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Everything posted by Vynce

  1. @Leo Gura Did God also told you to force feed awakening to your stupid students? Nobody will awaken if you try to kill the Buddha with a crowbar. Sometimes I really wonder why you don't just shut the forum down for your own good. You don't really seem to enjoy the stupidity of your students. But maybe thats some sort of thing I will get if I have my own students I just thought a fellow God like you would use its time more enjoyable than ranting with buddhist apes haha
  2. Sitting on a rock at „Lago de Atitlan“. A volcanic lake in Guatemala. Probably the most spiritually charged place I’ve been to.
  3. WIth this simple trick you can 10x the variability and creativity with ai art.
  4. Yeah had multiple experiences like this. I even tried shamanic breathwork in a dream, which was surprisingly potent. I’d love to have this more often.
  5. I often feel a little uneasy when Leo's speaks in such a sharp, super contemplative manner about interesting phenomenons like shizophrenia or rational thinking. Yet at the same time, he goes back to to full "black and white" logic with sentences like "businessmen and scientists have no souls...". As if reality suddenly becomes this easy linear thing where you clearly have to decide what you want: rationality, business and straight forward thinking OR you can have spirituality, open mindedness and so on. While giving one the idea, that these aspect are conversely exclusive to another. I want to give you an alternative take: What if, reality is about the balance act of combining these aspects of reality. What if you really have to make and effort and be intelligent about how you co-exist in both worlds, given the circumstances. What if, there is not simple black and white logic that "all X cannot be Y" and "Y cant be X because is has always been like that". "Thats just how reality is". That sounds so dumb sometimes haha. I really wish for us all to see the possibilities of bringing different states together. Not always and not equally, but more and more. At the end of the day, we are Infinity, so there is definitely a way, with enough intelligence, to combine these states into one: You. Thats the blog post I'm referring to:
  6. Hey guys and @Leo Gura, I'm deeply studying Susanne Cook-Greuters 9 Stages of Ego Development model right now again. I'm currently searching for some concrete human examples of the post conventional stages. Especially for the: the Strategist stage the Construct Aware stage and the Unitive stage. (For you Spiral Dynamics fan boys these are the stages yellow and above - However they seem to be more nuanced and differently modeled than SD.)
  7. Also, you sometimes made the me get the notion that God realization would weaken the gravitational pull towards a more materialistic life Purpose such as women, building a beautiful space, or not having to think about money any more. In my perspective I can choose whatever materialistic goal I find deeply desirable and the entire universe wants it too. So there has not really been a decrease in materialistic desires, but a more conscious increase. By that I mean, I see how I potentially harm others around me with that approach. But at the end of the day, harming others a little while embodying my deepest desires seems legit to myself as God.
  8. One question about that: Did your life Purpose changed when you realized yourself as absolutely sovereign god? I would assume your life Purpose would have been a little culturally conditioned before that happened. At least that's what I noticed.
  9. Hey guys, I'm currently preparing for a 5-meo ceremony tomorrow. Today I got into a very minor migraine state and took a anti-migraine substance called "formigran" with "naratriptan" in it. For migraines it works surprisingly well and I would recommend it for everyone struggling with migraines. However since it interacts in the serotonin system I wonder if anyone here knows if there could be some interaction between the substances. Thanks for the information ✌️
  10. As a German myself I came up with a whole theory about how big crisis's affects countries in a good way long-term. Examples would be Japan and Germany, which got horribly destroyed, even with nuclear power. No they are the leading in many ways. And countries like Greece or Spain for example struggle a lot to keep poverty rates at bay, while they have not lost any significant wars for decades. Might be worth to investigate on this further.
  11. That would be dope. That would lift also the image of Actualized.org from "male, lone wolfish, maybe cultish" to awakening interested people, which are settling for "community spirituality", because they feel more authentic there. Let's see if Leo can deconstruct his personal style here to have a more authentic and deeper impact.
  12. Every profile has to have a consciousness scale, which is by default locked at 0. Of course you can increase the value by buying Leo's personal brand 5-meo. Plus points if you murder a materialistic scientist hehe
  13. Your ego is your sense of self. Your life history. Your memories. Your name. Your profile picture. Your personality. Your trauma. The stories you tell yourself and others what you are. And of course your Ego is also what you are not. You are not the people you hate. You are not into that music or that kind of food. The ego is separateness. All this is happening with the process of thinking. When you are completely still and aware of the actual world in and outside of you, there is no life history, no memories, no name, no thought. Thats why the ego is illusory.
  14. More options to personalize ones profile. Like different pics, favorite books, attached blog posts - in general a more intuitive and user friendly profile interface. A bit towards the likes of social media sites. And of course to allow larger files being sent. I would even pay a little bit for such an option.
  15. @EternalForest Just for as long, till you start to think primarily the other language. That can happen, but for most it won't.
  16. This one is to you fellow non-native-english speakers, which have an everyday life amidst non-english thinkers and speakers. My discovery is, that english videos, courses and books feel helpful (and theoretically they can be as helpful as your native language), but cannot pierce so easily through your conditioned mind, which is programmed in everyday situations with another language. I noticed the difference when I finished Leo's Life Purpose course versus just starting a life purpose course in german. The content is almost identical. I even resonate with Leo's style and ways of thinking way more. But for the mentioned reason, the german course alters and re-programs my ways of thinking way more effective. So if courses, books, and videos cannot really change your state deeply and longterm, consider taking them in the language you use to think most. Namaste
  17. Hey guys, do you have some book recommendations, for completely transcending stage orange and integrating more green? I guess I already have a lot of green in me, but there’s also still some orange. Thought maybe you have some good books for me, thanks in advance ??
  18. During the last days I got little glimpses into ego deconstruction aka unconditional love and acceptance with the help of body awareness. Mostly during day to day activities. I felt myself the most when I walked down the street or when I felt any kind of uneasiness, which suggested "feel into your body" rather than thinking more into the uneasiness. I trained to „be“ in my body, and to be as silent as possible, that I wouldn’t miss anything in my body. My focus was mainly in my hands and feet, which can easily be felt in most situations. More nuanced sensations like feelings in my neck, legs or bottom could be felt when I sat down or laid in bed for example. This practice in combination with not thinking about it as practice really got me into peacefulness and satisfaction without an object, which has to satisfy me. I was just happy for no reason at all. I want to point a little more awareness to the fact, that thinking about this as „practice“ hinders you from being peaceful and happy for its own sake. Because thinking about anything moves you away from your body and this present moment. Which is, regardless of the content of your thought, always a process of more uneasiness and feeling that this moment is somehow „not complete“ or „not enough“. So forget about all the theory like speeches from Eckhart Tolle, books, this post and everything you might „know“ about unconditional happiness. All this is, as a thought form, which it always is, a 180 degree turn away from unconditional happiness. Just let sensations be. As silent as possible. Not to miss anything in your body. Notice this. Whatever is.
  19. Hey guys, I'm currently traveling a lot so I'm looking for part time remote jobs, which can be done from anywhere worldwide. English or german preferably. Please share some suggestions or experiences, if you can. Appreciate it a lot!
  20. Depends on the girl. I once had a girl who couldn't stop herself laughing for that question. Reading body language is way more telling than verbal communication.
  21. wow, she does have a unique voice then The major task would be to create somehow an art medium, which displays the "collapse of form" while also collapsing itself. As if you would crush a canvas, which displays the crushing of a canvas In that sense the art could never be stable, it has to move in some form - always collapsing. Thanks for the nudge, I definitely will think about it
  22. Looks great! Especially the first stages are quite representative. What he does not describe is the "visually ordinary state" in which reality collapses into nothingness. It's super hard to make a picture from this, but he could've mentioned it as the last state.
  23. As quantum physics, non-dual teachings and, of course, you in your awakened state have figured out: reality is one thing connected to the center of your direct experience. Everything, even the slightest arbitrary bit of consciousness. And as I'm figuring this out bit by bit I feel helpless. What kills me the most is to see others "bad attitude" as a reflection of my lack of love and selflessness. On the other hand, others seem to be in paradise when I'm loving and selfless. But it always starts with my state. This gets so radical sometimes, that it's laughable. I hate to say it but: How can this feel fair? How am I supposed to bear the burden of being responsible for every consciousness in this entire planet. Most people seem bitter and depressed. (Because I am - of course). I don't have so much love for this massive pile of depression everywhere I look. I don't know how to tackle this. Especially if this direct consciousness gets even less ignorant. What way is there to gain so much love for this loveless life around me?
  24. Sorry, I really thought Actualization was all about that. I'm really confused right now. I thought having a net positive impact onto reality is all God cares about and so should I. Now, I have no clue what reality is. Again. I was at this point so many times. I never really got it in my ordinary states.