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Everything posted by Vynce

  1. I guess this is your spirit searching for balance in between all the knowing and wisdom.
  2. @Asayake Cool If you have similar "vibey" music, feel free to share it here. I'm always on the hunt for undiscovered gems like this one.
  3. @amanen wow impressive you are some awake boi
  4. When ever I picture this trick in my mind, my ability to lift more weight with better form increases significantly. Especially when I don't want to go into a heavy set. Just picture yourself doing only two reps. That's it. And when you finished the two, you picture yourself doing two more reps. Two reps are not scary for the mind and it easy for you to focus on the exercise itself. In that way your entire workout feels easier and more enjoyable.
  5. Believing in scales for consciousness is some interesting state of consciousness hehe
  6. @Leo Gura I have played the first three acts now, and I love the idea, that you explore a giant organism, like a single cell of yours exploring the entire body.
  7. I know this might sound controversial and has already been discussed to some degree. But still. Nitrous oxide works 100% for awakening and enlightenment! In my experience you can see and achieve states of consciousness similar to 800ug of LSD. It lasts super short but you have all the ingredients for awakening: ultimate and absolute CONSCIOUSNESS. There are some medical concern to it. Don't do it more like once a months, to be on the save side. Likewise to any other "absolute consciousness inducing psychedelic" is not possible for me to describe the experience to you, so you gotta try it out for yourself. One thing at the end: My first experiences with it some years ago were orderinary and could not compare to psychedelic states. However as my consciousness became more awake this substance hits me like nothing else. But careful and SEE ;))
  8. @The0Self Thanks for your clarification. I wasn't aware how serious this issue is, when I originally posted. I think I won't promote the use of nitrous oxide again so easily. Again, thank you.
  9. Yeah, your baseline consciousness has to be already quite high for it to work without any psychedelics. When I had my first experiences with nitrous some years ago, there was nothing special about it. But after having tripped a few dozen times, it takes me to infinity every time.
  10. Its definitely short lived, but the quality and insight into the nature of infinite is completely there. Devine bliss afterwards. Interesting. I notice a similar quality to nitrous oxide when I hit a super cold shower. No breakthrough, but the quality is similar.
  11. Super short - about 40 seconds.
  12. It comes it legally optainable capsules. One is enough. You need a "capsule crusher" to inflate a balloon with the gas. Then, breath in and out the balloon as long as you can. You will awakening before you run out of air - only to find out that air and breath is imaginary ;)) It's completely irrelevant what you do beforehand. Although meditation is always nice to calm yourself. It's super super super potent with LSD. You will have the cleanest most absolute awakenings with LSD and nitrous oxide.
  13. It's funny because I actually have pissed around my bed room laughing in ecstasy of realizing the point of the universe. Love. But realizing Love in absolute states of consciousness doesn't make it obvious here and now. Spiritual teachings are another trap, where you believe you can feel and think love everywhere. Bullshit.
  14. How is this obvious? I find myself to be inauthentic when I talk about reality as love, because it is not on my direct experience. Where in your direct experience is Love? It has to be everywhere if you authentically talk about love as the substance of reality. Of course in peak states of consciousness love is the only the left. However, thinking and talking about peak states is not the peak state. It's rather draining and confusing to live practically and remind myself of peak experiences in the absolute. I wonder how you handle this, since you don't live in the absolute most of your time. Right now reality is neutral, beautiful, itchy in my hands, cold in my feet and so many more states. Where is the love though.
  15. So after about 12 months of mentally masturbating about selflessness as the highest goal and purpose of life, I have enough. Implementing selflessness on the microscopic scale into every decision stalls me out. Being purposefully patient, kind and „happy“ with others just because some enlightenment experience felt like this has not worked towards anything meaningful this year. In fear of disturbing my selfless Karma I did not start a business, did not start an online presence, did not dared to start meaningful relationships, did not travel, did not work a challenging job, did not contacted important people for my life purpose. Because all these things require you to ignore the comfort of something and be selfish for some time. In the end they can enrich reality with love and selflessness, but especially in the beginning you have to be selfish. Nothing I find meaningful and inspiring right now has ever been done from a selfless „buddha-hood“ style of being. At least not from the start. Take Leo for example: his videos, his blog posts, his affordable life purpose course can be understood as an accomplishment of „selfless Love“. However, his initial starting energy was always „I can make, say, write, and think about XY better than anyone else. Let’s see if I can do it better“. If Leo was completely selfless he would be totally ok with mediocre teachings and would even support false worldviews for the sake of absolute selflessness. I would go on and apply this logic to every world class sportsman, thinker, author, musician, artist, comedian, sales man, speaker … No one of them has ever started without some degree of selfishness. I wish I learned about this dynamic earlier. Awakening experiences with psychedelics have deeply moralized me to be „God like“ on a microscopic scale while completely ignoring the greater Love of pursuing macroscopic goals, which demand some „non-God like“ decision short term. This approach entails ignoring the pointless trash-drama-talk of my neighbors, „friends“, relatives of the past and family. This means to cut out the contact to my twin sister, because she has never brought anything meaningful in my life. This means to dump the ideas of philosophers, spiritual teachers and intelligent book authors if it does not bring peace or spirit into my life. That means to dump hobbies, people and ideas if they do not match my intrinsic values. This means to disappoint everyone, who expected something from me, which does not align with me emotionally and spiritually. This means to be selfish on the microscopic scale. However, this is authentic Love towards reality. This is excitement. This means purposing my inner values. This is following my visions. This is living in tune with instinct and emotions. This is the thrill of having abundant possibilities. This is the Joy of living at my current sequence of consciousness.
  16. Grasping it once is cool. But can you grasp Gods nature here and now? Can you feel it (God) in this random, ambivalent moment? If you are like me, probably no. That's why some cool awakenings here and there will not allow us to see the intelligence of God anytime and anywhere. Which means we have to go deeper
  17. Although, I definitely noticed how Truth won't reveal itself in just a little psychedelics experimentation sequence. Truth and God is the spiciest thing there is. So it does not want to deliver itself so easily. It would ruin the spiciness of it all. My recent notion to speedrun absolute understanding with psychedelics has disappointed me big time. There is no speed run. This game allows itself to be infinite.
  18. Try out many techniques seriously and with diligence. At some point you recognize the underlying structure beneath any technique. Then you'll create completely new methods for yourself.
  19. off topic, but out of curiosity: Have you already witnessed how you imagined the imagination process of an ai imagining art? That would be some triple meta imagining magic going on
  20. Infinity is never "That". If you say it's this or that you are in the finite realm. It's hopeless to point towards actual Infinity with some finite stupid words. So compared to actual Infinity the words of Ralston, Leo, me, you are just distraction from direct, actual experience aka infinity. And yes infinity has no problem to grow faster for ever. There is no limit to anything.
  21. Here are some of my mystical art works of the last days. This website would not allow more than 3 pictures, so just the measly screenshot. But I think the potential of this technology is shown quite good. Experimenting with this is pure heaven for everyone who is into art and paints by themself.
  22. I think 5-meo takes it to another level, but I think I recently had a glimpse into what sex with God might feels like. I was having sex with the figment of my girlfriend mixing up with figments of my friends, parents, sisters, people I hate, people I have only seen once, people I don't even know and so on. It was amazing, I loved to be intimate with all kinds of people in one act. That's what God is after all.
  23. Wow man this insight is just cocaine laced gold. It TO-TA-LLY makes sense. How did you got to it? Via psychedelics or communication with women? Because in my experience women could never articulate their deep desire packed in a sharp sentence like this. Or maybe because you yourself found out about the woman Leo I side you the later is something I really appreciate about myself now.