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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. I keep a gratitude journal I do a love meditation if I can't sleep easily, I put some classical music and focus on it
  2. For a month, I have been getting up late and hanging out in bed. I started doing this to be more loving with myself but now I realize that I am less motivated, more lazy and often tired during the day. Even though I get up late, I still do a morning routine that I already had in place but it's not serious enough and I even removed the meditation... And then came to me this thought; if I really love myself, I have to stop this and dedicate myself one hour in the morning with a minimum of discipline. In the long run it will be good for me I thought about getting up at exactly the same time every morning and doing this: 20 minute in the bathroom (self-care, cold shower) 20 minute meditation 20 minute boxing I'm still not sure if this is what I want so I'm coming here to read your opinions and maybe find something that will fit me even better. WHAT DO YOU DO / WOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAD 1 HOUR FOR YOURSELF EACH MORNING ?
  3. I begin to be happier It's happening while being more loving and patient with myself. All my negative beliefs (feeling less than others, thinking people are always judging me negatively, thinking I'm unattractive...) are slowly loosing their power and it's quite liberating. I don't want to fight with life/me anymore I did this shit too much time
  4. It seems to me that there is no free will in the sense that everything that happens in our life will happens no matter what because it cannot be otherwise... We cannot avoid anything that is in our "destiny" The only free will I see is in our thoughts, beliefs, reactions to the situations that are happening. I'm not sure because I didn't realized this yet but it seems more natural to me
  5. Can we share some quotes on positivity or even gratitude ?
  6. I don't know why, but for the past month I had strong feelings/images of past lives popping out anytime during day or night. When I have these sensations, I don't feel like myself at all, I feel everything through the perspective, the personality of the other person I'm remembering. I remember a forest with a big monument in the middle of a path and I felt something wonderful, like an angel was there and showing me there is no reason to fear anything. There is another memory where I was in a field and nothing worried me, I was in a state of peace and fullness naturally, as if I had lived my life like that, it was before technology. I didn't do anything special, I didn't change anything in my life except giving myself more love every day. So I am a little surprised by these memories but it feels good. I've also have deep feelings like I was always there, it's hard to describe. I'm clearly seeing how I cannot die. But I'm scared to realize this more deeply, to integrate it. Realizing that I am God would be traumatizing. I like the idea of no death but living through every perspectives for Eternity is another thing... How about you? Do you have this too? How did it happen? What do you do to immerse yourself in the memory and learn more about it?
  7. @UpperMaster I think yes, because there are things I know here on this planet : grass, forest, buildings...
  8. It happened when I was a child but I hardly remember
  9. I realize how much loving myself is crucial, the more I love myself, the more life become enjoyable and the more I'm able to make good decisions / moving toward what I really want. I was wondering what do you do daily to increase this sense of love for yourself ? It's hard to love myself during social interactions, the more love I feel is always when I'm alone...
  10. Chill guys, listen to this beautiful song and lyrics <3
  11. I'm really grateful that the Internet & this forum exist, thank you guys <3
  12. My life is quite good, I could be happy. But I suffer because I can't accept the possibility of being alone all my life or never finding a good/long-lasting relationship. Having a girlfriend is the thing I want the most in my life, but when I'm conscious, I see that the thing I really want the most is to be at peace with myself & reality the way it is. It is impossible to stay conscious & live my life okay with being alone so I keep suffering and I see so much guys worst than me having a girlfriend that I tell myself "wtf I meet tons of girls each week since years, and I'm still alone because of my self-image" "wtf there are guys who barely meet ten women per year & they can find a girlfriend?" and there's also a lot of angriness because I know I'm a man, I need sex, I need love, I need touching, it's normal! and I can't offer this to me because I'm sabotaging everything and my fears & beliefs that I'm unattractive, weak, odd, not good enough are so strong... The worst part is that I meet a lot of women each week (because of street interviews) and I'm unable to open-up to them or even to imagine the possiblity that they could be attracted to me or that I could be in a relationship with her. All I have when I'm interacting with people is a cloud of negativity; feeling inferior, feeling like I'm disturbing them, feeling like I'm odd or weak, believing they're judging me. Even when a girl seems to show interest by asking me questions or the way she look at me, I want to shut-off and go away because I believe I will get rejected if I ask her out or show that I'm interested in her. Bad parenting and years of being bullied at school totally destroyed my self-image/condifence I don't know what to do, I tried so much things in 10 years.
  13. Thank you, very wise I had some experiences of God's Love but I quickly fall asleep. And I can't stop myself from looking outside. I find so much beauty in women... but inside, I know I don't need anyone, I want to find myself, to live in harmony with "me"
  14. @Razard86 very helpful yes I'm interested in the books
  15. Do you have a book recommandation on socializing ? I've read books on pick-up and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of playing a game or manipulating girls What I want is to be able to be at ease with myself & authentic toward girls so I could attract one that is attracted to my real personnality If I could feel that I'm not inferior to others, and that not everyone is always judging me negatively and if some are, it's okay, it would be a game changer
  16. This year I've discovered that I have thoughts, mental stories about being tortured in this lifetime. I imagine the most awful ways to be tortured and it feels really bad. The worst part is that I've a feeling that I will be tortured in this lifetime, it's becoming terrific. I think that my thoughts about torture will attract this situation in the future (maybe in time of war, I don't know) These forms of thoughts about torture appeared 10 years ago when I was a teenager. What can I do to reassure myself that I will not be tortured in this lifetime ?
  17. @Kamo This is very helpful Awareness in this context would be the "Observer" or the Observation itself which is "perceiving" these thoughts. You allow them to pass, no matter how often they arise again you let them pass, the more you allow yourself to focus on them the more energy you put into them that sustains them. Thoughts like that only matter based on how your interpreting them, so setting in the awareness and ground yourself back into actuality A good reminder
  18. @Realms of Wonder Beautiful song!