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Everything posted by Elton

  1. @Leo Gura thank you so much for the start here coloumn... Just clucked on one core concept and saw the organisation of material oh my God! This is a greatest resource I've seen like the encyclopedia of self actualization. Using the life purpose course I've studied the therory and not even completed the course (uptil exterce 3) but I feel my life purpose is self actulization. This is the blue print! Thanks a lot.
  2. Who else has come across this section on actulized.org?
  3. Management of self talk Take a deep breath and do it for a couple of times... Good... Look at your phone and remember that it is a medium for self texting.. What do you really want out of life? To feel good... See now this is the problem right there... You assign labels to feeling instead of just feeling it and its physical manifestations objectively... But these physical manifestations are temporary and keep changing so clinging to a feeling will obviously cause dissatisfaction as it will change.. But Dissatisfaction itself is a feeling and the seeds of dissatisfaction cause trees of dissatisfaction... So that means that if I can treat every emotion just as it is I can experience less dissatisfaction? What if the existential void of dissatisfaction is actually just a label can I just cange this label to bliss and love this feeling? Lets start with mindfulness on a serious level. A commitment from the heart.
  4. @thetrut11 do let me know about your progress I'm struggling with the same issue except I am 8 years addicted...
  5. Here I will like to document how I'm using mindfulness to self actualize Last week I saw a self discipline vedio in which I learnt that distracting oneself with other sites when tempted helps from avoiding craving. I noticed that the temptation was from within. So when I would 'see' or 'feel' (internal) something related to smoking I would turn my attention outside my skull and see whats reality and come out of my mind... This would help me distract myself. The temptation was also be outside many times and not in my mind but the ones inside require more mindfulness.... After dinner and desert I would 'feel' intensive craving and then I would ask myself why do I want to smoke? If I wouldn't get a logical reply I would not smoke. However after 5 days my mind rationalised itself to smoke as I saw in a self discipline vedio that I could have cheat days for easing out the process... Thus mindfulness played a very important role when combined with self discipline techniques and self enquiry.. How to be ruthlessly effective in mindfulness? Do Vipassana meditation Practice mindfulness meditation outside meditation Do it every single day.
  6. Hey Leo, this is something I've identified in my self actulization journey... For the past 6 months I have been under a brutal homeostasis spell however last week through journalling and praticing mindfulness outside the meditation practice I've had improvement and insights... However in the last six months I haven't really been able to tap into and practice what you have been advocating... I haven't seen the last 3 vedios of actulized.org too... I certainly am drifting, I want to stay on track Leo can you give me some tips on what I can do?
  7. @Joseph Maynor most of the time you get energy by using energy. 30 min of aerobic exercise is a remedy for tiredness. These ideas are from the book mastery
  8. Finally after three days of ban I'm back...I have left smoking finally and it feels so nice it has been 3 days since I've left... Now its time for stabalization of the value health through baby steps... 1 min of daily skipping and body weight training... However I have not felt any withdrawal symptoms after leaving smoking maybe this is because of meditation :-)
  9. Fear of death is motivating me to quit bad habits of smoking. I'm really scared all of a sudden today this fear has dawned upon me.
  10. negative motivation is what creates more impulse than positive motivation.
  11. Nothing has gone as per plan uptill now.. So I'll just quit trying cause today is the weekend I'll just sit on my ass and wonder why change is so difficult feeling the guilt... I guess I should make peace with the guilt. That would make life much easier.or maybe use sedona method to release it.
  12. @Dizzy its not very helpful as it tends to drain away your energy. I do it everyday and I have developed a psychological dependency.
  13. New idea! Journalling + Visualisation combination I get up at 6 00 a.m. Meditate, ana Pana and vipassna combination... Do a stretch routine and 1 min of skipping 10 burpees and stretching... Do my laundry... Have breakfast mundfully Drive to work.... Prepare for my next installation visit at work. Come back home arrange my room. Listen to the life purpose course with Elimination of negative thoughts... Self body massage and retirement to bed feeling satisfied because I've lived my Lifepurpose of self actualization...
  14. So I have failed once today but I will not give up and try again, the perfectionist attitude is whats spoiling things for me.. Haven't been able to start my exercise routine because I was waiting to.quit smoking.. When I criticise I rob myself of my future.. Self acceptance might be just being in the present moment and not being critical about the past...
  15. Why should man get what he doesn't want? A passing desire or a vague desire that is based on dissatisfaction with external circumstances will not create sufficient impulse for change.
  16. But I also plan on buying the booklist soon , do with some basic books first create your own booklist until you save up money to buy the actulized.org book list, I want to buy it myself but I have the life purpose booklist to finish.
  17. Why after failing one time in the day I quit trying entirely for the entire day, This is the trick of the devil "Failure is a virtue only when it does not lead one to quit trying and begin drifting. I induce as many people as I can to fail often as possible for the reason that not 1 out of 10,000 will keep on trying after failing 2 or three times. " In a day only after 1 failure I stop trying, shit man!!!!! Time to outwit the devil!!!!!!!!
  18. I think I require a lot of time maybe 3 years more and I'll be a better person cause my life purpose is to self actualize. BREAKTHROUGH question... Why after I fail in quitting smoking I decide to start tomorrow and not now? Why do I resist trying again now and postpone it to tomorrow? Is this a fear of success??
  19. Why can't I just stop smoking? I know its not good for health and it drains away my energy... I have so much theory but still can't convert it into practice... Why is my body so mechanical? I struggle with being happy, I don't remember a time I was truely happy; 2 years ago was one instance when I had left smoking after 8 years and for two days I had a smile on my face I could not remove;after vipassna retreat too I felt really happy I want to experience happiness and self love. Also self acceptance is not happening loving my sins to death is not happening. I have observed this new neurotic behaviour in myself, whatever everyone else is doing I have always a theory for why truely they are not happy and they don't even know about it... I derive some saught of satisfaction in knowing that the other person is trapped in either ignorance or materialism or any other actulization concepts. I find it difficult to love others maybe because I find it difficult to love myself. I have fear of poverty and don't even think of leaving my job to start a new business although I fantasise about starting one but don't have the balls to do so... The biggest fear is of me loosing my job. Meditation is the only thing thats on track in my life but this year after vipassna I have backslided a lot.. Every week I miss a day or two last year everything was so nice meditation was going on everyday smoking had stopped I had installed new habits but now everything is gone for a toss like I've lost my powers. I am struggling with making the change I'm procrastinating making the change and I don't know why. The fear of living?
  20. Another failure, come on Elton what are you doing? What is keeping you from succeeding in quitting smoking and taking care or your health? Come on 100 percent response ability to failure is required... Stop conceptualising and act Elton you need to act right now... The rest of the day you need to be aware of your impulses.. You can do it, you have done it in the past. Don't wait till your aching do it now... What are the action steps you can take? Slow repetative breathing Relaxation Hypnosis Taking the right action Exercising... Come on Elton don't let yourself down every single day you don't like the feeling of slacking off on your commitment then take responsibility of your feelings bro come on you can do it.
  21. @Joseph Maynor hmmm getting out thoughts in the open... I wonder how this practice would turn out to be? I feel practicing mindfulness would be a better option as it would be faster than recording them however its very easy to get lost practicing mindfulness... I will try journalling every day on actulized.org... Lets see if itworks for me.
  22. So @egoeimai you suggest that thoughts can br gotten rid of so easily?
  23. The devil says " Failure is a virtue only when it does not lead one to quit trying and begin drifting. I induce as many people as I can to fail often as possible for the reason that not 1 out of 10,000 will keep on trying after failing 2 or three times. " @egoeimai great, keep up the good work... How is exercise going on? I'm drifting through procrastination and my exercise routine never starts...