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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. Yeah. They easily empathize with Palestinians for the reasons you provided.
  2. It's interesting seeing people that don't like how Israel treats Palestinians but then dismiss what you said.
  3. Because we are emotionally connected. Although, people still kill each other for other reasons. We can also emotionally connect with everything. But as you can see you'll have problems with surviving unless you figure out a way to survive without ever killing. I know. I don't like the animal abuse before killing though. I don't know if by only eating plants I would lessen the killings. If it lessens, I don't know if I can fully survive on plants. However, I'm open-minded to that.
  4. I wouldn't kill a human unless they try to threaten me. But to survive I'll have to directly or indirectly kill non-human things. It doesn't matter if you don't like that. However, I would like to fill my hunger without ever killing anything, but that's not possible, at least in this decade. I don't like eating humans. Also, people have emotional connections with each other. I think you can also have emotional connections with plants and animals. Are you saying animals were eating plants in the beginning? That's doesn't make any sense. Yeah, all of the people who don't treat them well before killing. Increasing your compassion doesn't mean you'll be able to survive without ever killing anything.
  5. That advice should be given to the abusers. Animals can and will eat what they want. Could you expand on that? I'm not even saying that I shouldn't kill plants. I'll eat plants and animals. It's another matter to think about which ones a person should eat to not unnecessary kill them. If they become self-aware to the degree like I am and be more like a human, then I wouldn't eat them unless I'm cannibalistic, I guess. It's not that I have to necessarily eat animals to relate to them. I can "befriend" them, but I probably won't be able to do the same with the animals that I will eat. It will also be difficult for me. I'm guessing that you would say that animals have individuated consciousness. Then why do some of them eat meat and not plants?
  6. So, you are essentially saying that only the things that don't fight, or we don't perceive it fighting for its life, would rather be killed? I wouldn't like it if humans started eating each other, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't eat a non-human thing. But I also wouldn't like if we wiped out some species just because we could.
  7. What else? Because of some moral reasons?
  8. @Scholar, do you think we shouldn't eat meat because animals feel pain when being killed? I mean, imagining the pain could be a reason not to eat them, but why do you think people even like meat? Why is it delicious? I don't know if people do it, but can't they be made unconscious and then be killed? What would you say about that?
  9. Trump started conning the media by lying about his net worth by using pseudonyms. He used Forbes 400 to inflate his net worth to the banks and to be at the top because banks want to associate with them.
  10. I think understanding his character, childhood, and beliefs is more insightful than revealing what he causally lies about.
  11. I'll be posting biographies of Trump.
  12. @Leo Gura, I'm curious, do you view awakening as superior to development?
  13. But don't you see that what you said could be used to abuse animals? However, both sides must acknowledge that in the end, they are killing to survive.
  14. If you read my post again carefully, you wouldn't have confused it with the responses that try to make you feel bad for not eating meat or justify why you should eat meat. Also, we can't see bacteria in order to kill it willingly.
  15. @Leo Gura, don't you think that if most people are going to deceive themselves with your work, then maybe making your work less accessible to them—idk, maybe making all of us pay for your free videos—could be good?
  16. Ok. But do you realize that you cannot survive without killing? If you don't eat meat, then your survival would depend on killing other things. I would want to lessen the abuse before killing it or the killings that make them suffer unnecessarily long. I think one solution to abolish killings of anything would be to find a way to create a symbiotic relationship with things without ever harming them. But I don't know if that's completely doable. To be honest, I think what you are doing is right for you if you have never empathized that much with animals. Only focusing on doing the opposite could be a way to solve your situation.
  17. @Something Funny, are you against the killings of animals that you don't see as abusive? I should clarify that while I'm against abusing them, I'm not against killing them. However, it won't be the end of the world for me if we are forced to not eat meat for a period of time in order to lessen the abuse.
  18. Trump has faced many accusations—Russian interference in the 2016 elections to secret deals with the mafia.
  19. Well, you are thinking that I want to do one time. 🙂 If you look further, you'll see that it's expensive.
  20. They are so expensive. That's why I wanted some recommendations from anyone that has done retreats. But if I can buy it myself or another person can buy it for me, and I can do it alone without getting in trouble, perfect.
  21. It's too risky where I live. I don't think I can successfully get them.