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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. @Space Lizard Because I'm really starting to realize how much I am unconscious and fooling myself to believe that I was conscious. Now that I begin to see my patterns of thoughts / stories I want to replace them by positive ones or simply let go them
  2. For those who practice Satisfaction Meditation since months, what results/changes did you notice ?
  3. I create this topic to share the poems / love letters we wrote to ourselves. I'm not good at all at this so I consider mine like love letters, not poem and I translated it in english the best I could because my native language is french So, here's one : My Love, You are the most beautiful, tender, precious of my gifts You are the one with whom I breathe and live each moment You are the one who make everything possible for me You are the one with whom I learn to compliment and encourage the most I can You are my perfection, God, "you are" Each day I'm more & more grateful to have you You are the one who deserves more love, not less (thanks to Matt Kahn haha) You are my life, my dream, my masterpiece I Love You with all my soul <3 can't wait to read yours
  4. I don't know what to think about this. After watching this, feels like everything is hopeless I was very positive about creating my dream life, finding my soulmate, learning dutch to move in Netherlands. Now if what she say is true, we will have wars, economy crisis... I'm not rich enough to move into a peaceful country or to face an economic crisis.
  5. Thank you for your responses. I was feeling better. This night I had a dream where I was listening to a Porcupine Tree's album with my father (an album that I didn't knew, like a hidden album) I saw the list of the songs and I remembered clearly of the title "Jeopardy" I didn't know what this word mean and when I woke up I wanted to know. So I typed it on google and I saw that is means "risk of loss, peril or danger" It's quite rare when I remember details in my dreams and especially a word that I didn't know before... so I'm worried again I don't know if dreams can predict future or if it's just me who is making up things in my mind to worry more about future.
  6. I reacted to quickly
  7. @catcat69123 I loooooove this song hahaha
  8. Hi, I'm new to shadow work, I started a week ago with vizualisation but it didn't worked. Flowboy told me to try while writing and it did work ! Here's what I got: 19 December 2021 * is child Why do you need to please others all the time? * I don't know Are you sure? Tell me everything, I'm here, I'm listening, I'm sorry I ignored you for so long * I'm afraid of being abandoned, of not being loved Why? * I don't remember When did you first feel the need to please others? * At school, I think Please show me, tell me more * I got bullied when I was in high school, since then I don't dare show my face for fear of being made fun of or rejected You don't have to be afraid anymore I'm here What can I do to help you? * Protect myself How can I help? * Don't let them hurt me I'm doing my best, they can't do anything to you anymore, it's over, you're loved, I love you. You can go, you don't have to be afraid anymore * I don't want to go What do you want from me? * That you love me I love you already my love * It's not true Why do you think that? * You're manipulating me Maybe you're right but I don't know what to do, show me, I want to help you * Make love with me How? ...are you here? Tell me how to help you, you deserve to be loved. What are you afraid of, what do you feel? * Shame, embarrassment, I feel alone, I need you I'm here now, I'm listening to you * What are we going to do? What you want to do, tell me * I want to kill To kill who and why? * The people who hurt me I can go with you and forgive them, they didn't know what they were doing, they were lost * I still want to kill them Ok, I'll kill them with a gun, they're dead and they can never hurt you again * Thank you How do you feel? * Bad Why? * I'm afraid But what are you afraid of? * That I'll be laughed at No one will laugh at you anymore, I'm tall and strong now * It's not true Why do you think so? * You're weak I just want to help you * Look for I can't see clearly You're perfect the way you are, you don't have to be afraid or try to please anyone * You don't know how much I've suffered I wish I knew and saved you * Okay listen to me... I was in school, I was bullied, I suffered, I didn't know what to do, you weren't there to listen to me, you let it all happen, I didn't know how to defend myself, my parents didn't help me. So I adapted myself to try to please and avoid conflicts You don't have to do that anymore, there's no need to protect yourself. You can be yourself and I swear people will love you like that * I don't believe you * I don't have a home How can I make one for you? * By loving me, asking for me and stopping trying to avoid me I'll do my best to feel and love you Can you guide me, how to do it? What do you want from me? * I don't want anything from you We're going in circles, help me help you * You suck That's not true, I'm wonderful and so are you * Prove it I know it, how can I prove it to you? * Find a good girl I will but I need to help you first Otherwise you'll need to please * How can you help me? That's the question I'm asking you, how? No responses, a minute later: I feel you, you are towards my stomach I was very tired and tried to visualize scene where I was helping this part of me but it was hard to visualize & there was no real memories... I will continue tonight & everyday, hope I'll get better results 20 December 2021 I'm doing progress, toward the end, I had little moments of visualisation where I helped my child & he was able to open up a little bit I had little memories coming back but they were not vivid (it's not like I was living the scene) Hi it's me again, how are you? * Bad Why are you feeling bad ? * I'm afraid What are you afraid of? * Of you I don't understand * Ok listen to me I'm tired, tired of being called names, tired of being disrespected, tired of having no friends. I want to kill myself I'd like to help you, can you show me what hurts you? * I don't want to show you You can trust me * Why? Because I'm here to help you and love you * Prove it I'll talk to you every day, I won't ignore you anymore * You lie I swear I haven't, I've changed, I'm an adult now * Okay what are we gonna do? We're gonna love you * But why? So you'll stop suffering * But I want to suffer No, you want to be good and protected and I can give you that * Go ahead and do it (moment of visualization where I was bullied, I helped myself) Are you okay? * Yes I'm fine I'm happy for you, is there anything else I can do for you? Can you stop trying to please others now? * No Why? * Because I need you to love me I'd like to help you but I need you to cooperate * I don't want to cooperate What can I do? * I want you to love me I do * No Show me what hurts you * What hurts me is you Tell me why * Cause you ignore me No I'm not ignoring you anymore * Yes you are No, I talk to you and try to help you * It's not true I am lost * Why are you lost? Because I'm trying to help you but it's not working * Okay I'm staying with you Is there anything you want to say to me? * Yes, you suck, I don't want to see you anymore But I want to see you and I'm really sorry for what you went through, I'm doing my best to save you * Save me (moment of visualization) Here is * Thank you You're welcome. Is there anything else you want to show me? * Yes Okay, I'm watching (moment of visualization) How do you feel? * Better I'm glad you let me help you * Me too See, you can trust me, show me something else (moment of visualization) Are you ok? * I'm fine What can I do for you? * You can love me I love you * Me too I love you more than anything * Thank you Is there anything you want to say to me? * Yes, I'd like to go out with you Where ? * In a park (moment of visualisation in a park) * Thank you * What do we do now? Do you still need to please others? * No Is there anything else I can do for you? * Yes you can love me So let's do this... I'll see you tomorrow, good night I think I need to do more work with this because even if the child said "No" to my question "do you still need to please others?" , I didn't had big emotional release/experience and I still feel the desire to please women
  9. "What effects do you notice from this practice?" I don't know if it's from this practice only but I feel more confident, even my body language and the way I walk changed naturally. I interviewed people for my videos and I was able to be more authentic, I was surprised that I didn't try to please them, I was more relaxed, was not too self-conscious or overthinking. I even saw in their body language and what they said that they we're trying to please me, it has a repulsive effect, their compliments feels not very true. It made me realized even more that I don't want to act like this anymore! It's more difficult with girls that I'm attracted to, I did progress but I'm not there yet. I know that I don't want to be needy toward girls or trying to please them. But it's not integrated yet, seems like a big challenge for me. Right now I'm trying to accept the fact that I can be happy alone even if it takes years before I find a girlfriend.. and inside I know it will not takes years because I feel attractive and worthy and the progress I make are bigger & bigger. Yes it helps thank u !
  10. I'll try. Does my inner child / " a part of me" can know if my grand mother will die soon or not ? He told me that I had to spend more time with her because she will die in a few months
  11. 28 December Hello how are you ? * Good and you ? Good, thanks. Happy that you feel good Can I help you ? * Yes * Because I don't feel good Tell me * I don't want to (I stopped writing and was talking to myself in my mind) it didn't lead somewhere. Something I wonder if I'm really in contact with my inner child or if it's just me who is talking to myself...
  12. 27 December Hello how are you ? * Bad Why ? * I don't know You want to say something to me ? * Yes, you are beautiful, amazing Thanks, it's nice, why are you saying this ? * Because I believe it Thanks my love And why do you feel bad ? * I feel lost Can I help you ? * Yes Okay I hug you * Thanks Do you want to talk about something ? * Grand mother Ok I'm listening * I think that she is very nice and that she will soon die. We should spend more time with her. How do you know that she'll die soon ? * I know, that's it How much time ? * a few months Ok my love, I'll spend more time with her * That's good How do you feel ? * Not very good Explain to me please * I don't know what to do, I feel lost in life There is nothing to do, only love yourself, appreciate things that life offers * You must be right Yes life is a beautiful experience! We will love ourself more, meet new people.... * Okay I love you * Me too I will work on my emotions, see you tomorrow * Kiss
  13. Hi my friends, I'm gonna do shadow work everyday right before going to sleep. I was wondering if smoking a little bit of weed or taking a little dose of ketamine was helpful for this or if it is better to do it sober ?
  14. 26 December Hello my love * Hello How are you feeling ? * Not good at all What's happening ? * They make fun of me, I feel bad I'm here, you are not alone * Okay Who is making fun of you ? * They, the bad ones Show me please I can't see... There is nothing to fear my love, breathe with me, feel the peace & the power that you are. Feel that there is nothing to fear and no one to please. There is nothing to do than loving yourself and feeling yourself. * You're saying bullshit That's good, you are honest. Keep this quality, don't try to please others * Okay How are you now ? * Still bad I hug you * Thank you You're feeling better ? * A little bit What can I do to make you happy ? * Loving me I love you, you are precious & amazing * Me too I feel that you want to talk to me about Sandrine (my first girlfriend who broke up with me for another one) Well... okay. What do you want to tell me about this ? * I loved her more than anything and she loved me What else ? * I miss her Can I help you ? * Yes How ? * Love me more than her I love you more than she was loving you, I will never leave you. I will be there for you and you will find another girlfriend who will be better for you, I promise * Ok thank you You're welcome. For that, you must learn to love yourself as much as possible & realizing the infinite power that you are * Okay You're gonna do this ? * I don't know Why ? * Because you don't deserve it I do my best, what do you need more to realize that WE deserve this ? * Me I deserve this, not you Why ? * Because you ignored me for all these years I'm sorry again, I didn't know what to do, I was unconscious. But now I'm here to help you everyday * Okay I love you my love * Me too Do you want to show me what makes you cry ? * Yes Ok I watch I can't see, maybe try to write it down * What makes me cry is you ignoring me for years Now I'm here to help you * I appreciate your efforts, how far can you go ? To the core! I will not give up, I'm doing this for you and me * You are intriguing Reveal yourself to me * No Okay we will take the time you need * Anyway, it's me who's the boss I'm feeling lost, I would like to help you but I don't really know how * Well, dig in I'll see you tomorrow, good night I love you * good night
  15. 25 December Hello, how are you? * Not well What's wrong my love? * I'm being laughed at Show me You're free to do whatever you want, don't think of others, think of yourself, for yourself, for what you know is best for you * Okay See you tonight * See you later Good evening my love * Good evening How are you? * Bad Tell me what's wrong * I'm mocked, I'm harassed, I am lost I feel weak and I don't know what to do Ok show me I will protect you (visualization) What did she do to hurt you, Sarah? * She disrespected me, she insulted me, she was mean Show me I can't see Try to show me, trust me I can't see can you write it down for me? * I can't be specific, I just know she's harassing me and insulting me How can I help you without seeing? * Love me and protect me Here is * Thank you Is there anything else you want to tell me? * I feel bad Ok why? * Because I don't have any friends and the ones I'm with aren't nice and use me I'm your friend, you don't have to stay with them, they don't deserve you * Okay Are you feeling better? * Yes Super, you are wonderful * Thank you I'm going to sleep I'll see you tomorrow, I love you * thank you kiss
  16. Is there people in Belgium ?
  17. @mmKay Ok when we write the letter telling them what we want them to know it can be cursing at them, expressing them our anger, what we feel inside about them ? Or just telling them "you hurted me when you did X ..."
  18. Hello, Just wanted to share this book "The Sedona Method" I didn't finish it yet I'm only in the beginning but wow, after experiencing his technique of releasing/letting go it blew my mind how simple it was and how fast the results were showing up! The method has 5 steps / 5 questions to ask: What are you feeling NOW? Could you welcome/allow that feeling? Could you let it go? Would you let it go? When? I was overthinking and thought I wouldn't do it correctly for X reasons. But today, I sat on my couch, I meditated for 5 minutes & naturally I thought "Okay what am I feeling now ?" I felt a sensation into a part of my body, and just by being curious to feel it & allow it the more I could, I felt immense sadness & anger that I was keeping in my body for maybe years (felt like a beast, I was screaming of anger...) All I had to do is to go the deeper as I can into the emotion and then it popped like a bubble! I did the process five times in a row and the feeling after this is great. I feel lighter, more peaceful, clear-minded, and I feel like something in me has changed forever. I feel tired too because it was a lot of emotions but can't wait to do it again each day. I'm just amazed of how simple it is ! So glad that I've found this book it feels like I discovered today how to deal with my emotions, I hope it will help you too. Merry Christmas!
  19. work/study: great I had new projects in the end of the year and I love even more what I do emotional intelligence: Way much better but I'm a newbie. Last year I had a toxic relationship, I was weak, stressed, needy. Fortunetely one day I had the courage to break-up with her and I was a totally new person, felt like I was discovering myself for the first time. I'm reading & applying the Sedona Method so I think 2022 will be a great year for emotional intelligence. social life: Improved my relationship with my friend, became more authentic with them. relationships/sex life: oh God no I went to prostitute 3 times in the year, I had no girlfriend this year but I know now how to love myself and doing the work to become non-needy & more confident. family: a little bit better with my mother, we talk more. I don't see my family very often self-development/spirituality: best year for me, I started to spend more time with myself & I stopped a lot of addictions finances: Like every year I have what I need to have a decent living physical activity/eating: Going back to the gym since September, gained 2-3 pounds hobbies/habits: Great how would you rate it 1-10? 8/10
  20. 23 December 2021 I felt my inner child needing me to talk to him during the day when I was reading a book Hi how are you ? * Bad Why ? * I'm afraid Ok show me * I had a horrible day on a day out with school it was in a park with a castle We were playing games to introduce ourselves, I was the last one to introduce myself and to not do do like everyone else I referred to myself as "He". The teacher laughed at me and so did everyone else I spent the day alone in the park waiting for it to end. On the way back in the bus I was laughed at again, I felt very bad (visualisation) * Thank you You're okay now ? * Yes Can you show me something else ? * Yes (visualisation) You're okay ? * Yes You see, you're big & strong, you're amazing * Yes that's right Can I do something for you ? * hug me Here you are, I know you didn't had hugs before, if I was there I would have give you hugs everyday * Thank u Can I help you again ? (visualisation) You were perfect! * Thank u I'm tired, I'm coming back to you tonight, kiss * kiss Good evening my love * Good evening How are you ? * I'm not feeling good What's happening ? * they make fun of myself Who ? (visualisation) How can I help you ? * love me and protect me (visualisation) you're okay now ? * Yes You want to tell me something ? * I love you Me too, it's nice! Can you show me something more profound for me to help you ? (visualisation) You were perfect, what you've done was right, you can be proud * Thank u How do you feel now ? * really better Cool We're a good together What would you like to make me know ? * that I love you Me too, more than everything Good night my love * Good night
  21. Cool 22 December 2021 Good evening my love how are you * I am fine I can help you and love you tonight * So do it Show me something that hurts you (visualization) * Thank you Do you want to talk to me? * Yes I'm listening * I was hurt by a girl, Eve What did you get hurt from her? * She didn't like me, she rejected my hand at the movies and she went out with another. I loved her (visualization) Is it better? * Yes Did another girl hurt you? * Yes Can you show me? * Marine, she didn't want to go out with me, she went out with two of my friends but I don't think she liked me and I didn't feel good enough (visualization) Now you feel good enough? * No do you know why? * I think I'm not good enough Where does it come from that you think you're not good enough? I can't see what would you like? * an ice cream (visualization) something else? * I would like to be good enough You already are * it's not true Why do you think that? * because I don't feel good enough Why do you think that? * because I'm weak You're not weak, you're perfect * no, I'm weak Why do you feel weak? * because I couldn't get a girlfriend it's normal and you don't need to have a girlfriend to be strong or good enough * okay You are already big and strong * why do you say that? Cause I know it, deep down in me * that's not true Give me a chance to prove it to you * okay (visualization) Look at the path you've gone through, look where you come from, you'll get your proof here You understand now? * yes, you're right That's great, I'm proud of you You don't need to please, you already please by being yourself * Yes And you will not please everyone and that's normal * Yes * Can you give me a hug (hug) See you tomorrow I love you * see you tomorrow, me too
  22. I'm gonna read and apply the Sedona Method Will continue to do shadow work, self-love, my youtube projects, work-out and I'll try to gain 6-7 pounds
  23. Happy new year everyone, can't wait to see all the things that will happens in one year