Christoph Werner

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Everything posted by Christoph Werner

  1. I give a meditation Workshop every week. What I've learned is, that your vibrational frequency is the most important. You are providing the atmosphere that everyone connects to. So every single emotion and thought you have is important. So prepare well for any theory you want to discuss, don't be nervous, establish a solid connection with source and be very mindful of your frequency throughout the whole day but especially for the session. I like to start my Workshop with shaking of the body to music. People are so stuck in their psychological reality that their consciousness is quite disconnected from the body, so that's a nice beginning. I would first do practise and then the dharma talk and then again practise. As people will listen much more when they are open from the practise. I also recommend doing guided meditation at the end. It's very beautiful way of guiding yourself and others to source consciousness and channeling that power to the room and everyone in it. Feel everyones energy and build a database of things to say in your mind, so then in the moment based on how you feel the peoples energy you know the right things to say to bring them closer to love, peace and power. Make the Workshops about love. No one cares about buddhism or any technique. Everyone is just looking for love even if they don't know that. So address that and don't beat around the bush. Meditation is shifting from pursuing love to realizing you are love.
  2. Agreed. But it's always possible not just when you trip. Telepathy is a very broad and nuanced topic. There are many levels to it. Everyone is using telepathy even if they don't know. For example: People like getting love based attention that is free from agenda. So unconsciously people will tap into to the collective consciousness and know when their friends are in a needy state or in a giving, loving happy state and like this they know which friends to call or which friends to make plans with. I'm sure most of you have experienced this that if you feel very in bliss all of a sudden a bunch of people text you and when you are depressed people don't text you for days. In my experience you can establish telepathic connections when you make heart based connections with other people. Like this you will always know how they're feeling and you can also get input to what is going on in their lifes at any given moment. I wouldnt waste my time with that tho. Also you can do transmission of consciousness and raise their vibration if you want no matter how far you are apart from them. Again wouldnt recommend doing that too much as it is a bit pointless. People are where they are and need to experience what they experience. You can also establish a connection with your future self. Or with anyone you want basically. There you have to be very purified because when you still operate a lot from the ego it can always distort the information. You can also make a connection to Leo which is quite beautiful and funny also. He still experiences guilt jiji. Also with telepathy no one can lie to you regarding matters of the heart. Complete strangers can talk to you and you just know they're lying. Also your worldview is not anymore created by rationality anymore as it is for a lot of the people here on the forum. Things others read hundreds of books for to then allow their brain to try it because rationally their map of reality allows it with telepathy you just know these things. Telepathy comes with knowing through being.
  3. @michaelcycle00 Don't know which psych. How about the love of god? It's for free and it lasts a bit longer than 6 hours. It's kind of forever
  4. When you awaken there is no anxiety. Caring about what others think of you is a result of thinking you need to be a certain way to get their approval. When you are awake you have your own approval and love. You are on a platform noone can shake. This manifests chemically in your body and also in your energy field. Then you don't waste a single thought on what someone thinks of you.
  5. Name: Christoph Werner Age: 24 Gender: Male Location: Estepona, Spain Occupation: Vegetable Gardener, Meditation Teacher Marital Status: Girlfriend Kids: No Hobbies: acrobatic yoga, hatha yoga, exploration of spirituality, volleyball, meditation, psychedelics, traveling, community I got into personal development in 2018. After school I travelled for one year and I knew I want something more in my life then the examples that I've seen in my surroundings growing up. My dad programmed me from early childhood with "always think for yourself", "Be passionate for what you do"and "sustainability is important". 2018 I did some lsd with a friend and that changed everything, the day after, having many questions, I found Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, and Leo Gura. I was the most happy that day I found Leo's channel watching his video "What is God? Leo becomes absolute infinity" and looking at his channel I instantly knew I discovered a gold mine :). Personal challenges I've overcome: Healing childhood trauma from my mother who loved and hated me, which confused me a lot Forgiving my mother and developed a loving relationship with her Overcoming Cannabis Addiction Some achievements: telepathy, ability to go change the chemistry of my body into love at will, communication channel with a spirit guide that always puts me into the right places and connects me with the right people for my evolution, becoming attractive for women, transformed all my relationships into loving relationships, self discipline in food, and spiritual practise What I'm working on now: Fully merging with The Self, Transmitting and teaching other people how to connect to source consciousness, Educating myself about agriculture and building Community, Preparing people for the coming collapse
  6. @Leo Gura My advice for you Leo is not just teach concepts but actually start radiating god consciousness. Make your body a temple of god. Then you won't have to do all the ego editing That would truly be the next level of And it would be the end of your health problems also.
  7. @r0ckyreed I respect your mindset. However there is also the possibility of letting go of the self that needs to be loved ("always love yourself") and discover the Self that is love. And if you merge with the Self you probably will choose to always grow and improve your vehicle, in fact have goals that you can never reach. At the same time there will be zero need for any dissatisfaction with anything.
  8. @r0ckyreed To me it sounds like you are justifying your suffering here through building an identity of someone who will suffer to reach his full potential, who is above mediocrity. Do you feel guilty when you're not suffering to work on your goals? The story that you need to do something or achieve something or be a certain way in order to feel satisfied is an illusion. It's a story of the egomind. Like this the ego can delay satisfaction, always change the narrative of what needs to be done to feel satisfaction. And it is a black hole, because you can never satisfy the fantasies of the ego mind. Also this then manifests in your body. If you buy into this story a sensation of lack and incompletness will manifest in your body. Probably something like a hole in your stomach. Now there is also the possibility to let go of stories of lack and needing to be a certain way to feel satisfaction. If you truly let go of these beliefs you will find true satisfaction from seeing that you are already complete. And then if you choose to you can strive to improve yourself. But it will come through a motivation of love for something. I'm conpletely happy where I am, yet I'm striving to be better in Order to share this happyness with as many people as I can.
  9. True satisfaction only comes through being The Self. Then if you choose to, you can grow yourself to be more capable of whatever you want. Your insight sounds like a very twisted way of motivating yourself to me. Why not grow out of love for something and at the same time always be satisfied?
  10. Trans women are trans women! Most men are looking for a women that was born with a female body and has female reproductive organs and identifies as a woman. They are simply not attracted to trans women for survival of our species reasons. To them a trans women is not a women even if she identifies as one.
  11. I just listened to the podcast also. To me it seems like he's on the right track. He was talking about a theory of everything is impossible, consciousness as being fundamental, and other things you ( Leo ) are talking about. He also talked about practising meditation 3 hours a day since 20 years and studying spiritual traditiones, getting glimpses of no thought and a deep sense of love. @Leo Gura I think he would be very open to your ideas and worldview if you would ever talk to him.
  12. What has been most effective for me is a combination of Pranayama, Kriya Yoga, Meditation focused on the prana body, intermittend fasting, not eating meat and very important of course psychedelics.
  13. For me I see a lot of numbers when my actions and ideas and thinking are in alignement with a higher intelligence.
  14. There are many reasons for this. Spriritually bankrupt society; Really bad food; Shitty values; Awful education system; It's good for business to have a mentally ill society; ... The core problem is just lack of Love and Truth
  15. If destroying the US is a huge accomplishment, then yes Biden is doing an amazing job. It's incredibly entertaining to see the downfall of the USA. You guys have a President with dementia LMAO.
  16. It is an incredible practise. The only thing you need to do is do it
  17. If you care about where humanity is heading, do what you can and disidentify yourself from the need of humanity having a good future. Your action is very limited, so don't use something outside of your control to justify pessimism.
  18. I'm not big on taking pictures, bit here's one my dad took yesterday that I really like.
  19. @TDLH Very good post! I agree with you 100%.
  20. So psychedlics can give you this feeling of "I understand reality" or "I know the truth". And this feeling is genuine during the trip, because the distinction of tripping and not tripping is not really there. However you do come back to your baseline level of consciousness and often your ego integrates the experience and it tries to claim "I understand" and it says "I'm not really there now, but I know the way" and then the ego spawns many imaginations and what to do to get there and what prevents you from getting there. Isn't this just chasing your own tail? You already defined what is truth and what is untruth instead of admitting to yourself you do not know. So this question comes because lately I feel like I need to let go of psychedlics completely or at least for a couple years. I did about 40-50 trips mostly LSD. But also mushrooms and NN-Dmt and mdma. I did a sub-breaktrough dose of 5 MeoDMT once. It's been lying around for over a year now and I have huge respect for it. Before I quit psychedlics I will go for a breaktrough 5Meo trip as I think I can't leave this one out. This Intuition also comes because I had an awakening to love 40 days ago with my spiritual practise ( I do hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation). This love hasn't left me yet as I know consciously how to get there. I just sit down for meditation for 10-20 minutes and I'm in bliss. So is 5Meo a trap or not? Or does it depend on how you use it and your clarity of perception? If you read this Leo, thank you so much for your work. I've been following you since 2018 and I have been taking the things you say really seriously. I started meditating, journelling, hatha yoga all beacuse of you and my life is so amazing now I don't think I have to explain to you. ??
  21. @Thought Art I've done a sub breaktrough dose. And I will do 5 MeO probably more than once. Never stated otherwise. Yes I'm also little scared and I think that's healthy as one shouldn't fuck around with 5MeO. There's no reason for me not to try it. I just want to understand why Leo thinks it is not possible without 5MeO as I think that is a limiting belief. Also I think Leo is overdoing psychedelics.
  22. @Flyboy I agree with this. Leo thinks he has the unbeatable kind of logic. And I also agree that he is putting off this "very detailed, subtle, and brutally honest work" I don't see any reason that something would block you from having the deepest insights into the nature of existence and that you would need 5-MeO to get the deepest understanding. Also very well said. He creates this identity as a "God-realized teacher" who gets to "speak from above" to everyone. He makes himself important, because without him sharing his "most advanced" teachings to us "blind, self deceived humans", all of humanity would be lost. Like this he can basically spawn infinite insights that are "important" and "good" and need to be shared with us and that actually distracts him from the real work. And then when he actually takes 30 days off to meditate, he get's frustrated with meditation and switches to 5MeO to reinforce his identity instead of realizing that he still hasn't figured a big part of this work. Sadly Leo, sometimes you're making a joke out of yourself. To me Your health condition shows this clearly also. Mind can trick you in an infinite ways, body doesn't lie. Then thinking you can heal yourself from a psychedelic state. This clearly shows how ignorant you are of how your body works.
  23. Good question. I think probably fear. After all 5Meo is not something to take lightly and there are dangers with it also. I already decided I will do it when I feel ready for it. I don't think I need to rush this. What makes you so sure of this?
  24. Isha Foundation is planning to start teaching Shambavi Mahamudra online. That's definetly worth learning in my opinion. I've done about 600 hours of their hatha and kriya yoga practises this year and it has transformed me a lot. Surya Shakti and Kriya, Shakti Chalana Kriya and Shambavi. Shakti Chalana Kriya has been the most impactful for me. Leo was a huge reason why I went to Sadhgurus Ashram. Open mindedness and the conceptual understanding Leo offers were key to my time there and also a big source for motivation. I also met another volunteer there who was also very familiar with actualized. That was an instant bond.