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Everything posted by The_Alchemist

  1. This is going to be one of my favorite threads, will be posting in it twice a day 2 of the best players in the last 20 years, 1 is top 5 all time, other is at worst top 3 goal scorer of all time if not already best (2nd guy) 2
  2. I shouldn't subordinate to people-said the guy who told him to subordinate to him. But yeah I get the gist of what I'm saying; everyone is a teacher; What to do What not to do No Gods yes, but everyone and everything is a teacher, only two ways to learn; People (videos/mentors) Books (written/articles)
  3. Great guy here are some of my fav quotes from him: "The most important thing for getting rich is becoming a PERPETUAL learner" Naval "Ignore: The news and complainers" Naval "Suffering is a moment of clarity when you can no longer deny the truth of the situation and are forced into uncomfortable change" Naval "The quality of your mind is the quality of your life" Naval "Do everything you were going to do, but with less suffering, angst and emotion, everrything takes time" Naval Ravikant
  4. You can use the above as well. Maybe start small; Commit to doing 5 minutes of pushups/situps/squats non stop where you go from one exercise to another per day 5 days a week and gradually add more time or carry a bag to add weight
  5. 1.Take a break; week/month/year and see how you respond 2.Try a minimal viable product of it; do 10 mins/30 mins or an hour a day instead of vast quantities of it 3.Use a marginal utility curve; notice the point at which it becomes too much 4.Pivot it into something quasi similar, i.e I wanted to be a poker pro, but I found a very specific game variant that I love far more than traditional 6 man poker or 9 man poker, all fields have adjacent possibles, i.e: Car mechanic=teach shop and people to be car mechanics Instrument player=get into music production using that instrument Hockey player=get into figure skating Bodybuilder=get into powerlifter Spiritual person=get into business or self help
  6. No, but I can pinpoint you will make another stupid post, but this is the beauty of existence: God and you will decide HOW stupid it will be, wow existence and you are fantastic!!!!
  7. "Human behavior is 93 percent predictable, a group of leading Northeastern University network scientists recently found."And both of these thoughts are in line with something Napoleon Hill suggested 80 years ago in Outwitting the Devil, that 98% of people are controlled by external forces against their real and true interests. "With two days of data, basically all human behavior is predictable. It turns out that people do the same thing EVERYDAY" -Charles Isbell "92% of what we worry about is NON ESSENTIAL" Earl Nightingale Researchers find 69 per cent of people feel trapped in the same old routine and over 40 per cent are unhappy with their lives 80% of Americans Admit to Being Stuck in a Routine Back in the 1950’s, Curt Richter, a well-known Harvard graduate and scientist with Johns Hopkins University did a series of rather unorthodox experiments using water, buckets and rats that resulted in an amazing discovery. He wanted to see how long rats could swim before they drowned. Cringe-worthy no doubt! So you ask “What’s so amazing about knowing how long it takes for a rat to drown?” Bear with me for a bit longer… Richter put rats into large buckets, half-filled with circulating water. Being notoriously good swimmers – the rats lasted about 15 minutes before giving up and succumbing to the depths of the bucket. Not impressed – I wasn’t either. All I was thinking was “Poor rat!” Richter must have read my mind. In a follow-up experiment, as the rats started to give up and sink, he pulled the drowning rodents to safety, dried them off, gave them a brief period of rest only to put them right back into that same bucket. Here comes the amazing part – those same rats now swam for an average of 60 hours – YEP – that’s six with a zero or two and a half days. A rat that was temporarily saved survived 240 times longer than one that was not given any intervention. Richter’s conclusion: that saving a rat from drowning – even temporarily, gave that rat hope.
  8. True, I hadn't factored in people moving their arms or eyes, great point Carl. Arm and eye movement>>>>>>>>>>>>location sameness. HURR DURR IM FREE CUZ I CAN MOVE MY EYES. Let me guess, if I watch the same TV show for 40 years, it's all good because my eyes move slightly different daily ROFLLLL
  9. You can't have nobody. You will be what you do on the internet. Around GOAT souls? You'll reach the same through osmosis. Consume media that promotes fear, desire, anger and pride? You'll be that through osmosis.
  10. Haha I won't give you my opinion But curious to get any and all interesting/unique and profound perspectives from you guys and gals as I think there is a lot of wisdom there, but I want to know what you guys thought.
  11. For those that don't know Wes, he did 10 years in the pen and he preaches about positivity, self accountability, training and reading
  12. Great questions and topic, I love the overall vibe, good for you for recognizing your flaw, short sightedness is basically all of our problems lmao; food/sex/drugs/dopamine/materialism....we trade pleasure now for pain later, when we should trade pain for pleasure later and we actually get to enjoy the pleasure unlike pleasure now (we dont enjoy because we feel shame and guilt) and then pain later (2x shame and guilt) Most fundamental lessons tie back to mind/body/soul; Learn something new everyday; books/lectures/mentors Exercise; weights/running/yoga/mma Help someone out; time/energy/emotions/knowledge/money ///// Everyone has one recurring problem, this problem ties to desire (food/sex/drugs/dopamine), anger (something from nothing/want it all NOW!) or pride (I know everything, im the best, Im god) They need to recognize this and take action because this problem has already caused massive heartache as it is ////// Yes there are over 1000 mental models (less than 5k unless we get into massive distinctions) that are useful for a good life, 100 that are must knows. Its like particles in the universe, yes technically there are infinite variations, but they are all more or less the same: Physicists have so far identified 57 species of elementary particles. In particular, the Standard Model contains quarks and leptons, grouped into three families that differ only in their masses. We don't even have to use the 100 number, we can say there are 57 lessons you must learn, limiting the scope and tying lessons together is better. Most people basically learn nothing in their lives, but it's ok, everyone plays a role in history in some way. //// What's the alternative to learning? Can you achieve anything great without learning/pain/reading/masters and being humble? Learning=improvement Learning=self reflection Learning=humility Learning is all God does (through us)
  13. Are you making overall progress, in your health/wealth/love/happiness and mastery?
  14. You're not wrong, you're just a whiny, nitpicking extremist, all things detrimental for success, hence why you have posted 10+ times in this thread: Learned nothing Posted zero stats But lets keep talking, maybe I can bring you to nirvana or maybe you'll drag me down to dumbvana, lets see
  15. Very thorough, you will succeed, people who pay such close attention to numbers are always successful.
  16. How come you haven't posted any statistics? As I said, nitpickers=useless, have fun crying and whining. Here I'll post some more 14 Record Labels Who Rejected Bands Who Went On To Be Massive Beatles, Madonna, Ed Sheeran, Dave Grohl, U2, Linkin Park, Kanye West, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Missy Elliot, The Supremes, Morrissey, Examples; word usage, price's law of productivity, city population distributions, chess moves, words in books, lyrics, "hooks," choruses, and logarithmic scales. The strange thing is that this holds for ALL languages. Quarter Power Scaling (Kleiber's Law): Kleiber's law is for the vast majority of animals, an animal's metabolic rate scales to the ¾ power of the animal's mass. Universal Mathematics: All Life on Earth Is Bound by One Spooky Algorithm | Geoffrey West "Why should it be this number 1/4, where does that number FOUR arise? Everything in the biosphere is constrained by this number FOUR" Geoffrey
  17. I love this statistic, post the one about arm and eye movement LMFAO.
  18. Lets see em crybaby whiner.
  19. Old video by Leo that I really loved What would you do if you had 100 mill?