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Everything posted by Gabith

  1. Would be nice but I try to let go of wanting a girlfriend because I have to love myself first until I become okay with being alone I've attracted toxic relationship in the past I know I will find easily in the future, when I'll be more authentic and completely okay with being alone because I meet a lot of people almost everyday
  2. Hey Beside meditation, what are the best 3 habits/practice that I could practice each day to devellop self-love/happiness/positivity ?
  3. I was all about positivity & loving myself for weeks and since a week something changed, I feel depressed. As I start to become more conscious of what is Reality and this makes me more negative and feeling lonely because I don't have anyone to speak with about this and I don't feel good with my friends anymore. I even started to watch porn again or distracting myself with videos on youtube of people who catches predators (knowing it doesn't make me feel happier or good, it's like an addiction). I always wake up in the middle of the night where before I could sleep very well I think that what impact me the most is to see that everything/everyone is myself and how much people are unconscious Something in me is telling me to reduce Internet/electronics and to spend more time alone, singing, meditating, doing self-love practices & going in nature but I'm afraid to know more about the Truth and that it could makes me even more depressed.
  4. Can I wear two or more differents stones on the same bracelet / necklace ? Or do they interfere / decrease the effects of each others ? Can I empty all my stones within the same bowl filled with salt ? Or do I have to put each stone in a separate salted bowl ? Thank u
  5. @blankisomeone It depends from the countries. Just near Belgium we have Netherlands and the difference is huge... People seems a lot more happier there
  6. Here in Belgium I feel like 80-90% of people don't enjoy living. I go out a lot to meet people, and I see a lot of stressed people & frown faces. Almost everyone seems to be worried when I look at their expressions Life is pretty easy in our country, we have a lot of social security, we can get money every months for years even if we don't have a job. and if you really want a job, you can find one quite rapidly.
  7. @Illusory Self Luomo - Vocal City DJ Hell - U can dance Kasper Bjorke - Apart (feat. Sisy Ey)
  8. @Gianna Interesting, never thought about this. It consist of training myself to observe myself from a third person and creating a positive narrative through the day about the person "I" observe ?
  9. hello I failed, I do 20-40 minutes instead of 1 hour
  10. Just wanted to know what works best for you to raise your frequency.
  11. @Gen Sue Rodriguez Do you have some movies to recommend ?
  12. I'm grateful for internet For the place where I live For living in a house with heating For the food for the beauty of existence to have a great friend
  13. I don't want to regret anything, what is done is done it's okay
  14. Thank you, your post inspired me. I'll do the same starting tomorrow and I have no excuses because I've got plenty of free time
  15. @Gregory1 already did, but now I want a new vibrator, a better one, I want more !
  16. Beside meditation, what are the best way to increase my consciousness of what I'm feeling/thinking naturally ?