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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. Well, I haven't yet decided where to live, but the less problems I can get into, the better. Also, it's not also the laws that matter related to psychedelics. People here view it as a narcotic drug. People don't even know what psychedelics could be used for. Maybe a few. I'm like in a Christian cult. 😅
  2. @Salvijus Let's not continue discussing my frustration here. And I don't think it's obvious to you.
  3. @PRai1ND1A Maybe the number of guests is also counted.
  4. @Salvijus You don't have to understand my frustration, and you didn't. Thanks for recommending places, by the way.
  5. @Salvijus Well, I'm expressing myself directly.
  6. They are boring as hell. I have seen enough of them. I don't search for miracles in "sacred" places.
  7. @Salvijus I smell something coming from you.
  8. Season 4 has, in my opinion, some great episodes. I have watched it all. The last one is the best. Season 4 isn't full of surprises, but it's good. View this season as a "bridge" to something radical.
  9. I will also consider the political situation over time, especially the laws on psychedelics (I don't want to worry too much about trying it). I have trust issues. 😂 I know.
  10. @Schizophonia I'm thinking of traveling through a travel agency. I just want to see different places and faces. Also, I'm thinking of moving to maybe Europe in the future. Maybe a visit could help me understand a bit before moving there. I have saved about 5k, but want to spend as little as possible.
  11. @cjoseph90 Added in the list. ✅ How's the weather out there? Also, recently, there have been anti-tourist protests in Barcelona. Wouldn't that be problematic?
  12. I think, in one way, understanding can be defined as becoming conscious of the connections between things.
  13. I meant that you would understand that you were overthinking and then decide to do meditation or something else to calm down a bit.
  14. I agree, especially when it's a unique situation. I felt like giving an "advice", which was more of a suggestion, because Yimpa had no control over you while he was being funny by posting out of context things. However, I agree, people can be annoying, which might also depend on my mood. I understand you. I will try not to casually give you a suggestion, no matter how harmless or appropriate I think it is.
  15. Respectfully, you don't have to take my advice, which was appropriate. You decide.
  16. @bambi I somewhat agree. But if you care too much about what someone should, could, or would, then you'll waste your time.
  17. @Someone here That could also be the case. Did you notice that you also understood that?
  18. @bambi I don't think anyone here can really impose and mandate their values onto you.
  19. Because you understood that you need happiness in your life, or maybe understanding makes you happy.
  20. @Yimpa You are fun! 😁
  21. You trying to embody a thing implies that an understanding has happened before that.
  22. @Emotionalmosquito But relying only on money to solve all of your issues is also problematic. But yeah, it's important.
  23. Sorry, I wasn't asking you to be. Forgot to type "I".