching by itself, you can learn.
  21. It's the side effect or even the purpose of every kind of group. People get attached to the idea of the value that the group promises to provide, but either it fails, the users fail, or both at the same time. And this is just a surface-level problem.
  22. When you replace other ways of being. I think addiction is inevitable; we just have to know when we're doing it too much. It's difficult to differentiate the addiction from the actual thing, so don't judge hastily.
  23. You are right. Some have unrealistic expectations of this forum and the users, and I think it can't be better than this.
  24. They are like those YouTube channels that show or give you a license key for software, often they don't work, and they don't know or mention that forums exist that provide legit cracks and keygens for software. Idk, maybe I'm wrong.
  25. @PurpleTree I love how casually you write with your dead serious face and say, "... doing the shiftings". 😄