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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. Read or re-read Models by Mark Manson You don't have to put hopes or investement in a girl because it tell that your need something, it comes from a place of neediness. If you just meet girls in a place of non-neediness and you let just happening what must happens without being frustrated, trying to act different / impress, you'll eventually have more results and you'll stay in a good state of emotions. If the girl really want to see you again, it will happens, you don't have to send them messages or tell her you feel she don't want to meet because it will turn her off I think the main point is non-neediness and you'll be alright , if u see a girl and she's mean to be in your life, she will. If not, she will not and that's totally okay I'm new to this because I'm needy myself, but this book was a reveleation and now I understand 100% that I have to work on me and stop caring if a girl will have interest in me or not. I put standards because I know what I want and don't want anymore, I'm working on loving myself more and being authentic, particularly with girls that i'm attracted to
  2. I'm reading Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson. And wow... I feel like "how shit why didn't I found this book before" ? Ok I'm not old, I'm 28 years old but it would have saved me a few toxic relationships and above all I would have attracted many more women I'm attracted to. I believe that if I apply what is explained in this book, it will change my love life, my vision about myself and women. Now I know what to do and it makes so much sense to me. I don't understand how I could be so stupid to think all these years that in order to attract women, I have to be nice, to do everything to please her, in short to try to please. As I have always tried to please others all my life... What do you think of this book and what has it changed for you?
  3. I wonder if I'm hypersensitive to LSD because this morning I took 15 to 20µ and it's really cool, not too soft and not too strong like a background trip but when I'm listening to music or contemplating, the trip is very present. I'm surprised because it is very close to a micro-dose ?
  4. I've watched almost ALL videos of Leo within years, including is a cult ? And since weeks, I started wondering if Leo is deluded or not, and I feel "better" with Osho, Mooji, Anna Brown or Ecktart Tolle talks. These people seems very calm and loving and I don't see that in Leo.
  5. Why Only self love ? If I love myself enough, I can let go of neediness completely and feeling okay being authentic in every circumstances ? To increase my self-love, I have to do positive affirmations and "feeling love meditation" ?
  6. @Striving for more read Models: Attract Women Through Honesty It is mindblowing, you'll drop a lot of your ideas / ideology on women and attraction
  7. Thank you. Yeah it's shocking how accurate, logic and good it is ! I was reading this : "Overcoming neediness is not about learning what to say or new things to do. Overcoming your neediness comes through a change in your mindset, your self-perception, and your self-respect. It's as simple as just changing your mind about women. Take a moment to consider: ...That before meeting a woman, instead of worrying whether or not she will like you, you could wonder if you will like her. ...That instead of feeling the need to impress her, you could wonder if she impresses you. & more..." And reading the first example, I was shocked like "OMG this is so logic, so much healthier and I didn't think about this a single time in my entire life! It was as if I had indoctrinated myself to believe that I have to please a woman. And never in my life I've questioned this.. And reading this for the first time, it sounds so clear, so logical... What a fool I've been ! I've got a lot to work to do because I see perfectly myself in all the needy stories and examples he write in his book! I think I created this neediness, this need to please and to be approved. Because of the years of harassment I suffered during school. Almost everyone harassed me, girls didn't like me, I was shy, introverted and anxious.
  8. I drink like once per year but I like to smoke weed when I go out with friends. Two of my three regular friends don't drink so it's cool And the one who drink never drink too much. But when I see around us, I must admit a lot of people drinks a lot ! Alcohol is a hell of drug
  9. A month ago I had a good morning routine and discipline. I would get up, meditate, take a cold shower, do yoga, eat breakfast to gain weight. For the past month, I feel like I've lost all discipline and motivation, I don't know how to get up at 7:30 anymore, I stay in bed until 10. I don't do my morning routine anymore because I tell myself it's too late... But I find it very hard to get up straight away when I wake up. Do you have any good advice or thoughts/questioning that would help me get back on track and keep my discipline?
  10. I'm getting lazy
  11. Now we know what to do if we want to attract "attractive girls" We have to boost our confidence and act a bit detached and sometimes like a bad guy, maybe with humor, like we're playing the bad guy but we show the girl we are aware of it and that we don't take ourself seriously ? Maybe it can works
  12. This is sad in my opinion. But I don't think it's going to be like this all the time, maybe in 10/20 years it will be different. And I wonder if there are countries/cultures where women are more attracted to the nice guys? In any case it's not going to stay like this, everything changes
  13. I am God ... the "thing" that is aware of itself ... I am everything... Wow why did I created all this ?
  14. I've just realized this insight: there is no others on this forum, it's literally God speaking to itself. Like a part of infinite consciouness being conscious of what it is. It's God talking to itself on a "platform"... It's mad ! It's extraordinary...
  15. I Love Myself I love you all here
  16. I was with a toxic person for 1 year, she manipulated and lied a lot but I didn't realize it quickly. I was naive and needy. She no longer lives with me thankfully but she stayed on good terms with my neighbors and I know she told them lies to make me look bad. Now whenever I try to show my neighbor a few text messages as proof that she is lying and show her everything she has been hiding from her, she always says "no I don't want to hear about it". Yet she goes to see my ex from time to time and she believes everything she tells her about me. But when I explain to her that I have the evidence to prove that she is lying, she doesn't want to know anything! The problem is not really there, the problem is that I realize that I often think about this during the day and I don't like the idea that my neighbors have a bad image of me and this impossibility to restore the truth. I'm trying to do good and become better, more loving, less judgmental, and knowing that I'm being mistaken for the opposite undermines my morale What can I do to remedy this internal dialogue please?
  17. @Applegarden8 So true, thank you!
  18. Thank you it is very helpful. I'm gonna think about this
  19. I don't understand what you want to point. I'm not interested in incel ideology and I love women
  20. Lucidity came slowly I awoke from dreams of untying a great knot It unraveled like a braid Into what seemed were Thousands of separate strands of fishing line Attached to coarse behavior it flowed A calm it urged, what else is here? How's it feel to be at the center of magic To linger in tones and words? I opened the floodgates And found no water, no current, no river, no rush How's it feel to stand at the height of your powers To captivate every heart? Projecting your visions to strangers who feel it Who listen, who linger on every word Oh, it's a rush Oh, it's a rush But alone it feels like dying All alone I feel so much I want my offering to woo, to calm, to clear, to solve But the only offering that comes It calls, it screams, there's nothing here How's…
  21. Read Models by Mark Manson