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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. They could be rating movies by that logic. But the IMDB rating is 8.7/10 and 73% by the Rotten Tomatoes. So, by their rating, it is not the best movie.
  2. Remember, people can love movies for different reasons. If it's loved by lots of people, it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Your attack on Nolan makes no sense, to be honest. You are focused too much on the hype of the movie.
  3. @thedoorsareopen, the grass is greener on the other side, I guess. As I remember, Nolan discovered lucid dreaming, from which the movie "Inception" was inspired.
  4. @HMD, It's a very small country. A big Islamic country separates us.
  5. Why and how did governments provide those services? To think that the government is a separate entity that provides services for our hearts says little about itself. Although I agree. There are some people who complain too much.
  6. He said that he was on a live debate. He is just frustrated that religious people are dogmatic, take scriptures literally, and have conservative values. You will dream of having a secular life when religious people are in power.
  7. My damn water is turned off exactly at midnight. Sometimes they turn off during the day.
  8. There are more than 4,000 monasteries and churches where I'm from, and almost all people are Christians. 😁
  9. Focusing on religious people too much can cloud your judgment, and you might eventually become a fundamentalist of some sort.
  10. No need to be sorry. I understand you.
  11. That's for sure. Well, identifying with political ideology is different than being religious. I think that political ideologies provide beliefs about the "external," whereas religions provide beliefs about the "internal."
  12. @Spiritual Warfare, I think you don't like religious people at all, which I do understand. But religious people aren't extremist by default.
  13. People with the same religion more easily accept and love each other. But still, you are talking about fundamentalist religious people.
  14. 😁👀 😂. I'm old and want to retire from being the weather controller.
  15. I wanna feel small. 😂
  16. I'm exactly 6 feet. 😁 I love tall people.
  17. @PurpleTree, you're fun. 😁
  18. Can I come? I swear I won't join a gang. 🙏
  19. Believing is the problem. If they truly thought that reality is multidimensional, they wouldn't think of their beliefs as absolutes.
  20. @Spiritual Warfare, are Sweedens mostly Christians? Is it true that Sweeden is one of the happiest countries?
  21. Yeah, it was a bit of a letdown.
  22. @Applegarden8, he gets on my nerves every time I watch him. 😂
  23. It's not that normal Christians are wonderful. Lol. Those people are deluded and shouldn't be in power. Not to say that his sacrifice wouldn't be true for him. In my opinion, the problem is their extremely narrow thinking and close-mindedness.