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About Lucasxp64

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  1. Gaining muscle = waste of time
    Gaining muscle = waste of time
    Going to the gym is like building your retirement fund, but instead of money you're building your "health fund" from which you'll be able to withdraw 
    Because higher proportion of muscle mass is associated with higher quality of health in men and women past the age of 50+ 
    At some point you'll start losing that muscle mass, it is pretty much inevitable, and by that time, the more you have, the longer you'll remain healthy, compared to someone who had little muscle mass to begin with and hos body is in severe catabolic state which is basically an onset of disease. It will also protect your testosterone levels from rapid drop and that'll have positive effects on your brain, heart and your 🍆 being able to work propely
    There's more to it for sure like mental health, detoxification, benefit for your digestion etc
    Secondly it builds up your discipline, teaches you self control, helps you appreciate slow progress and the concept of hard work to achieve a tangible result compared to wanting quick results for no work like investing into some shady scheme.
    But any reason where the gym is done to impress someone or get a girl or, only to lose weight for a wedding or something like that is completely stupid

  2. Need Smell Maxing Tipps
    Need Smell Maxing Tipps
    My suggestion isn't very popular as people like to and are used to consuming conventional products and will buy any and everything out there in pretty little boxes and packages. Perfumes are toxic, colognes are toxic and body sprays are toxic. 
    Essential oils is the way to go, unless one of the above mentioned is made using non-toxic ingredients of which I don't know of any.
    As far as deodorants, there are a few out there with no aluminum, parabens or ethylene oxide and are OK but I still don't even bother. My way of cleaning my underarms is very simple. I use baking soda/lemon/lime/or acv. Just mix with water and wipe or wash off. For scent I use essential oils.
    Bentonite Clay. This is the kicker. This clay detoxes the armpits. It's a natural way to clean the armpits and remove smells for longer periods of time and can be used to make a homemade deodorant. You can also just mix with a little water, apply and rinse. Make sure to get the food-grade since the body absorbs it.
    You might not care about these, but I'm a naturalist and don't use too many conventional products;  thought I'd share incase you're interested.

  3. Law of state transference and social anxiety
    Law of state transference and social anxiety
    A woman will smell any ounce of fear in you and run away. All fear is easily seen in your eyes and will transfer onto her.
    You don't solve this issue by thinking your way out of it. You solve it by facing your fear until it kills you. Throw yourself into difficult social situations until you become completelt desensitized to it and are able to fully relax and enjoy yourself without giving a fuck about anyone.
    You can def solve this, but it will be emotionally brutal. You must throw yourself into the challenge and be persistent as a motherfucker. Trust the process. Only worry about taking action. Never doubt the process. Eventually you will be so comfortable in social spaces people will think you are supernatural.
    Don't worry about faking your calm. Be anxious. It's natural in the beginning. That will go away as you gain experience.

  4. Women looove a nice guy
    Women looove a nice guy
    Rubbish as usual. Niceness, charm, kindness, emotional intelligence have nothing to do with attraction. Women themselves basically admit this today. It's men like yourself trying to convince yourself the opposite because the truth of female attraction is too uncomfortable to face. You wrote a whole lot of nothing. Thieves, abusers, violent men have zero issues attracting all kinds of women. If you are attractive enough or high status enough women can justify anything you do. All these standards only apply to unattractive men who women barely tolerate at best.

  5. 8/10 Had a crush on me? (Calls and Chat for a week) - Then says she had a boyfriend
    8/10 Had a crush on me? (Calls and Chat for a week) - Then says she had a boyfriend
    Simple solution, you just ask a girl if she's single within the first 2 mins of talking to her. Done.
    DO NOT try to sneak your way into a girls pants over a course of days and weeks. Make it clear what you want.
    Also, DO NOT invest energy into a girl unless she's going on dates with you. Stop trying to build a connection with a girl over text or online. It's BS. If she's not agreeing to dates then screw off. Waste of time.
    If a girl is interested in you, you don't need to make any effort to butter her up. You just invite her on a date and she eagerly agrees. If she makes excuses that means she isn't attracted to you and it will never happen.
    STOP CHASING WOMEN. Just invite them out and if they don't come out, drop her.

  6. Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?
    @Peo If you had zero lines and you saw a cute girl, what would you say to her?

  7. 'Approach thousands of women'
    'Approach thousands of women'
    People have different goals when it comes to dating.
    Whatever makes you satisfied.
    The methods of game don't tell you what your goals should be. That's on you.

  8. 'Approach thousands of women'
    'Approach thousands of women'
    1) Not only approaching but all kinds of social interaction and dealing with women, dating, physical escalation, foreplay, sex, and relationships, inner game, confidence, humor, verbal skills, reading social situations, emotional intelligence, masculinity, and more.
    2) Success in the field of dating and dealing with women. Other areas of success require other kinds of practice.

  9. Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
    Communities of Shame - (Red Pill, Incels, MGTOW, etc.)
    I disagree.
    When you combine unmet sexual needs and immaturity in an echochamber with no mature leadership, you get toxicity.
    I've been in those circles, I know how those guys think. It's hard to understand it without going in it.
    I didn't go into pickup because of shame or any kind of shadow stuff. I went in it because I needed a practical way to get a girlfriend and there wasn't really any other way. All the mainstream dating advice is weak garbage and doesn't produce results. Guys who want results want a hardcore approach. But that hardcore approach is then ruthlessly pragmatic and transactional. Like a business. It's not much different than if you wanted to make a bunch of money quickly. That requires a cutthroat attitude. So that's what pickup becomes.
    Incels and MGTOW communities are built around victim mentality and bitterness towards women. Guys who won't or can't take action slide into Incel and blackpill community. MGTOW is more about divorced guys who have been hurt.

  10. Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    @AlterEgo I logged in just to say that I have never agreed with something so much in my life.
    You need to speak to 1000s of women, move to big cities, blah blah, it is not true, not at this level. 1000s of women is absurd haha. You must have serious developmental issues if you need to speak to 1000s of women to get laid.
    The guys around me that get laid frequently NEVER studied game, they are decent looking guys but more importantly they are authentic. I guess they grew up in healthy families, little to no shame and guilt, no limiting beliefs around sex and women and certainly no issues with rejection.
    The problem with most guys is that they are deeply wounded, full of shame, guilt, limiting beliefs, sexual dysfunction. This is healed through therapy, spiritual work, etc... the techniques that you learn from learning game can be learned in a three months, not five fucking years or talking to 10 trillion women.
    The hard work is fixing how society, your parents, schools, religions all fucked you up. If you do that, the rest of it is easy. Yes it is easy, talking to women gets easy once you are totally secure within yourself. YES, EASY!
    DAVID TIAN is the best for this, he explains this amazingly.
    If you are deeply hurt, full of shame and so on, you can still go and learn game but good luck with the kind of women you attract (because you are just  a broken little boy so good luck with all the broken little girls), and if you really think getting a nice feeling in your dick is going to solve these serious issues, well again good luck with that.
    Focus on healing your wounds, ridding yourself of toxic shame, toxic guilt, fear of rejection etc..., this cannot be done to perfection but if you do it seriously the whole women business will become a lot easier.
    You can see how pervasive this shit is in the red pill community, those guys are completely twisted. There are healthier ways to live life.
    BTW this looks, status, fame stuff is still important for sure, but don't make a big deal out of it, too much times is wasted thinking about this, just get to work I guess

  11. Relationships
    Game equivalent for women. How to make a guy stay?
    These super broad questions are always icky to answer in a 1-directional sense but here goes:......
    I don't know what horsesh*t some people in this thread on here might say but (What I would put forth) Top Qualities that would most likely "make him want to "stay" with you" (I would like to believe that I know what the f*** I am talking about):
    Beauty/Attractiveness/Sex Appeal/Aesthetics - Tho this is blatant, I'd like to highlight the paths of beauty outside of societal norms and appreciate the subjectivity of it. Also not just to your physical appearance but exert it all around you (i.e. Home design) Nuturing/Supportive energy (Ride or fu**ing die) Loyalty (again, emphasizing the "ride or die" theme) *cough* "Keep his balls empty" (seriously though lol) "Serve" HIM (this is where conventions such as cooking & cleaning come around, but especially the more nuanced and subtle things, some examples may be: playing with his hair as he's driving & moving his hand onto your thigh, marveling at him while he is working..or if he is just BEING) "Be the Trinity to his Neo" Bring the God out of him. Use your feminine discernment to keep him on his feet and always growing. Maintain your composure and know your self-worth. (Presuming your anything close to these pointers, it would be "his loss";' a good man can INSTANTLY determine a good woman  
    I could keep going but a "Wife" will look for a husband and a Husband will look for a wife