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Everything posted by Vynce

  1. I just wanted to say that his latest post on the infinite insight section is just brilliant. Most teachers make it sound so complicated when they talk about "delayed gratification", but Leo nailed it right on the head.
  2. As Tyler said, God is in love and interested in all your states of consciousness. Even the most twisted, depressed states are just as important for God as your enlightenment states. He loves it.
  3. Especially during "heroic dose" trips simple kitchen work like brewing a tea can be overwhelmingly difficult. I'm speaking from a lot of personal experience So prepare everything beforehand. The best "trip-food" has to be practical and healthy. That includes food like Sushi, ready made salads, berries and fruits. However, my biggest recommendation are soups. Especially if you aren't feeling hungry, soups can be eaten at every time. The warm feeling of it also goes well when you feel cold and shaky like I sometimes feel when tripping. Also its super easy, because you just have to heat it.
  4. So I remember asking some weeks ago why love has to be equal to consciousness. I thought it is the direct product or main intent of consciousness. However in my last awakening I got proved otherwise. (Btw. thank you all for being part of this journey) But now I somewhat wish to never have had this insight. Because now, I see how unloving as selfish I really am. And how endlessly good existence would be if I'd love every little dirty, corrupted state of consciousness equally. So how you awakened guys deal with this dilemma? I've heard Leo say "just try to be a little more loving everyday", but every "little bit more love" is mice shit compared to what's possible. And how you guys deal with moments, when you were exceptional unloving? Of course Gods loves my inability to love, but this is precisely my point. Why is my mind so incredibly unable to love finite, corrupted stuff. It wouldn't endanger my survival if I'd love that fascist just as much as the hardcore leftist. This really is a Pandora's Box for me. But the awakening is still really fresh. Might need some time to integrate everything.
  5. @Vynce I had the intuition, that God designed sleep to experience all sorts of crazy, non-logical stuff that would normally destroy the structure of the "sober infinity". But since God also wants to know how it is being chased by a super massive UFO in the desert by wearing a snow jacket, sleep dreams seem to be a good opportunity for such experiences.
  6. @JuliusCaesar Try hard and engage fully to achieve your desires. But ultimately be open to the possibility that every desire at its roots is somehow the desire to feel love. As hippie-like as that sounds. Even the most "non-hippie-people" like me realize that at some point. You don't have to short-cut to infinite love directly. Your personal path will directly or indirectly guide you to higher and higher realizations about your life. Bit by bit. Just be open for it. That's not concrete advise. Precisely because reality has no concrete path to love. Every path is love which everyone, who is in physical form fails to see. But the more you change physical form for pure consciousness, the more you see that truth.
  7. Someone wise in this from said, that there will always be new methods to do spirituality. So this is what I found: Most of you surely have a Spotify account or a similar music-listening app, where you have all your favorite music listed up. You have specific music genres, which you favor more than others. Also notice that there are some genres, which you have never really listened to (and would never think of listening to). But now I want you to listen to music, which you absolutely don't like and see what happens. What part of your psyche rejects the music? Contemplate why your psyche is causing suffering with some noises, rather than other (your favorite) noises. Also try to see if you really dislike the music itself, or rather the audience, which is most commonly associated with that music. I struggled with the latter a lot. I personally noticed, that I felt surprised by how understanding and almost appreciative I felt, when trying this exercise, with an open mind. I guess you can get a little sneak peak how God's love functions, if you find beauty and understanding in every music. At last: here is my example list, which music I found awful, but tried listening to with an open heart: German gangster rap Turkish Basar music High School Musical Songs Overly emotional love and romance songs Radical political music God loves it all - endlessly and equal
  8. You can never be directly conscious of unconsciousness.
  9. So to be clear I agree with 85-90% of what you say Leo. I have had similar awakening experiences in the past, and I intuitively feel that most of what you say comes from a genuine "truth-seeking" attitude. However, I have one major question regarding your most fundamental statement: "Everything is Love". I totally see that everything from thoughts to feelings and "material" objects is consciousness. There cant be anything other than consciousness. I even got the insight that consciousness has no boundaries and is free to do what ever it wants, therefore is infinite. So logically the main goal of consciousness is to love itself infinitely. Because what is there else to do. Thats how far my empirically grounded understanding of your teaching goes. But why is consciousness EQUAL to love? That would mean that love and consciousness are not PRIOR or AFTER one another. But clearly consciousness is the fundamental source of love. Your teaching says that both are sourcing each other, because they are identical. But when i sit here in my chair and experience all kind of consciousness, there is no way I feel/see love before consciousness. Language is probably not suited to clarify this, but is there a fundamental necessity for love to be equal to consciousness? If so, why?
  10. Enough has been said about crazy intense states of the God head in this forum. Most of you guys (even Leo) don't live in the God head for most of their conscious time. So I want to deepen my understanding of the point when egoic mind "clicks" into the God head. Most of the time it's a random non-predictable moment. But how does this work? And most importantly how does the God mind "clicks" itself in the egoic mind back again? It so mind boggling. It's like you've fallen for a magic trick a thousand times and the magician finally agrees to show you how the trick works. The trick is so simple that you laugh at your ass of at your own stupidity. But then somehow the magician performs exactly the same trick and you completely lost your understanding how the trick worked again. This is so frustrating for my egoic mind. How to you cope with that in the egoic mind?
  11. True. I could listen to them for 24h straight
  12. So Leo mentioned in the podcast with Kurt Jaimungal that he is writing a book. Presumably about fundamental epistemology and non-duality. So I'm asking directly to Leo here: Are you comfortable sharing any information about what you write and when the book will be published?
  13. Totally reasonable. However most meditators or not superhuman monks, so they occasionally slack off the meditation entirely if they are too sleepy. So this might be a fair method, when meditation won't be done otherwise. But granted, the ultimate goal is without anything besides your mind.
  14. I just rewatched your video "An Advanced Explanation Of God-Realization", and asked myself this: If im infinitely powerful and omnipotent, could i just abandon boredem of pleasure? I totally get the point that infinite blow jobs and infinite pleasure of any kind would seem meaningless after a while. It would lose its worth. But why couldn't i just forget that i had infinite pleasure for eternities now. Why couldn't i dream myself again and again into that moment when pleasure feels new and fresh again. Have you tried that?
  15. I have a 6 hour road planned for sunday. Lets hope the universe will give us this talk till then
  16. This just amplifies my question. You are the best example of how God can forget about everything. You only have reference to your life. The line where you memory vanishes is probably where you imagine your third birthday to be. Why doesn't God put this line 10 seconds ago and bathes in infinite love. There would be no boredom. Everything was new.
  17. To get straight to the point I really struggle to flirt with super attractive women without experiencing "blue balls pain". By this I mean a very annoying pain in the stomach and groin region, which can only go away with an orgasm. Otherwise the pain increases forever. This also happens without having an erection. The pain increases with every sexual impression I have. Especially if there is body contact involved, which is the case in most flirt situations, which lead to something more serious. So every casual, flirtatious situation, which doesn't lead to instant sex, ends up in physical pain. This is especially annoying if I don't even want to have sex right away. So do you guys have similar experiences and is there a possible solution to this fucked up mechanism? I try out every solution...
  18. A very experienced meditator can be completely aware in the presence of "distractions". Because every so called distraction is just a sound or a picture, which can be observed non-judgemental just as you can observe your breath. However the challenge becomes harder if the sounds and pictures have content. The mind wants to interpret it, hence its harder for you to be free of the mind. Two solutions now: 1. Cope with it, and learn to meditate with distraction. This is way harder and will mostly result in frustration. OR 2. Move out from your parents home. This will turbo-charge your personal development at your age.
  19. Yeah cold showers have a similar effect as well. But this stuff is super impractical when I'm at work flirting with a hot co-worker or at a date. Not to get aroused in the first place is a viable option, but getting aroused is fun. This fun really makes it hard to stay away from sexual thoughts in such circumstances.
  20. Maybe with 11 different, but sometimes several times with the same girl. Just now i was on a date and literally had to say I had stomach problems so i could exit this painful shit. Some girls know about this problem, but most think I'm joking.
  21. Neural link will be a further step for science to realize that consciousness is not found in the brain. There are many other signs that this realization is going to happen in the next decades. The scientific paradigm will crash onto itself.
  22. So metaphorically speaking im asking as a rather unexperienced chess player who is the best chess player in the world. And as an inferior chess player its hard to know just by observing other chess players who is the most advanced. The only thing i know is that consciousness can grow infintely. So who are the teachers, who have the most wisdom and least delusion? I often hear Leo say that most other teachers have not realized 1% of what can be realized through increased consciousness, but maybe he himself has not realized 1% of what can be realized. How could he know? Thats the main property of infinity. There is no end to it. This is not said to question Leo, I just want to know if there is someone else, who has had similar awakenings and wisdom, to learn even more.