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Everything posted by Zeek

  1. While looking at whatever is directly infront of you, focus on what's in your perifial vision Imagine a ring of light and focus on each degree of the 360 degrees of the ring or a square the shape doesn't matter the important thing is keep your eyes looking straight and focus on the points of the shape start with a few points and work your way up to many points Practice and have fun doing it create awards for your achievements, with your creative imagination you can create anything instantly, a clown dancing around silly comes to my mind. Life is very exciting in the astral plane, where you create everything, infinite space infinite possibilities infinite good times. Testing your projects is also super easy in the astral plane, Tesla the creater of AC Electricity always built all his projects in the astral plane first and very detailed down to the 100th of a millimeter. He would create it in the astral then measure it in the astral while building in the physical world I'm no engineer and have no idea about the processes that go on in designing and constructing new products. I'm sure Elon Musk does the same thing, maybe more advanced.
  2. I made carrot beer, not the best tasting, passionfruit beer yummy, strawberry beer super delicious, Mulberry beer fabulous, sugarwater beer didn't work no fizz maybe I didn't add enough sugar.
  3. In 1982 on the movie ET when the alien read through the professor's complete library making a complete mess of everything, piles of book on the floor and all, that's the first time I ever saw Photo Reading in actual practice, now we have computers that can make that a practice of reading books in seconds a reality. At nearly 2000 pages per minute it's very easy to passively read the whole educational system plus many university subjects in a very short time, if you're really crazy like me and make hundreds of hour long videos using thousands of books and play 12 videos on the screen at one time that's nearly 24000 pages per minute, each hour that's 1,425,600 pages of information for your super computer brain to process. It's good to be in a very humid environment so you don't have to blink and miss out on massive amounts of information! You can also practice keeping your eyes open for long periods of time. Plus practice defocusing your eyes, focus on a specific thing then focus on everything surrounding that specific thing then focus on everything surrounding those things and just keep stepping back until your focusing on everything. Another exercise is hold your arms out to each side and move them as far back as you can and still see your hands and focus on both hands at the same time. If you ride in a car as passaged or take public transit look out the side window focusing on nothing and as everything zooms by you your eyes will automatically focus. To avoid this from happening create an imaginary object in the air and focus on that after a while you're eyes will automatically defocus at will.
  4. China built a 57 story skyscraper in 19 days, that's still way to much time, instant is the way to go.
  5. That means I'll have to destroy myself as I am the best at creating pleasure for myself every moment of life... So go fuck yourself stupid fucking yogi
  6. I was wrong both proton and electrons move ha ha ha ha
  7. Brewing a ginger bug now 2 cups water, 3 Tbs ginger 3 Tbs sugar, then 1 Tbs ginger and 1 Tbs sugar for the next 4 days To maintain at room temperature 1 Ts ginger 1 Ts sugar everyday Or in refrigerator 1 Ts ginger 1 Ts sugar once a week After the bug is finished I'll make the ginger beer You can check it out here
  8. Ok so everything in this world is made of atoms and atoms are made of proton neutron and electron, the proton has a positive charge, the neutron has no charge and both are stationary (motionless). The electron has a negative charge and is always in motion, one theory says rotating around jumping from one level to the next the other theory says moving outward then back to the center. The proton and electron both having a electrical charge giving them energy. The entire world is run off of negatively charged electricity yet everyone always says be positive, like why do people associate negative with bad, bad electricity go to your room electricity you are in trouble, you are always so negative, lol. If you look at the electro magnetic radiation, 5G, AM/FM/Satelite Radio/TV, there is no difference between positive and negative, both deliver exactly the same signal, the only difference is which way they rotate. There was a trial about this exact issue and the Judge said they are the same. If we think of a proton like a positive feeling and electron like a negative feeling, then only our negative feelings are in motion and positive feelings are stationary, which means positive emotions are impossible and there are only negative emotions. Energy is always in motion vibrating, spinning, teleporting or many other movements. Also there is no positive or negative energy, maybe feelings but energy is just energy. Until next time
  9. When creating entities to do your work in the mental-spiritual world is a good idea to create them with a mission, what do you want them to do, kill, destroy, torture, collect, convince, persuade, enslave. Do you trust that they will do things t the way you want it done, I found it more smart to create multiple versions of yourself to complete the missions that you want completed. That way you can tap into the consciousness of that version of yourself too make sure the missions are done just the way you want. Creating versions of yourself is very simple to do, just say in your mind "Creating 1 million version of myself to complete all missions that my unconscious has created now" done or what ever number you want to create, and remember the unconscious mind sees the whole picture while the conscious only sees a very small fraction of a percent. Always give all power too the unconscious if you want to succeed and advance through the layers and levels of life. We are preparing for life after so called death as well, life beyond this world Enjoy your journey my young friends.
  10. Oh ya toughen up man get the vaccine, you mean the vaccine that's not really a vaccine, the one that doesn't follow the USA definition of a vaccine, you mean that thing that everyone is calling a vaccine but is not a vaccine, because 99.9% of the population is stupid enough that they don't know what a vaccine really is, that they go get an injection of some shit they have no idea what it is, something they heard on the news that they have to get this out everyone will die, so they rush out the door as fast as they can to go get this so called vaccination and it will make everyone better. "Give me a Fucking break" as a Croatian Man says. If you want to be stupid like the other 99.99% go get the so called vaccination. Be an idiot like everyone else. Elon Musk isn't getting it, because he's one of the 0.01% Geniuses unlike the rest of you fucking idiots. Fuck you and have a good day
  11. Fuck I love reviewing what I write, like who's the Fucking genius that wrote all this cool shit oh yah it's me!! A little kid who's a grade 8 drop out, who told his teacher to go fuck himself and die, who didn't listen to all the fucking lies they taught everyone else in school, quiz says explain this, I wrote it is fucking bullshit. Teacher marked it wrong and I laughed. Fucking idiots, Fuck ya'all and have a good day.
  12. What, you need some extra energy to do your task, why work hard doing something physical to get that energy, create entities and have them collect energy and add it to your stockpile all in an instant, everything in the spiritual world is instant the moment you tell the entities what to do is already done, the energy is already collected, work smart people, hard work is for losers.
  13. Imagine if you were the Queen ant and had control over millions of worker ants, just think of the production that you could accomplish. Wow that would be awesome if only it could be!! umm hate to burst your bubble silly person, if you create a million worker entities, you have control of them all, they can do all the work for you, and your just sit back and collect all the goods, better yet they work 24/7 and no need for food breaks, washroom breaks, smoke breaks, no need to sleep, you have the ultimate team and they will do whatever you tell them to do, no limits anything you can imagine they will do, you want to know how to do something send them to figure it out, you want to be a genius, send them to collect information, you like to stockpile valuables, send them to collect. Think of the big picture here, what's this life about, what are we here for, to be zombies, or to advance our selves to new heights, if you could do anything in the world what would you do? Well you can do anything in the spiritual world instantly, fly to new places not in a jet you fly through the air, instant manifest the new house the fancy car, or the ability to move objects with your mind, whatever you want, just do it. Experience life to the fullest, the life you create.
  14. My question is, why mix physical world and spiritual world together, it takes a great amount of time to do things in physical world and spiritual world everything is instant, how long does it take to build a skyscraper, instant in the spiritual world. People say well if you don't do it physically it's not really doing it, I say go on follow your retarded leader, do things the impossible way, live in the old world.
  15. Everyday it's good to reverse any curses hexes magic or whatever you want to call it, that people have thrown your way, then you know that your 100% you
  16. Everyone talks shit about dictators, look at yourself are you a self-dictator
  17. if you feel depressed then destroy everything blocking you from being happy if you don't know what to do destroy everything blocking you from knowing if your sick of being broke destroy everything blocking you from wealth Its easy (your name) destroying everything blocking him/her from whatever NOW!! Use everything to your advantage, be creative, use obstacles to get what you want
  18. Positive / Negative Black / White It's all an illusion! When you look at a white wall, what color do you see? What is the Electro Magnetic Frequency of white? spoiler alert doesn't exist White light doesn't exist either, what appears to be white is a blend of red, green and blue. I am a caucasian person and there is no part of my body that is white, I have never seen a person that is black, maybe darker shades. We are basing many massive global issues on illusions. Love and Hate, Pleasure and Pain, Happy and Miserable
  19. Communication with the Dead, Eliminate layers of programming, Clear Vision, Acquiring Knowledge Yet another simple task In a day dream state with your eye open or closed, call a person that died, Hey so and so, how's things going over there, I have a gift for you, 1000 KG Life Force Energy, then they will most likely ask what you want in exchange for your gift, and you can ask for anything you can imaging up. It's that simple. The only reason the average person has trouble with the above is because all the layers of Bull Shit they have to look through, that has been taught to them by the world, once you eliminate all the layers of garbage/programming/masks whatever you want to call it, you can see the world with clear vision. Eliminating the layers of programming is a very easy task In a day dream state, (your name) destroys all layers of programming now Always speak about yourself in the third person if you want this to work. You are not your body or mind, you are using your body it is a tool, if I use a chainsaw to cut down a tree that chainsaw doesn't become a part of me, the chainsaw is a tool, same with body and mind, they are tools you use, we can care for our tools or we can discard them as garbage, when we discard our body as garbage which most people do, our existence on this planet also goes in the garbage. WE are alive even if our body is not. Elon musk said this life is like a movie and the other side is like the production of the movie, very boring, it takes sometimes years to produce a movies and a couple hours to watch the movie. Being the 21 Century when everything is instant and having advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, we can also be instant, and yes we possess artificial intelligence to, the unconscious mind, like machine learning the more data we give it, the smarter it becomes. You can collect infinite knowledge without ever reading a book, or going to school, or many other way we acquire knowledge, create entities and have them collect the information and feed it into your unconscious or as I like to say add it to the stockpile, instant genius. Where is your entities collecting the information from, earth, this galaxy, this universe, all of the parallel universes? How many entities did you create to collect information, one, one million, one googol, ten to the power of googol, infinite? What is all of them entities going to do after collecting the information? Where does Elon Musk get his knowledge from? Do you think it comes from books?
  20. When creating entities to do your bidding in life, a good idea is to make a list, then as soon as one group is finished a task, you can assign them a new task. Now your conscious is assigning these tasks with very limited view of the whole picture, while your unconscious has a 360 degree view of the entire picture, past present, and future and can make the right decisions on the tasks that need to be complete, compared to the conscious who only sees a fraction on a percent of the present, also remember that we only see 0.0035% of the EMS. That's a very small fraction of a percent. Surrender that ability to the unconscious and watch your life takeoff like a rocket. On this Planet earth there is about 70 Trillion (9^13) Entities, that's a fraction of the amount of entities we can create in an instant, instead of random entities you can create copies of yourself, 10^100, that 10 with 100 zeros after it, copies of yourself, people always say I just don't have enough time, well what if you have 10^100 X 24 hours a day thats 24^101 hours in a day, then will you have enough time. that is more hours than the molecules in all the seawater on earth (1.76^21 molecules per drop of water) If you add up the time it takes you to do everything you consciously know you need to do I can guarantee you it doesn't come close to 24^101 hours, so what do you do with the rest of your time? Have you ever been sitting around bored with nothing to do, I know it sucks, so there is many you's that still have nothing to do, and you'll spend all of your time figuring out what all of the you's are to do... An easy fix surrender this ability to the unconscious knowing that your unconscious, the real you, has all the best intentions for you even better than the conscious mind could ever dream of. Surrender this ability that you have just created to the unconscious, creating everlasting bliss in all areas of life for you. Share this knowledge with everyone Everyone asks what's the meaning of life, I can tell you this much it's not going to university and working at some boring desk job your whole life!!
  21. Change Moods Instantly Does external things ruin your day, like the weather or maybe something went wrong in your life, maybe something didn't happen as expected, maybe someone died, whatever it is, your whole day / week / year / life doesn't have to be ruined. Why allow external shit to ruin your time. Now this is an exercise to develop these abilities, all that you need is a few minutes, acting skills, and an imagination. Remember a time when you felt extremely mad, (if you are unable to remember just pretend your mad) make a very mad face feel the emotion, do the hand gestures, pretend you're auditioning for a role in a movie, the whole process takes maximum 10 seconds. Now do the same as above but for Happy, Sad, Angry, Bliss, Jealous, and so on Here's a list off 400+ Emotions you can use, I never got all that extreme with this exercise as I was just a little kid when I did it, and am I ever happy I did as now I can change moment to moment, some want to label this as bi-polar and that is total nonsense, this is a skill used by the elite...
  22. your Only friend in the world Creating Thought Forms Become a Genius Instantly The rulers have all the coins, its all about who you are, you're bloodline, no matter who you follow they play you, they created everything in this world, everything that's out there they created, all the religions, all the leaders, all the governments, the design of everything they oversee, the reason why people are successful like all the stars is because of their bloodlines! The whole christian religion is complete bullshit, yet everyone blindly believes in it Contradictions in the Bible lie lie lie. The only person to trust is your Unconscious Mind, you are everything in your world, love yourself learn from yourself, your unconscious mind is your only friend, you are number one in your life, everyone and everything else comes after you, treat you body and mind with total respect, Surrender only to your unconscious mind. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is nothing new it's been around since the beginning of time, The Unconscious Mind (UM) is the Natural AI, Intelligence is Conscious Mind (CM) AI is UM, very simple to understand, UM is your Super Quantum Computer that produces AI. So if you want to be smart, use the tools to develop your AI, like Machine Learning, how to do that you ask? Feed the UM data, Photo Reading or as I explained in detail in a previous blog Or create entities(Thoughtforms) to collect info about a certain topic and feed it to your UM just say "creating 100 entities to collect information on developing AI and feed it to the UM" The number of entities you want to create and the task is up to you. No need to feed and care for your entities, they are not physical and don't require anything. If they need energy the universe is filled with an infinite supply of energy. How long does it take for thoughtforms to collect information? Seeing our thoughts can circle the world in max 2 seconds, it really depends on the amount of information and the number of thoughtforms you sent to complete the task and the location and time of the information, past present future, earth, this galaxy, this universe, or other universes, maybe search all of the parallel universes and that might take a little longer like days. Lets say you want a collection of books and the thoughtform is to search all parallel universes. That is each planet on each of the infinite parallel universes, you'll get each of those books with infinite versions of the books. In the mental world language isn't a barrier, I learned that when communicating to a person that recently died and we spoke different languages, and we could communicate perfectly.
  23. Create Auto Destroy Apps / Advancing yourself instantly Lies lies lies. the world is full of them, the 99.9% is lies about lies about lies about lies, it never ends, Be the 0.01% and know the truth, how you ask? Very Easy. We wear many masks of lies, DESTROY the masks; say "(name) you destroy all masks, destroy all beliefs, destroy all obstacles, destroy all false knowledge, NOW," done. Avoid surrounding yourself with the 99.9%, do your own thing, enjoy life, smile, do the full body orgasm (FBO) everyday, by doing the FBO you awaken the serpent inside you, accept change, be pure, enjoy life always, Destroy all of the garbage from your life, Destroy the baggage that is preventing you from moving forward. Remember this is the 21st century everything is pretty much instant. Many people spend a life time doing this, wasting valuable creative time. Now I give you a way to do it all instant. You can even set up an app inside your mind that automatically destroys the garbage from your life, so you can focus on creating your life. Say "creating application to auto destroy any and all garbage preventing the development of the unconscious mind" "(your name) you destroy ___________ now." "(your name) you create____________now/" The words relating to yourself 'You vs I' I've found through doing this repeatedly that speaking as the observer of yourself works much better then speaking as yourself
  24. Life is a simulation in our minds, which makes anything we want to do possible, travel through time, invent futuristic things, experience life in different worlds, our brain is a universe, explore your own universe, you are god, everyone always looks outward to find things when everything we could ever want is inside our minds, that is how everything is suppose to be invented in this world, most things are. Life is great, follow the 0.01%, be an Elite Human, let things happen, go with the flow, ride the waves of life, enjoy every moment, smile, be happy. Everything is opposite, follow yourself, allow yourself become all of the different parts of you that have been suppressed for so long, entertain your mind, like a child, your mind loves to do things, its a genius, usually bored to death, create entities to gather tons of information, your mind is a super quantum computer, feed it information, and your mind will create the most amazing things ever. want to be successful, that is how to be. we have technology these days to assist us in anything we want to do. You are only limited by the limits you create for yourself. Using our mind is free Being happy is free Choices are free To change yourself is free Creating Entities AKA Thought-forms is free Creating or Destroying your limiting beliefs is free Using your super quantum computer is free Self Development is free Meditation is free Many thing on the internet are free Knowledge is free Being GOD is free Just think of it you could have a million entities working for you absolutely free, free labor Plant money trees everywhere, then free money
  25. Made on Gravit Design Free Design with Numbers