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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. I did huge progress in one month with self-love practices, realizing that I was attractice and not ugly or "not good enough", I'm starting to manifest things in my life, also start to see the magic of Reality, that I can learn from everything and that everything happens for a reason. It's all great but I had the realisation that I was too attached to find a good girlfriend. When I interact with women that I like (because they're pretty or because we have a lot of things in common) I want sex from them, I want love, approval... The problem is that I want something from them & I think that is the main thing that stop me to be truly authentic and to simply enjoy the dates. I want to be free from these chains that I created myself, I want to stop being afraid of losing an opportunity or to be afraid to be hated/disliked by a woman I like. I believe letting go is what I need but I've never consciously practiced "letting go" before. Do you know practices/techniques that were effective for you and that could set me free from my need to please/get something from girls ?
  2. 21 December 2021 Good evening my love * Good evening How are you ? * I'm fine I'm glad to hear you, what can I do for you? * I don't know Would you like to show me something? * Yes I'm listening (moment of visualisation) Are you feeling better? * Yes thank you What are you thinking about? * I don't know Are you sure ? * I think of all the evil that was done to me You want to tell me more? * Yes, I'd like to tell you more I'm listening to you * I was bullied for years and it destroyed me, I don't know what to do You can show me what hurt you and I'll fix it (visualization) * Thank you You're welcome my love Is there anything else I can do? * Yes you can Tell me what * I'd like you to love me I love you, my love, you know that, don't you? * Yes, I know it that's nice! You see you've got nothing to fear, I'm here * Yes thank you I'm happy * Can I ask you something? Yes, tell me * Will you give me a hug? Of course I will * Thank you What do you want to do? * I don't know and you? Just tell me what you feel like * I want an ice cream (visualization) bon appétit What moment hurt you the most at school? * It was when we were doing presentations between students in all classes of the school. We were drawn by lot I was choosed to be with a girl who ended up crying because she was with me and she didn't want to. I tried to reassure her but it didn't worked and everyone was judging me like I was a monster or a bad person. They didn't know why she was crying, they thought that I did or told something bad to her... (visualisation) Are you ok now? * Yes, I'm fine. I wish you a good night, see you tomorrow I love you * I love you too
  3. 21 December Good evening my love * Good evening How are you ? * I'm fine I'm glad to hear you, what can I do for you? * I don't know Would you like to show me something? * Yes I'm listening (moment of visualisation) Are you feeling better? * Yes thank you What are you thinking about? * I don't know Are you sure ? * I think of all the evil that was done to me You want to tell me more? * Yes, I'd like to tell you more I'm listening to you * I was bullied for years and it destroyed me, I don't know what to do You can show me what hurt you and I'll fix it (visualization) * Thank you You're welcome my love Is there anything else I can do? * Yes you can Tell me what * I'd like you to love me I love you, my love, you know that, don't you? * Yes, I know it that's nice! You see you've got nothing to fear, I'm here * Yes thank you I'm happy * Can I ask you something? Yes, tell me * Will you give me a hug? Of course I will * Thank you What do you want to do? * I don't know and you? Just tell me what you feel like * I want an ice cream (visualization) bon appétit What moment hurt you the most at school? * It was when we were doing presentations between students in all classes of the school. We were drawn by lot I was choosed to be with a girl who ended up crying because she was with me and she didn't want to. I tried to reassure her but it didn't worked and everyone was judging me like I was a monster or a bad person. They didn't know why she was crying, they thought that I did or told something bad to her... (viewing) Are you ok now? * Yes, I'm fine. I wish you a good night, see you tomorrow I love you * I love you too
  4. I'm doing progress, toward the end, I had little moments of visualisation where I helped my child & he was able to open up a little bit I had little memories coming back but they were not vivid (it's not like I was living the scene) Hi it's me again, how are you? * Bad Why are you feeling bad ? * I'm afraid What are you afraid of? * Of you I don't understand * Ok listen to me I'm tired, tired of being called names, tired of being disrespected, tired of having no friends. I want to kill myself I'd like to help you, can you show me what hurts you? * I don't want to show you You can trust me * Why? Because I'm here to help you and love you * Prove it I'll talk to you every day, I won't ignore you anymore * You lie I swear I haven't, I've changed, I'm an adult now * Okay what are we gonna do? We're gonna love you * But why? So you'll stop suffering * But I want to suffer No, you want to be good and protected and I can give you that * Go ahead and do it (moment of visualization where I was bullied, I helped myself) Are you okay? * Yes I'm fine I'm happy for you, is there anything else I can do for you? Can you stop trying to please others now? * No Why? * Because I need you to love me I'd like to help you but I need you to cooperate * I don't want to cooperate What can I do? * I want you to love me I do * No Show me what hurts you * What hurts me is you Tell me why * Cause you ignore me No I'm not ignoring you anymore * Yes you are No, I talk to you and try to help you * It's not true I am lost * Why are you lost? Because I'm trying to help you but it's not working * Okay I'm staying with you Is there anything you want to say to me? * Yes, you suck, I don't want to see you anymore But I want to see you and I'm really sorry for what you went through, I'm doing my best to save you * Save me (moment of visualization) Here is * Thank you You're welcome. Is there anything else you want to show me? * Yes Okay, I'm watching (moment of visualization) How do you feel? * Better I'm glad you let me help you * Me too See, you can trust me, show me something else (moment of visualization) Are you ok? * I'm fine What can I do for you? * You can love me I love you * Me too I love you more than anything * Thank you Is there anything you want to say to me? * Yes, I'd like to go out with you Where ? * In a park (moment of visualisation in a park) * Thank you * What do we do now? Do you still need to please others? * No Is there anything else I can do for you? * Yes you can love me So let's do this... I'll see you tomorrow, good night I think I need to do more work with this because even if the child said "No" to my question "do you still need to please others?" , I didn't had big emotional release/experience and I still feel the desire to please women
  5. For those who practice it everyday, what are your ways of thinking & your practices for gratitude ? How it changed your life ?
  6. Here's what I got yesterday * is for the child Why do you need to please others all the time? * I don't know Are you sure? Tell me everything, I'm here, I'm listening, I'm sorry I ignored you for so long * I'm afraid of being abandoned, of not being loved Why? * I don't remember When did you first feel the need to please others? * At school, I think Please show me, tell me more * I got bullied when I was in high school, since then I don't dare show my face for fear of being made fun of or rejected You don't have to be afraid anymore I'm here What can I do to help you? * Protect myself How can I help? * Don't let them hurt me I'm doing my best, they can't do anything to you anymore, it's over, you're loved, I love you. You can go, you don't have to be afraid anymore * I don't want to go What do you want from me? * That you love me I love you already my love * It's not true Why do you think that? * You're manipulating me Maybe you're right but I don't know what to do, show me, I want to help you * Make love with me How? ...are you here? Tell me how to help you, you deserve to be loved. What are you afraid of, what do you feel? * Shame, embarrassment, I feel alone, I need you I'm here now, I'm listening to you * What are we going to do? What you want to do, tell me * I want to kill To kill who and why? * The people who hurt me I can go with you and forgive them, they didn't know what they were doing, they were lost * I still want to kill them Ok, I'll kill them with a gun, they're dead and they can never hurt you again * Thank you How do you feel? * Bad Why? * I'm afraid But what are you afraid of? * That I'll be laughed at No one will laugh at you anymore, I'm tall and strong now * It's not true Why do you think so? * You're weak I just want to help you * Look for I can't see clearly You're perfect the way you are, you don't have to be afraid or try to please anyone * You don't know how much I've suffered I wish I knew and saved you * Okay listen to me... I was in school, I was bullied, I suffered, I didn't know what to do, you weren't there to listen to me, you let it all happen, I didn't know how to defend myself, my parents didn't help me. So I adapted myself to try to please and avoid conflicts You don't have to do that anymore, there's no need to protect yourself. You can be yourself and I swear people will love you like that * I don't believe you * I don't have a home How can I make one for you? * By loving me, asking for me and stopping trying to avoid me I'll do my best to feel and love you Can you guide me, how to do it? What do you want from me? * I don't want anything from you We're going in circles, help me help you * You suck That's not true, I'm wonderful and so are you * Prove it I know it, how can I prove it to you? * Find a good girl I will but I need to help you first Otherwise you'll need to please * How can you help me? That's the question I'm asking you, how? No responses, a minute later: I feel you, you are towards my stomach I was very tired and tried to visualize scene where I was helping this part of me but it was hard to visualize & there was no real memories... I will continue tonight & everyday, hope I'll get better results
  7. Is there people who tried the metamorphic coaching program from Clark Kegley ? Is it worth it ?
  8. @flowboy Great I will try this tonight your posts are inspiring I can't wait to see what I'll be writing down
  9. Thank u, it sound more true & clear to me ! very helpful
  10. Okay thanks. I'm doing shadow work everyday with a simple technique: 1. Find sth you wanna work with for example my neediness 2. Invite whatever you chose to having a conversation with you 3. Start talking to it, ask questions, recognize you are not who you used to be 4. Acknowledge that aspect you chose, don’t judge it 5. Integrate it, picture yourself going back in timeline, imagine who you are now going back to that event causing your shadow and give yourself the support you needed back then, then walk yourself from the past self to yourself now I started yesterday but it didn't worked, I have hard time to visualise something, I'm doing it everyday before going to bed and I believe it will work with enough practice
  11. I don't think I would have a problem to say that but I never did this before. My way of showing that I'm attracted to a woman is the way I look at her/listen to her. But I didn't think about telling her something along "I want you" and I read that it's a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear. If I tell a woman that I want sex with her or if I'm ready to fall into her arms after one date, I believe it will be repulsive to her because it will indicates to her "this guy is needy" or "he doesn't like me for what I am, he just want sex" For my first dates when a woman please me, I can't help myself but showing her that I'm attracted (the way I look at her) and I think that is counter-productive, I have to be more centered, authentic and not showing her "hey I want you, I'm just like those others guy " Maybe I'm wrong but it's the way I see things
  12. What are the best practices & how much time per day should I the work to see good results ?
  13. Two weeks ago I realized the importance of loving myself. To never judge myself negatively again and not to think against myself. I know that I only want to think positively about myself (dreaming for myself, not against it) I don't want to judge myself or feel bad about myself anymore. Since then I take time for myself every day for at least 1 hour, whereas before this realization, the only time I spent with myself was during the evening meditation. But here's the thing, I don't know how to do it. I found myself talking to myself a lot in a very positive and encouraging way. I even wrote letters to myself one night when I was revolted at not loving myself, at having judged myself all my life and at having created an image of myself that did not correspond to the life I wanted. That day I realized that I was strong, that I didn't want to please others anymore, that I wanted to become authentic and not be afraid anymore, to live my life for me and not for others. Unfortunately the next day I was back to "normal". Here with all my fears, my usual self-image and my limited beliefs. I swore to myself since that night that I would do everything I could to love myself and take time for myself every day. What I do is recite mantras, hug myself before bed, tell myself I love you to myself and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. But I noticed that my body was tense all the time and that there was a cloud of negative thoughts/images of myself in my subconscious that I can't see clearly but that accompanies me almost all day But I don't know if I'm doing it right and I wanted to ask people who have been there, what practices/things were the most effective and how long does it take to see good results?
  14. @flowboy thank u my friend <3
  15. @JohnnyAb Big thanks, I did what you said for a week now (excepted radical honesty), I already feel a shift; I'm able to enjoy myself alone, to say I love you's with sincerity & I even wrote love letter to myself. My self image is changing too, I begin to realize that I'm beautiful & attractive and now I see when girls notice me. It gives me more confidence to invite them for a date and face the rejects without feeling needy or weak. It's like a non-return point because now I don't want to spend one day without taking time with myself & I want to love myself more & more
  16. @Loba oh I'm so grateful for this ! Definitely will incorporate that in my life!! I'm in love with all the beauty around us
  17. Thank u everyone, it's very helpful I'm gonna do it!
  18. Hi guys, I becoming more conscious that the law of attraction is real and anyone can use it. But I feel lost in the content, I was all about Abraham Hicks teachings and then I found reddit posts that discredited her (people who went to her conferences or did the techniques) and they said that Neville Goddard or Bob Proctor are better.. Now I'm listening to Goddard audio but I don't know if I have to read all his books or if one of his book can be enough if applied.. Is there simple practices / thoughts to do everyday for the law of attraction to works effectively ? I don't want to stress out and ending up lost in the content
  19. After an hour call with my mother (who was being very negative and judgemental), I noticed the huge change of how I felt before the call and after the call. And I had this moment of "wow I get it!" I've realized the importance of our emotional state (and also the power in us to CHOOSE how we want to feel right now). The importance of asking "how do I feel now ?" and to become aware of our emotions and thoughts to change the story into a positive / uplifting one. It literally creates our perception of Reality and our actions Now all I want is to feel gratitude, love, joy, positivity I don't want to judge others or myself or to create negatives thoughts... Does your life changed after this realization ?
  20. @Raptorsin7 Thank u I think that's what I needed I'm taking notes !!
  21. If I was in God Mode, I suppose I would do more bold things without being so attached to the outcomes
  22. For beauty, for Love, for Grattitude, for sounds, colors, thoughts, sex...