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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. I don't get how Lindsay can think that Marxism, which is ontologically based on materialism, has a spiritual aspect to it. Even if it had, so what, although it would be ironic.
  2. Then I must be delusional to hear religious people whine about why they couldn't preach. Lol.
  3. @Leo Gura, but isn't it good to hold responsible, powerful countries like you do for yours?
  4. @What Am I, they are making it seem that being inspired is an evil thing. Marx was inspired by Hegel and also other people. But Marx was a materialist. I think we could interpret many things in many ways. But they are overly focused on their ones without understanding what Marx could have meant. I would never rely on Christian nationalists to educate me about spirituality or any other subject.
  5. The grass is always greener on the other side, regardless of which grass is actually better.
  6. Mearsheimer is focused on his determinism. Sachs is focused on how to brake out of that determinism. @Leo Gura, if you think American hegemony is a problem, then others' countries future probable hegemony will also be a problem. Although by that thinking you could justify why you should remain a hegemony. But you can't trust other countries that they wouldn't want to be a hegemony. Although I would be at peace from people talking every kind of BS about America when American hegemony ends. 😌
  7. @What Am I and @caspex, thanks for your answers.
  8. what do you mean when you mention it? I'm not saying it exists or not. If it doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist, or otherwise. I don't care about believing in God. I think having beliefs in spiritual things is stupid if they are to be treated as absolutes and if I can be aware of their existence or realize them. I just can't explain my life using God. Please don't say to me that I will know when I know or that I'm not awake enough. I understand that only I can realize, and I'm not asking for a belief either. At what point do you understand that God exists? How and when do you make that connection in your mind? What's different in your definition of God than most people, especially religious people?
  9. @Princess Arabia, lol. Some of you are here to debate who is correct, rather than answer my damn question. 😂
  10. @Staples, lol. Fine, doctor. But, again, this thread wasn't about that.
  11. Please don't go off topic. I'm not asking you to awaken me. If you can just answer my question in my first post a bit more detailed. I'm interested in your experience.
  12. @Princess Arabia, an apple exists. Could you say an orange is an apple? Also, I didn't say existence doesn't exist.
  13. Ok, let's agree to disagree. But you are defining it. I understand that the definition can't encapsulate what is being defined. But that is irrelevant. I'm interested in understanding what God points to and when the connection is made that God exists.
  14. Sadly, no. I don't have access to. I would love to try it. But I have been thinking about somehow get it.
  15. You are defining, though, which does not mean that things beyond definition aren't true.
  16. Please understand that this thread was about people who realized God; whether that is true or not is my problem to solve.
  17. You defined it right now. If definitions are only finite, then how can you tell me something that cannot be defined?
  18. @Princess Arabia, you literally used words other than God to explain something that is undescribable. I realize that you are saying they are made of the same stuff. But I'm not talking about the labels we put on things, but the ways we define reality.
  19. @Dazgwny, please read my first post again. I'm not asking you to awaken me. You can't just awaken to something and randomly choose a word for it. I'm curious how you chose the word, when you did choose it, and what made you choose it.
  20. @PurpleTree, that could be said for everything.
  21. @Princess Arabia, If God is existence or any other thing that themselves could be used to explain everything else, then why should I use God to explain those things unless God is different than those things? It has to point to something different and also the same. But I'm focused on the difference.
  22. Thanks for helping, but that's not sufficient for me.
  23. @Davino, I'll wait for your response; then maybe I'll hide this thread.
  24. Who knows, maybe I won't ever realize God, and that could be my truth, which is not to say that God doesn't exist.