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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. I didn't say they are or are not. I said there aren't only two genders.
  2. I didn't say that they are the same. 😢
  3. Gender, not gender identity! Also, they are constructed.
  4. You're not trying to understand because you think there're only two genders. That's the problem.
  5. I'm monstrously guilty. 🥲
  6. That is not relevant for this case. Then, man and women should go to the same restroom.
  7. You keep jumping from biological differences to gender saying they don't need but then proving that they need. No. They already view them like that. Those people create the problem in the first place, which having a new restroom can be the solution.
  8. Are you treating women as not human? Also, did you get what I said "no" to?
  9. Again, biological differences isn't the problem.
  10. Just no. If the separation is based on discrimination, then yes.
  11. Why are you twisting what I said? You just proved why there needs to be a new restroom.
  12. Then, if you want to abolish, abolish for everyone. You jokingly said something, which is the main problem.
  13. Biological differences don't imply that they should have different restrooms. Also, you said it's about horniness, to which I agree. But not also that.
  14. So, it's about sexual orientation. What would you say about gays then?
  15. Wouldn't men and women get upset if they go to the same restroom?
  16. Then why do men and women have different restrooms?
  17. What do you mean by saying they are the correct ones?
  18. You accept their existence, and yet you say there are only two genders.
  19. @Spiritual Warfare, you said "Men and women have existed first" and not "society created restrooms for 2 sexes first".
  20. @zazen, are LGBT people oppressing others? The problem is that they are dishonestly portrayed as people who only care about sexual gratifications and also who have a BDSM lifestyle. The more conservative a country is, the more that stupid lie is prevalent. Also, they don't have to subscribe to the woke ideology and aren't inherently Wokeists. From what I have observed, Wokeists could be very dogmatic. I don't think that they're construct-aware and living in a moral relativism. They create their meaning, which is or can be viewed as a destructive force from the opposite side that are dogmatic as well. Nice gaslighting. Remind me which people are endorsing Trump. They may become conservative relative to the coming generation. I didn't mean that all conservative stuff is bad. Having a conservative approach towards a certain thing doesn't make you a conservative.
  21. Why do some people think that LGBT is a BDSM community? 🤔 Have they forgotten that BDSM fantasies or practices aren't exclusive to LGBT people? I find their hostile dishonesty against LGBT people quite disgusting.
  22. The documentaries on certain YouTube channels, like "Best Documentary", that we have been watching are stolen, yet we continue to watch them because they are giving us those videos for free and in one place.