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Everything posted by The_Alchemist

  1. You only learn through two things; 1.Repetition 2.Connections Forgetting curve dictates: You forget 50% in 1 hour 70% in 1 day 90% in 1 week So yeah, you're going to want to go over things again and connect them to other things so as to tie things together and create a bigger and bigger brain semantic tree
  2. There isn't a point, it's just there is no alternative. If you want to take more lifetimes to self realize, take as many as you need. You're going to learn You're going to exercise You're going to help others The difference is the extent, but if you wanna mess around, that's cool too "Everyone plays a part in history, unfortuantely, most don't even know it" Paulo Coelho Mihaly C in his book flow details that creative people ARE actually happier. What you're talking about is short term hedonism: food/sex/drugs/dopamine/materialism/sleep Vs Long term hedonism:Having a good mind/body/soul which ironically lets you enjoy food/sex/drugs/dopamine/materialism and sleep even more, why? Because you EARNED it and you KNOW it, BUT we habituate to everything; fatties to food, sex addicts to sex, video game addicts to video games, so you're not even being "hedonistic," the 400lb chunker isn't even enjoying that hoagie, he is totally 100% acustomed and doing it out of habit. There is a reason the SAME part of your brain get activated when you have food/sex/drugs/dopamine/materialism as when you exercise/learn and help others. So I would say there is no alternative, but if you wanna do a billion more lifetimes, that's totally fine too. Just in you asking the question, you helped me type this and thus played a role in history :)!
  3. Ofc I will, I didn't get a single note out of 12 Rules and found it way too verbose, but I'll probably eventually buy it again and re-read it as consciousness tends to shift. Hopefully this book will provide me with one note, but if not that's cool too, I've learned a ton from Jordan over the years, so I'm happy to send him a few lobster buckerinos.
  4. Nope, gathering data is: "Mathematical modes of learning in complex environments suggest that THE best strategy is to spend 90% of our efforts EXPLORING, i.e finding and copying others who appear to be doing well. The remaining 10% of the time should be spent on individual experimentation and thinking things through." Social Physics on how to learn using taking in massive amounts of input and THEN applying them. Or to quote Ray Dalio "1st seek ALL dissenting opinions, 2nd stay flexible to options that come your way"
  5. People always had problems, social media creates new bad and it creates new good: People workout today more than ever before People have access to info about diet/training and exercise far easier People can talk to virtually anyone in the world (I have spoken to very high level individuals and my profile had sub 100 followers) Everyone sees inspirational/motivational and interesting content as this is posted in people's stories, so they can't avoid it People who blame social media would be doing the same thing with: Rock and roll Psychedelics Disco Video games The internet And now social media "This new generation is the worst one ever" Socrates, turns out it wasn't, it was the one after that and the one after that and the one after that haha!
  6. I loved Mastery, other ones are mehish, but I don't look at things in an extremist point of view, I just learn from everyone. Do I have to agree with everything Osho, Wes watson, Tony Robbins, Neville Goddard, Richard Feynman and Alan Watts have to say? NOPE! I take what is useful, make a note of what I think could be improved or move on. Robert Green is someone who combines history, psychology, philosophy and "self help" (what isn't) in a fun and well put together blend, he is also a unique character, which adds to his vibe. Personally I am a massive fan even though I don't love everything he does, but that's normal for everyone.