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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. So I was watching the video And I want to apply technique every day from now. I wanted to see if some of you apply "letting go" on a daily basis and what does it changed for you ?
  2. Hi my friends, can we share our minimalist tips here ? I've introduced minimalism in my life a year ago, I would like to discover new tips to live with less
  3. I want to be happy 99% of the time I am for 90% of time so maybe it is possible with more experience and consciousness
  4. I'm not really a seeker for truth, I had some mystical experiences but I'm more interested of how to create happiness, being more loving and enjoying my life as "me". Here we can discuss of various techniques to improve our happiness A list that seems to work for me: Listening to uplifting songs Running Cold showers Minimalist lifestyle Smiling when I wake up and listening to "Smile" and "Pretend" by Nat King Cole during my morning yoga! Spending time with my friend Laying on the ground in my garden and watching the nature / sunbathing Meditation, especially when I go deep Gratittude journaling every day right before going to sleep Some stoics principles like "Amor Fati" or "choosing tranquility over anger, frustration or bitterness" or "stop thinking about what is out of my control and accepting it" Eating foods I enjoy taking drugs occasionally a little bit of video games (less than 3 hours per week) I'm trying to be less judgemental, more loving and more "in the present". I still have big issues like worrying about the future, not loving myself fully and being afraid of being rejected. What about you my friends ?
  5. tell us more and maybe it will be useful for some open-minded people here
  6. I totally agree It's alright to feel "negative emotions" sometime, all I want is to live happy most of my time and being happy 90% of the time is possible
  7. True, cult wasn't the good word... All I feel is that Leo is maybe deluded and I can't attach importance to his teachings like I did before, I feel like something doesn't click but can't know what.
  8. What would everybody would pursuing enlightenment ? There A LOT of people who don't have a clue about spiritual teaching or meditation and they live happy 90% of time. And there's people who were pursuing enlightenment and became insane, depressed or suicidal. So it seems obvious why
  9. What would happens if I keep all my attention on my breath, every time I think about it ? I mean I go throught my day doing my things but I keep my attention on my breath and nothing else. And when I notice thoughts, I redirect my attention to the breath. I believe I will be more conscious if I do that but is there better techniques than "vipassana" ? Do you guys do this everyday and how hard is it, what changes did you notice ?
  10. What are / is the best practice to increase my level of love everyday ? I don't feel love very often, I just feel something like "wow it's beautiful, magical i'm lucky to be here experiencing this" I call this moment of presence, I don't know how to label it. It happens 2 to 4 times a week... The only moment I've felt love, was with my first "mystical experience" three years ago (was lasting 2 seconds out of nowhere during 10 minutes of meditation) but the second one was deeper and I was crying of joy for more than 1 hour, I could'nt believe that I can be so much loved, It was so overwhelming. and of course my first girlfriend, I was deeply in love during the first year of our relationship.
  11. Do you have a good video on meditation metta to share ? I only know vipassana, I do it sometimes
  12. I feel better listening to Nat King Cole songs and spending time in my garden watching the sky and the trees above me, I feel like even if everything is just a dream, it's too beautiful, it's perfect that we can create everything and see the beauty. Just the fact that we can experience this is pure bliss, it's magical I think that with this experience "yesterday", I've understand the importance of not thinking too much, the lesser I think, the lesser I identificate to "me", better "life" is. Now throught almost all the day, I try to be conscious when I'm thinking for no reason and I redirect my attention to being as much as I can, I want to experience life this way.
  13. I know that all my reality is just beliefs, like a dream, I am conceiving everything. If I stop thinking, "I" die. But "I" doesn't want to die and leave everything he created because "I" is afraid to have no where to go. So I'm here stuck in the dream (because I decided to maintain the belief of "me" Gabriel) and I'm afraid to become mad I don't know what to do. I don't know what's happening, everything is me, it's happening now forever and it's creating identities, memories, good, bad, words... how to stop it ?
  14. Why are we imaginating ourselves over again and again ? we're creating suffering by attaching an idea or identity to "something"
  15. @Natasha Yes but you right now you are imaginating that you are something, an identity. Because without that you couldn't reply, you wouldn't be yourself anymore
  16. @Inliytened1 I can't tell if I had a deep awakening or not... I just discovered that I'm dreaming, I'm thinking my reality, "alive" or "dead" doesn't exist there is nothing but me thinking and "me" is not real, it is the belief I hold to reply to you right now..
  17. @ivankiss I just don't know what to do
  18. @freejoy is there a video or something on this ? I'm interested
  19. I don't believe in karma. There is nothing good or bad so why would I have to pay in another life if I take drugs to have spiritual experiences ?