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Everything posted by Vynce
Vynce replied to Snt_lk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
As Ivankiss said, maybe its God testing you how deep you see yourself in others. I can relate to you 100%, because i have a job which involves talking to people 24/7. And as my conscioussnes grows i want to spread love and empathy towars others, because on the deepst level of truth, there is no difference between them and me. However the egoic mind thrives on differences, so it wants you to believe in being different from others, therefore the love is not as authentic as it could be. And God, in the form of others "punishes" you conviniently by acting cold towards egoic love. Otherwise God could never be discovered, if you had true love through your ego. You might want to say that you are not egoic at all, but i speaking of "degrees" of egoic love, wich ultimately tend to purify into true unconditional love. I think its wise to believe that we have no clue how "pure" true love can really get. But everytime i feel just a spark of unconditional love in me, others give it back to me a million times, in form of money, time, attention what ever. And than the ego steps in and wants to replay the unconditional love to reward itself with money, time and attention, which doesnt work this time, because its coming from the ego. Its a tricky mechanism, but if you look at it holistically, with the goal to find God in others and in yourself, the cold ignorance of others is a perfect tool for you to awakening and let behind the ego. -
This altering state of kindness and ignorance is usually a clever mechanism of the ego, which cannot flourish if everything is predictable fine. It needs the drama and amplitude of emotions to work withing your friend. Sadly I have years of experience with such people. The way to go here would be to talk about her in a complete "non-judgemental" and present way. So that her ego can't interpret this as an offensive. But be open to get possiblity that after she acknowledges your point she will ignore you even more. That's because her ego knows you can't be used stir up more drama. But eventually everything will work out fine and she reflects on her behavior. This will take time however.
Vynce replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
One time I became so conscious, that my urge to pee got imaginary. But at the same time i noticed why it was important to imagine pee, toilets and so on. But thats another story with the breath. Never experienced imaginary breath. -
Vynce replied to Paradox's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura during my first awakening I had the idea that everything that is part of reality is a part of a fractal. And since a fractal is infinitely small (or large) every possible thing is included. Like the in Mandelbrot-Set where every form is manifested sooner or later. -
Vynce replied to Mafortu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How did you make it? With what technique or program? -
Vynce replied to levani's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course mixing drugs of any kind is never a useful way of consuming them. Especially drugs that trigger your dopamin system combined with psychedelics can damage you in a wide variety of ways, like weed or mdma mixed with LSD for example. But one of the main points of this forum is to be honest and help each other out so here is my experience with alcohol and psychedelics years ago. (I quit drinking long ago) My friend and I were doing microdosing while walking in nature. So eventually we had a couple beers, and there was not a bad retroactive effect with the LSD. You could even say that it decreased the typical "microdose bodyload". But again, it was just a microdose. 200ml of vodka is a pretty serious amount of alcohol. I would never consume that in one rush, let alone combined with LSD. -
I recently had a pretty powerful awakening. It was not super clear and i cant remember everything, but for the first time i realised how im the creator of reality and that everything is imagined by me (God). I had to think of Leo immediently, because he somehow started this awakening journey for me. And i noticed that i just imagined Leo to develope this awakening. I had a pretty intensive laughter over this. What also freaked me out was, that i noticed how i imagine my family and my friends, and that there was never a father or a mother. Only my imagination of them. Anyways, since that awakening i love to do sales even more now. Everytime i meet a new costumers (door to door sales) im fascinated of how im imagining this person to entertain myself with new creations of myself. I just love hanging out with my imaginations so to say. There cant be any frustrations or hate towards others, because "these others" are nothing but my own imaginations of "these others". Also my sales gone up really fast now, that im not worried about failure. Because even if i'd fail there is nothing that i could ever lose, because im already everything
Yeah i just read "Breath" from James Nestor and can really recommend it to you guys! The book has changed my breathing behavior instantaneously. Top take-aways: No mouth breathing, just nose breathing. Short inhalte, long exhale. Keep your jaws and teeth together. Chew a lot.
Vynce replied to EntheogenTruthSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ask yourself if maybe your ego just found another role to play, when you talk about how miserable your life is and how important you were, when you were guarded in the hospital. Luckily everyone can criticize at this forum, nobody will hold you back. But the way you articulate yourself really shows your damaged ego trying to survive. -
Vynce replied to blueplasma's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks for sharing. Through his calmness, the lesson can penetrate really deep into the soul -
I can relate to you 100%. I think you can stay best on the self-improvement path if you just train to do your daily work with even more consciousness and love. To do that on a daily basis, even if your boss is already happy, means some deep self-improvement. I think the most powerful self-improvement looks pretty boring from the outside. Meditating when waiting in line. Consciously creating loving thoughts for others. Restricting yourself from "easy dopamine" activies and products. Nobody will encourage you to do that. This is your life long "Do It Yourself" project. Thats also how extrinsic motivations transforms into intrinsic motivation, which is naturally way more powerful and durable.
Some days ago i asked here in this forum how to get the most out of LSD experiences for personal growth. And since rather high dosages didnt let to expected breakthroughs i considered taking a very high dose of 1CP-LSD, which was probably the most foolish thing i've done since years. Luckely i didnt harm myself physically or mentally, but i lost conscious for 4-5 hours. In that time anything could've happened. To make the most out of this foolish mistake i really want to support that you have to go as slow as possbile on psychedelics. Even after two years of positive experience anything can happened, if your not extremely respectul and aware of how to deal with these super potent substances. And i want to apologize for poisoning this forum with such an irresponsible entry (luckily its locked now). I want to apologize because i love this forum and got extrem value from the content shared here. I feel really bad for myself. Deep down in me there is this will to progress and develope, thats why i want to get the most for you and me from this stupid mistake. You cant be too respectful with psychedelics - never do it because you are bored.
Vynce replied to Peace and Love's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Got my first non-dual awaking listening to this masterpiece -
I was wondering why Leo hasn't made a video about that, because semen retention practice can be found in many men trying to self-improve. However, Leo has a high level of integrity, which he tries to achieve, with every bit of content he releases. Thats also the reason why he can talk so freely and determined about sophisticated topics, precisely because he has integrated his notions so much in his everyday thinking and living, that it is natural for him. He doesnt have to play a role to speak about God, consciousnes and Love. When it comes to semen retention however he would gave up this integrity, because as he says in some of his videos and the insight blog, porn is nothing bad for him and he doesnt feel elevated by not cosuming it. So in order to convince anyone of semen retention he would have to play a role, which doesnt happened in highly conscious people.
Vynce replied to Exenegade's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
looks absolutely dope. Would love to watch them in real life while tripping -
If we have a consensus about that everyone and everything is just imagined by consciousness, everything and everyone is just an illusion. Being human is an illusion, this text is an illusion and everything that can be part of reality is an illusion. Rightfully so. Because consciousness wants to play this ultimate hide-and-seek game in order not to get bored. Because if we could get "God-conscious" just by meditating 60 minutes there would be no point in being human. However spiritual teachers like Leo are sent by consciousness to awaken us a little more towards god consciousness. That means God became bored of "not to find itself" in reality and therefore took away the illusion from some humans (like Leo), to make the hide and seek game a litte more easier for us. Now someone could say Leo spoils the hide-and-seek game and others could say he saves humans from human suffering. I dont know, which side i want to take. I even wonder why God chooses to let consciousness seep in at this point in time. As Eckart Tolle says humankind begins to awaken step by step since some years now. But why did God didnt do it 1000 years ago or in 1000 years. Ultimately there would be no difference. Just in the amount of suffering. Have to contemplate on that...
Vynce replied to Vynce's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Regarding 1) Ofcourse God is always there and to be realized. However the inability to realize God is also imagined by God. And because there cannot be a free will outside of God, God devides when he realizes himself. But how and when does he decides it, this is precisely my question. Many manifestations of God are far away from realizing itself as God, whereas others get on the path to realization quite quickly. For example in the dark ages there where little to none awakened people (at least here in europe), where as now there are more and more. But i think im too unconscious for time to delete out of this equation. I can really think without time haha. -
Hey guys, do you have any practical advice for someone, who struggles to be present when the ego takes over again? Especially after four of five weeks of sales work (thats the longest time most do at my company because its a 6-day/week 12 hour job) my ego cripples me down for weeks. I cant have any joyful moments as it seems during that time. Even though I hate to watch porn, my ego wont let me rest until i jerk off eventually. Same with food. I have a pretty solid and healthy diet, but when the ego backlash comes around, i can only be satisfied by overeating until my stomach hurts. Right now im conscious and this sounds pretty simple to me - just stay present and observe the negative feeling. But in that moment of urge and agony presence is interupted every second. Is it just training or am i missing something?
Vynce replied to Beginner Mind's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Will apply it to my evening meditation today:) -
First of all im conscious that music can take away the insightful nature of a profound psychedelic experience and therefore should not being consumed if you want to get the most out of the experience for personal growth reasons. But even in sober states i really like music which has this "trippyness" to it. I guess everyone's taste is different but im sure the best music for psychedelic experiences should be free of content as for examples rap music or pop music. Filling your mind with stories and concrete mental picture of such music wont really make you anymore conscious. But i dont wont to offend anyone here - maybe there is even good trip music with content. Anyways here is my list of my absolute favorite music tracks to listen while tripping for the last 3 years. These are all Spotify tracks - sometimes the YouTube versions are not as good, so keep that in mind. Enjoy Salzburg - Worakls (intelligent deep house) Phoenix - Unique Repeat Remix (deep house with trippy goa parts) The Collective - Morten Granau, Phaxe (deep house with strong elements of goa) Weltenwandler - Klartraum (i dont even know what this genre is tbh) Shankara - Panda Dub (interesting mix out of dub and singing with deep house elements) The Road - Thylacine, Parra for Cuva (just makes you really peaceful and calm, without being boring) Cosmic Ratio - Enrico Sangiuliano (strong techno with just the right amount of trippyness) Inner Tale - Worakls (like all Worakls tracks this one really sound "intelligent" i dont know how to say it better) Time - Nto (deep house masterpiece) Far Far Away - Worakls (your heart just melts away) Invisible - Paul Kalkbrenner, Nto (fantastic deep house) Jennesys - Emrod (really brings up your mood, if you got a crappy start to your trip) Kabuki - Teho, Tran (asian theater style music with intelligent techno - very interesting) Please post your favorite music here aswell, i will listen through all of them
Vynce replied to Vynce's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@RMQualtrough yeah, just by looking in your playlist for two secounds i noticed many classic tracks. N'to, Joachim Pastor, Worakls and Paul Kalkbrenner are really the kings of this genre -
Vynce replied to Tovius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
INTRODUCTION I'm happy that this topic is mentioned here, because i really think nitrous oxide can elevate you during psychedelic experiences in whole new levels of consciousness. So how does this notion come to me? A friend and I were discovering 1P-LSD and 1CP-LSD to have some fun and later develop greater consciousness and a sense for non-dual experiences. Simultaneously we discovered that you could have a short interesting experience through inhaling nitrous oxide with the help of a balloon and a capsule crusher. The feeling itself isn't that spectacular. I would describe it like a massive "nicotine-flash", for someone, who doesn't usually smoke. It only lasts for about 15-30 seconds and will vanish shortly afterwards. So it happened to be that during a lovely little trip with about 150 micrograms of 1P-LSD my friend pulled out some NO2 capsules and suggested we should try how this narcotic and "dull" feeling would play out during the trip. What now happened can't really be described with words, and I'm sure I can only remember about 5% of the experience, because the mind could not comprehend this experience in any way. But I try my best. NO2 + LSD EXPERIENCE So after about 8-12 deep breaths out of the balloon, reality shattered away. Plants and stones began to look like beautiful fractals, which eventually formed one big fractal, which looked and felt like a "swirl". This tremendous "swirl", which could be felt in the body sucked me into it faster and faster. Simultaneously I began to feel and see every "lucky and joyful" moment of my life again, like in a flip-book, where every page was another "joyful" thing, which happened to me. Even stuff out of my early childhood came up, like when I discovered fascinating things in video games for the first time, or when I had massive joy when playing something. The images were clear and colorful, not comparable with normal remembering of such events. I also sensed that "sober reality" was just a "curtain", which began to fall apart and got cracks, as soon as the NO2 got to its peak. Behind this "curtain" I could feel a mighty, menacing entitie "laughing" at me about my attempt to comprehend it. I felt small and tiny meeting this higher entity. (Maybe this was like a small DMT experience? I don't know I never tried DMT...) Then the "curtain" closed again, and "sober reality" was established quickly after. My friend and I were just speechless and couldn't do anything than just laugh about how extremely different NO2 felt during tripping compared to just taking it when sober. It's like day and night. And remember this was just on about 150 micrograms. So I really think there is a large potential to NO2 to get some deep insights to your past or unconscious when tripping on a solid dose of mushrooms or LSD. WARNING Before you crush one capsule after another, be informed that this narcotic gas , will damage your brain if you use it regularly and too intentisive at a time. The NO2 replaces oyxgen in your blood with itself. Therefor your cells, especially your brain cells, can be damaged if you lose your conscious for too long. Just take it scarsly and dont overdo it.