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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. The visual interpretations of Jesus are socially constructed, but the physical image itself that you can see is not. Hehe.
  2. Even though the image itself isn't a social construction, the way that it was created is.
  3. @Salvijus, this isn't so simple. For example, you can see an image of Jesus, and then you can visualize it, or maybe see it in your dreams, or, I don't know, maybe a literal Jesus could appear in front of you, but those things are different than how Jesus is thought by Christians. Do you see how socially constructed and not constructed things are mixed together?
  4. They exist inside and outside of social constructions, but they cannot only exist inside because creating or changing them would require them to be outside.
  5. Not everything is a complete social construction. Although, I think everything can be socially constructed, even if they exist outside of it. Well, that can be your gender.
  6. But humans need to exist outside social constructions in order to create them.
  7. @Salvijus, dogmatism requires you to not test, try something, be open-minded, and think. Of course, if you accept the dogma, it becomes true. To effectively be dogmatic, you have to be brainwashed from childhood. Sorry, but you aren't dogmatic, at least for now.
  8. @Salvijus, how will you know if it's legit if you are a dogmatic person? Even if it's legit, would you stay dogmatic? It's different to follow your intuition and be dogmatic from childhood.
  9. Yep, the materialistic, separate, constructed God.
  10. @Salvijus, it depends on how we define what is religious. There can't be awakening the way I defined it.
  11. Whoever follows dogmas unquestionably, believes their morality is absolute and is awakened by just being part of a religion.
  12. Ok, we disagree. Sorry, but religion isn't about awakening.
  13. Religion is religion no matter what. Have you seen awake religious person?
  14. I would say that awareness helps you acknowledge the existence of ego.
  15. They aren't the same, though. You become nihilistic when you start to see through your religion, which determined your reality.
  16. I think the problem isn't about having an ego, but rather about not being aware of it.
  17. Yep, a natural way of thinking for Christians.
  18. Maybe you should question their spirituality. 😁 Maybe someone already traveled back in time. 👀
  19. I have yet to see a pure-hearted Christian. When I say Christian, I don't mean SD Tier 2 person; I don't know if a person can be religious at that level. Maybe "green", but definitely someone who is mostly "blue". I think skeptics couldn't be at lower stages below than "orange". Also, being skeptical is important for being less biased.
  20. Knowing whether something is socially constructed depends on the technology used. If someone traveled back in time with a camera and brought a picture of Jesus, then Jesus would mostly likely exist.