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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. @Proserpina Where is your beautiful smile ?
  2. @Elham God manifesting as beauty haha
  3. Are we living through every possible beings / perspectives in the same moment ? Now ?
  4. So I'm starting to really realize that there is no free-will and everything that's happening is happening and it can't be otherwise because it is. It's like life is a movie, we're seeing the movie with the illusion that we have control. Now that I know that, how to deal with it ? I've thought about: - loving what arises, being gentle and more loving with myself whatever happens. - learning to let go more & more - stopping overthinking (should, if, could, regrets...) - enjoying whatever arises, living in joy, cultivating gratitude... But it's quite new for me, I've lived 28 years believing that I had control over my life & my actions. If you have something to share about this I'm all open! How do you deal with this ? What did you change when you realized that there is no such thing as free-will and that life is like a movie ?
  5. cool I like "new people" 1 to 3 per week It's challenging in the beginning but after enough time it become a habit
  6. No I don't have a role model. It came naturally I'm curious, social and open-minded so I like to go out and speaking with strangers. The cemeteries are beautiful quiet place with no or few people. Self realization became a part of my life after my first "mystical experience" during a meditation
  7. @gettoefl yes sometimes I can't do this all the time if I need money but I don't need much money, I practice minimalism and my house is already paid I'm very happy with few money
  8. A good day for me, I would say a perfect day is: I to go to the cemetery to contemplate and meditate. The evening I go in the city, doing street interviews with drunk people after that I comeback home, I read a little bit, and I do a satisfaction meditation right before sleeping
  9. If he doesn't think in term of "good" and "bad", "bad" things cannot happens to him because he will not react like "omg it's so baaad"
  10. Sometimes I realize this and then, when I'm back in my "uncouscious state" I can"t believe I'm everyone. I'm thinking yes, I know I'm everyone but it's not the same thing to become directly conscious of that. It's like my ego can't accept it / embody it in my everyday life. But at least I do my best, I smile at "strangers" I try to feel love for everyone and everything that's happening, it feels like a miracle
  11. How can it be nothing ?
  12. Why does americans always make wars and pretend to be the heroes ? Why does america created ISIS ?
  13. Be patient and gentle with yourself maybe being more present and less in "control" will help
  14. As usual, I do street interviews, I meet people, I sometimes have drinks with some strangers. And I realized that when I almost didn't think, everything was easier. There were no judgments about me, no feelings of being uncomfortable or not confident enough. From time to time it came back in parts but I was directly aware of it and I let go. And I was able to talk to people easily and naturally like never before. I settled down for a drink with 3 girls I didn't know and everything went perfectly. There was no more desire to please, fear of not being liked or a desire to get a girl's number... and before the "old me" would never sit down with the girls or if he did, he would not feel good because of all his worries and thinking. At the moment I'm asking myself a lot of questions about free will, I have a hard time realizing that life is like a movie that unfolds and that I have the right to not think about anything, I will still be guided where I must go. I wonder if I totally let go, I could become like the observer of what is happening and let my body do everything because it is automatic?