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Everything posted by Elton

  1. Are u on 5 meo?
  2. @Vinsanity visulization can be seen as a target.. When you focus on a target you usually get there, its a exercise you could do it everyday to not loose focus.
  3. In the mission statement video you mentioned about the Zone of Genius, it would be great to know techniques to find it.
  4. The only thing we need to master is our emotions, think about it guys You have a profession you don't feel comfortable working in change your thoughts and change your emotions simple, just change the way you feel and you can always feel fullfilled and satisfied. I've been practicing just observing emotions for quite some time and many times in the day as my alarm rings I look at my body and I realise that there is no emotions or either I'm unaware, I've read recently in psyco pcybernetics that you feel something only when you think about it and I feel its a accurate theory... Cause when I think about how I'm feeling I usually do get a feeling, when I think about something I feel it... However I remembered how I would feel when I was in 6th grade some kind of hollowness in my chest I tried explaining it to my parents they just told me that if I make some new friends and study to divert my mind I would feel better, it does help cause when you are doing something else your not thinking about any feeling but now I realised that it was the void that I was aware of... Now a days its all about acceping emotions feeling them completely and also observation of thoughts and behaviours... Imagine if you could master your emotions you would be happy even if you were a lonely person on the street without a job and purpose.. Now how amazing is that? I don't know how many decades it will take to master my emotions but its on my to do list till I'm alive...
  5. @Lawrence i feel less stuff can be done with increased quality.
  6. Today I was in the middle of my workout at the comfort of my home and it started raining heavily, after I finished working out I went down andgot wet. It was out of my comfort zone, my parents were telling me that I would get sick, I remembered napoleon hill he said that fear is the real cause of sickness. I went down outside my comfort zone felt cold for some time then let go of resistance and then I smelt the roses(metaphor)
  7. I've been looking up to 25 now a days so that I can write this journal its so exciting... Yesterday I tried using alchol to self actualize, fuckal experience all it does is gives your body a burn from the inside and relaxes your muscles, I was actually meditating on alchol yesterday...( alone with 100 ml) Using mindfulness I've been trying to use night sitting after seeing sinzen youngs vedio on this forum regarding the same but I've always been unsuccessful 3 times so far.. I guess I will need some strategy to conquer it. I've become a strategic motherfucker lately decided to spend one hour a week strategyzing.its fun doing that. Exercise meditation reading and testing the waters is consistent. I will find my life purpose eventually. Happiness levels are also beginning to rise addictions have melted away but I did resist craving the whole week maybe thats why I had alchol.... But I was never ever addicted to alchol I just wanted to try if I could do a whole night sit under its influence, my assumption was wrong.
  8. No problem of all the criticisms and negative talk I had to face as a child and even now a days from my parents, they don't know any better. But i still do love them but I'm 25 years old and I am finding it difficult to express my love, Why do I feel so much resistance to hug my parents and tell them I love them? Do all grown ups feel like that? Are there any techniques in personal development To express myself better? But how come I am so expressive with my girlfriend?
  9. @Peace and Love hi peace and love :-) would you be interested in having a virtual friend till I can make it to the u.s.?
  10. I'm doing that already from more than a year I've developed more compasion and love or to be more precise I've been aware of them as they always were the case.. But I'm talking about expressing it which I feel is quite different @Capethaz
  11. Thanks for the information.
  12. @popi sweetheart why are you leaving this form being on this form is one of the most important commitments you could make.. Finding like minded people who are interested in personal development and Mastering themselves are very rare to find. Journalling can help re programme your subconscious mind. There are reviews on self help products and books which can save you hours... Don't go this forum is worth it..
  13. There is a rule of no negative thinking during the course. I hope you are following that.
  14. Hey guys :-) whats up this is Elton from Actualized.org... I'd like to journal about my last mouth. It was a very good month, everything went well I smoked cigarettes only on Saturday and Monday, I smoked weed on Friday and Saturday but this time it was more consciously and I did enjoy the trip on Friday. So at least I stuck to my commitment for most of the time in the month. I had a great exercise routine going was building myself up again after a month break it becomes difficult but you have to baby step your way back to the top. Next month I'm planning an increment in time i exercise. Meditation as usual every single day but its time to increase my session moving out of comfort will have to take place, doing the emotionally difficult thing will have to take place. I gave a interview and got selected and I'm getting more money than my current job but I don't want to take it its almost like a call centre job and it will take away my time. The life purpose course is getting intense different ideas are coming up and I can't decide which egg to give my warmth... I hope I find it at the end of the course I'm almost there but I can also see that it might take more time but its worth it..
  15. Heeeeeey whats up guys, this is Elton..and I would like to share one of my experience. After more than 120 days of abstinence from weed I had very little yesterday, i felt a total shift in energy levels and got a glimpse of being. I realised that how small I was in the universe, a grain in the sand. I felt one with many people I've connected to on here and even apart from here.. The state of being was also something I felt... I regret not journalling the whole trip, I was feeling guilty before but I said that I would totally surrender to this experience and I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was pleasure, lust or being and knowing I'm not sure. Please leave your comments down below and let me know what you think.
  16. After I did it again it was like a normal high it should be done very rarely is the lesson I learnt or even not at all would do..
  17. Yes because today there is a ego relapse, I have been smoking cigarettes since morning, However I did get the titillation and excitement and the funny bodily sensations along with a few insights. I'm looking forward for a vipassna retreat but I am finding it difficult to position myself to go. Now I feel anything can get you to understand being cause all you've got to do is be.
  18. I realized how fear and guilt blocks the flows of positive energy. The new way of marketing apart from the news papers with were only visual is now changed to sound this concept of napoleon hill hit me like a light bulb. I am a part of something bigger than me i had micro glimpses of this. And i also felt a lot of pleasure. I enjoyed it.
  19. I think I've come up with a new quote and I'm excited to share it with you. Your mind is made of clay and you are the potter.
  20. Hmmm ya, how could I be so blind to see that I'm also living on a planet :-/ A different level of experiencing life.. Very very interesting..
  21. @Ayla how does the platets moving around got anything to do with humans? Plants prepare their food with sunlight and we eat vegetables so what does that have to do with energy and productivity and enlightment?
  22. @Ayla can you give me some sources to educate myself more about this topic?
  23. @Ludwig @Ayla You are right Ludwig I saw beggars harassing couples for money,poverty, arrogance by the rickshaw driver opinions of people of course I was drained but what about the eclipse season it has got nothing to do with that?
  24. @Ayla avoid going to crowded places? Yesterday I went to a crowded place with my girlfriend and I got really really drained of my energy even today I'm feeling some pain in my back although we were just sitting an the rocks seeing the ocean in the sun... Is this because of the eclipse season? Even all these days I'm feeling a lot drained in the evenings after my routines i thought that it is homeostasis.