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Everything posted by Peterc123

  1. @Leo Gura Thank you for the feedback. You can't give me clarity but somehow you did because I think I get it now. The purpose of the exercise is to remove all mental models that keep us from being fully aware. This includes anything we believe or take for granted about other people. My question reveals that I got stuck in the mental models.
  2. @Leo Gura It is my first post so sorry for being a bit long. I follow your work for years now and I am always impressed by the depth of it. This video is sublime but it also confuses me a bit. I have difficulty to understand why my awareness is the only thing that is real and everything else is just a construct of our imagination. I hope you can give me some clarity. I consider myself mostly at the construct aware stage so the quest for models and insights is still important ? First I need to explain my background a bit so you can see where I am coming from. While science has its limits and scientists even more so, I learned a lot by studying the work of some scientists, mostly physicists and cosmologists, that went beyond the current understanding of science and tried to answer (meta)physical questions of existence. In retrospect, I believe some of them had enlightened experiences and must be at the construct aware stage (or even beyond). Julian Barbour comes to mind as he let me grasp the timeless and scale-invariant, fractal-like nature of the universe while anchoring general relativity and quantum mechanics within it. Those insights and insights I got by contemplating existence for more than two decades got me to a level of understanding that is at many levels surprisingly well aligned with your enlightened work. It allowed me to grasp why something exists as well as the irrelevance of non-existence. I also understood that the structure of existence needs to be non-dual, holistic in nature and self-contained. It needs to be complete and encompass the realm of all possibilities. If we could describe it with a theory of everything (an imaginary concept as logic and mathematics have its limits), this theory needs to be parameter-free or it would be incomplete. Parameter changes will not change the structure of the universe. As a consequence of its self-contained nature, it has strange loops and paradoxes. Intelligent life is such a strange loop as it allows the universe (aka god) to reflect upon itself although it can get stuck in an imaginary, lower level closed-loop (the ego). While trying to imagine it as a field of consciousness, its integrated properties equate to nothing (zero energy and matter) while still encompassing everything in its infinite, fractal-like structure. From that viewpoint I see humans, animals, things as local portals of awareness with immediate access to different levels of reflection capabilities (ego, thoughts). They are limited in the sense that they cannot grasp the full nature of their being, if stuck in the constructs of ego and thoughts, unless an enlightenment allows them to roam free. From that point of view, the universe, is a conscious field and it exists while containing in essence nothing (in its overall properties) and everything (in its structure) at the same time. Other people are part of this structure and equally real and are ‘you’ but from another vantage point and with immediate access to different parts of reality (in particular the complex brain with its constructed ego and thoughts). So while, from my vantage point, my awareness is the only thing that is real and accessible for me, I do not consider the other as a just dreamed up. The other is real as well. Am I missing something?