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Everything posted by Elton

  1. @Anna1 hi Anna, would you like to listen to a kawali ? Its this genre of music. I hope you enjoy it. Listen to the whole song if you have the patience and let me know if you like it.
  2. @Milos Uzelac what is the most important bad habit that if you quit, you feel that it would make a huge difference in your life ? Quit that habit and install a new one similar to that habit, for eg. You identify that you want to quit watching porn, great now install a new habit of watching instructional vedios on teaching. Or say you identify that you are negatively visualization a lot of stuff and want to quit negative thinking, replace that with affirmations and visualizations for 90 days straight. One habit at a time for 90 days is the solution. This is a fact that I learnt from Leo Each time you control your impulse your building your willpower up. Notice that the more number of days you go without a bad habit the easier it becomes to resist it. It will take a year or so to rewire your subconscious mind but you got to be consistent. Have a powerful vision for yourself it's one of the most important things to have in life it can motivate you to stop procrastinating it can fill your life with positivity it will inspire you to stop wasting time on things that are not worth it. Two more important advices for you as a bonus ;-) : one is slow and mindful breathing, focus on your breath, and the second one is body awareness. Wear a rubber band to remind you of these, but again Install one habit at a time, easily and effortlessly. As Gay Henrix said 'Even though insights are important, stabilization of those insights are equally important.'
  3. @Moon somewhat I agree to you too, however feeling the anxiety completely is a form of doing too. Feeling the emotion completely while you are doing nothing about the situation (not taking the right action) that is causing the anxiety is not going to help the situation too. The context for this advice is for the people who are anxious about certain situations that can be changed through actions. So we can reframe this advice in this way. Next time any one feels anxiety or worry due to any situation completely feel into the situation, use body awareness or mindfulness to do so, and after this as Markus Arelius said that if you are distressed by anything external it's not the thing itself, but your own estimate of it which you have the power to revoke at any moment; realise that you are the creator of your own emotions, and with this understanding be calm and cool BUT always DO something that could help the situation be better. I would like to give certain examples to which this advise could apply (recontextualization) as it is not ment for all situations like a death or something where you can't actually so anything about it.. when I wrote this post I was referring to more mundane situations like your boss is angry on you for not doing some work,than do it; if you want to make an impact in the word but don't know your purpose, than find it; like your bike brakes down, than call the mechanic or start repairing; you want to buy a new house, than save money for it. You just do it and do it and do it until the job gets done. In situations like this always be biased towards taking action, of course getting in touch with your anxiety can help you, but always take the right action. YOU CAN ACT YOURSELF INTO RIGHT THINKING BUT CAN'T THINK YOURSELF INTO THE RIGHT ACTION.
  4. So when you have an anxious thought what do you do to overcome it ? Meditation,yoga, exercise ? Those are all good strategies to prevent anxiety and fear in the long term and be more grounded and I do recommend all of them, but what do you do on a micro level ? Taking the right action. So the next time you are anxious or worried about your boss yelling at you, then take the right action do the fucking work it takes to be praised rather than criticised. The next time you are worried about having a sickness do a fucking medial test instead of googling up various symptoms and checking it for hours together. The next time you are anxious or worried about not having enough money to pay your bills, find a fucking job, save the money, be mindful on where yoh spend. Start a business, discover what you love doing, create a tangeble product. Just do it, just fucking do it. I have realised the more action you can take over something the better you will feel and the more easily you will overcome anxiety. One of the key insights to live a profound life to to take action. Always remember this trick when you are stuck or feeling like a victim. Get in the action habit, if you are a unrepentant slacker and don't take any action at all, start building momentum start building micro momentum in everything you do. Maybe start with just small things like cleaning your living room and slowly build up to bigger things. Just do it.
  5. @Patrick Lynam did you like my poem ?
  6. @Patrick Lynam since you just had an emotional release, maybe you need to take things slow for a while, this is just a phase and it will too pass ... The brightest day is just before the dawn. Just focus on small things like eating sleeping etc. For some time or even some days .. do basic tasks like cleaning etc.
  7. Since we are all going to die anyways why don't make the most of it and die. It does feel good to feel good. Why not spent life doing what you love, why not create your own meaning to life ? Why not savour the magic of nature and infinite intelligence all around us ? It's certainly better than closing oneself to the beauty and divinity of the universe.. Open up to the infinite love all around, Open up to your inner word, You will find magic all around you , When you see the oyster creating the pearl. And just as that pearl is just a stone, You can give it meaning; increase its worth , So so can you also create meaning, In the cycle of death and birth. (Wow I'm so amazed that how I could just write this poem while replying to you ... This is definitely what it means by the universe speaking to itself. - infinite love :-D
  8. @Patrick Lynam why do you feel like this ? Did you know that mahatma Gandhi was not enlightened but led the whole country towards freedom ? That was a pretty meaningful act. If he can do something so meaningful without getting enlightened you can too. But don't stop researching on how to get enlightened as if that's so meaningful to you you must become a vehicle for that vision of yours.. There are many vedios already on what to do and what kind of experiences you will get after doing them.
  9. I reached to the maha mudra part just last week. And for the past two or three days after touching my hands to the toes and reciting om for 6 times focusing on the center of the eyes when I come back up and exhale I experience a sharp head ache (at the centre of my forehead above my eyebrows ) for few seconds, am I doing something wrong ?
  10. @Matt23 that is the feeling of emptiness or the void probably? I felt that similar effect when my family and myself shifted from one place to another when I was younger. Also I experienced it when I was going to a break up. Actually now just before speaking to you I got a msg from my manager and was experiencing it, I'm focusing on this post and on rendering good advice to you to overcome it right now. So try concentration/meditation and see if it helps you. As when you focus on something outer than your feeling all your energy and focus is directed towards that other thing and you won't feel the feeling inside. Also you could focus on body relaxation and letting go of those physical sensations. You will notice that it's not permanent and the sensations will change or pass. Accept impermanence.
  11. @Peo online is where all the girls are at the moment. Start improving your texting skills you will need them anyways after approaching. So add them to your skillset. Wish you the best :-)
  12. @Preety_India Kriya Pranayama is a similar technique. Adding maha mudra to this is even more powerful. In kriya Pranayama you breath from your lower chakra to your highest chakras and exhale from top to bottom. (Rising your kriya upwards) not like the traditional breathing i.e. nose to belly. It's a kriya yoga technique.
  13. Thank you @Leo Gura:-) I loved this vedio specially how you integrated the psychological and spiritual aspects such kind of vedios can be very helpful for people in my stage of personal development and myself. I have a intuition that Listening to this multiple times will have a dramatic effect in my life.
  14. @Wisebaxter thanks :-)
  15. In my journey to self actualisation I remain stuck and my growth is hampered due to my bad addictions. This journal will be an ultimate guide by reference to whatever techniques I use and study to facilitate my quitting. So the biggest distraction in my life is smoking,this is no. 1 priority and high alert to quit. Reasons why I should quit smoking Increase neural health Increase energy Elivate moods Save more money Build successful poweful routunes Building health to share my gifts and carry out my purpose in life.
  16. @SageModeAustin accept that the main work of your life purpose will be doing the mundane things. A musician practices scales and chords and finger exercises for hours the juice of his purpose will be the song. He accepts the path of continuous practice. Any hero in his journey has to come to peace with the process. That's why having a grandios vision is super important so that you can accept the auxium of continuity of practice. Upward surges are less compared to the time spent on the plateau. Read the book mastery by George L.
  17. @TheUniverseIsLove one note
  18. @Chumbimba yes you can be happy while being successful, infact being successful gives you an advantage over the unsuccessful already even though it's not a pre requisite to be happy but it always helps. Few tips for happiness in no particular order: Practice gratitude. Savor the things you find beauty in. Be a creator vs competetor. Practice negative visualization. Take care of your physical and mental health. Live a life bigger than yourself for others.
  19. @The Don how about an old school perspective? The root cause could be lack of confidence. What do really confident people do, such that they feel super confident?
  20. @Wisebaxter thats a great accomplishment self acceptance is very powerful. Congratulations on doing it did you use any specific technique ? Of yes than please share.
  21. @Javfly33 I forgot to mention, regardless of your decision alwaysalways use condoms, not using one is a strategic blunder.
  22. You are making her your priority. That's what a woman doesn't want. Moreover making her your no. 1 priority may lead to neediness, possessiveness and also envy and jealousy.
  23. @assx95 and what is your idea about love ? Like what is love for you ?
  24. @Javfly33 ask yourself this question and you will know better than anyone else the answer to this question.