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Everything posted by AAW

  1. Life-changing moments are important to each of us for many different reasons. But I've noticed how the majority of people make little-next-to no effort to seize on opportunities to advance themselves in both their personal lives and their immediate society, due to a lack of imagination. I've always thought of transformation as a higher form of 'change', but the practitioner's attitude must be aligned correctly for the individual who desires to realise their own personal potential in a way that inspires the growth and development of soul, mind and body. But development relies heavily on the kind of relationship a person keeps with their imagination, because this infinite mental space is endless, therefore giving the individual limitless opportunities to transform their life with creativity as a by-product of engaging with the imagination on a regular (daily) basis. Are you seeking temporary change concerning something that you've struggled to achieve for years, or are you digging around for something more on the permanent side? If your answer is the latter, it would appear that you've good experience with patience, drive/enthusiasm, purely because you've chosen to use each of your experiences as permanent life lessons... But have you thought about what you'll do with those lessons? Do you use your experiences as stepping-stones to your higher self where you'll unlock a new chapter in your personal life, or do you just stand and stare at your opportunities for advancement and adventure? I enjoy a challenge, as I know many people do. But challenging scenarios can often deter folk from engaging with their imagination due to the nature it presents; the unforeseen... How do you cope with the unknown - ever asked yourself? Try today, and expand your consciousness to a new state of awareness. Thanks for reading - I respond to all replies!
  2. The ability (whether through meditation, diet, exercise, or otherwise) to control the frequency of your thoughts on a regular/daily basis. Go deeper, and allow yourself to understand the true nature of your thought-patterns so as to not become a 'slave' to them. I don't really practice affirmation anymore, but instead - preparation... think of it as my own/original formula for mental programming of everyday experiences. Kinda helps me to transform some of my plans to an active reality more often than never. I focus on objectivity... being emotional about everything all the while is what I believe truly drains personal (and other people's) energy. Best of fortune to you, thanks for the post/topic, and appreciation for sharing... take care. AAW