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Everything posted by cosmicsoup

  1. Hi Everyone, First post here. I am planning on "dipping my toes" and trying magic truffles soon which I am hoping will be the beginning of an interesting journey for me. However, I have kids and very little time away from them. I am planning on consuming the 10g of Mexicana truffles in the morning and hoping to to pick up kids 8 hours later. From your experience, is this realistic or am I being irresponsible? I understand this is not the most beneficial topic for the forum so would be happy to discuss in DMs if anyone is willing. Thank you
  2. @Rilles @Eren Eeager Thank you for your responses. No family apart from my wife. She would pick kids up but I would obviously have parent duties in the evening. I have taken mushrooms few times many years ago when I was still a teen but I have done much growing since then and looking for a very different experience. I believe the Mexicana truffles are the mildest and 10g is considered a small dose and I wanted to get a feel before diving in. Sounds like I need to re think my plans....lucky I can store them for a few months! Your responses are much appreciated!