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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. I'm for people having the choice of abortion so that they can be selfish in both ways, having a child or not having a child.
  2. I don't have a problem it. It is selfish.
  3. Well, whatever the reason is, it is selfish. It might be selfish for a conservative but selfless for a liberal or vice versa. And I'm not even saying that selfish is bad. Also, no matter if you are a conscious person, you're going to be selfish in raising your child. But conscious people understand the consequences.
  4. I would say that your cultural beliefs determine whether you are going to be perceived as selfish or selfless. In any case, wanting to have a baby or not is a selfish act and couldn't be otherwise. What I am against, like you said, is imposing it against others.
  5. It doesn't matter if the baby has consciousness, is sentient, or whatever (non)spiritual justifications. Also, let abortion be called a murder. I'm pro-abortion because I want people to have the freedom of choice to not fuck up their child's life in the future, and theirs also. The people who are anti-abortion should stfu, have their babies without planning, and deal with it.
  6. It seems I have to walk myself to the gulag.
  7. Trump is like Jesus; he makes people find their true selves.
  8. I don't think the AI could or even should govern us at this moment. But if it could do that in better ways a few years later, then why not?
  9. @Inliytened1, think of AI as a reflection of millions of people who have biases. Now that's powerful! It's not only about trusting the AI on some stuff, but also about understanding why, how, and what the AI responds. Although, it's a game changer in terms of learning factual things. I want to make connections in my mind in an interactive way. And in the case of AI, the connections can become very advanced very fast. However, I'm not saying that it replaces other tools. Also, notice that what you said can be said of books.
  10. 💡 We need an AI for this forum that analyzes and provides info about what we write, like whether it's factual, aggressive, hostile, offensive, etc., before posting.
  11. 💯 People don't understand why Netanyahu is excited. Trump literally moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He supports the settlements. I think it's not that he feels obligated but just wants to do it.
  12. No, it's not an opinion. You, just like the nihilist, are making a meaning out of a truth.
  13. @Breakingthewall, I was talking about any meaning that could ever exist from your perspective. From your perspective, a meaning might be not real, but for the other it is, because it's not your life. Whether it's healthy, toxic, etc., is another matter. But I was talking about not focusing on life's meaning to be existence but more about things that you are curious about, interested in, etc. Nihilism is true for him. Because it exists. It's true that existence exists, which you can use to give your life a meaning.
  14. That's what I said. Existence exists and it couldn't have been otherwise. Every meaning is as real as the other, because they exist. There isn't only one real meaning. I'll stop, as this is derailing from the topic.
  15. You just gave one meaning to life and excluded others. There isn't anything that can't not exist from your perspective. So, life was already about existing.
  16. I didn't comment on the video bro.
  17. That proves that those men who voted for Trump because of those generalizations aren't that smart.
  18. He is. Who'll only be loyal to Trump. That's not good. Yeah, change to more autocratic.
  19. @zazen, I better have a good, inclusive, considerate leader than only a charismatic one. But I wouldn't say that he's charismatic. Maybe his supporters see him that way. All I can see is a traumatized child. But he sure is confident, for which we could thank the mafia.
  20. People can't equally be truthful. Are you aware that there are other media that are pro-Trump? They spread lies and propraganda. I think of Trump as a child bully in an adult's body.