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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. Everything is Source (a.k.a. God). Small and big. Whatever thought I or you create, it's coming from Source/God. The problem is that you are fixating on the big only. "If it's small it can't be God/Source." If both my thoughts and your thoughts come from Source.. What separates you and me at the Source level?
  2. No. Stop believing everything you hear. Following the link in the video description leads to a site where they talk about something which at least reminds of a conspiracy theory. And to (free) online books which seems to be full of shit. Maybe this thread should get locked.
  3. No. Maybe this thread should get locked.
  4. I understand if it feels weird for you but this is a well known and studied phenomena in science.
  5. Please.. This is just sleepwalking. I use to switch on my light sometimes and I don't remember doing it. Sleepwalking.
  6. In my opinion Sadhguru and Leo don't teach the same stuff. The only similarity is that both go under the label "metaphysics, meditation, spirituality, claims that have not yet accepted by science". Just slapping the label "metaphysics, meditation, spirituality, claims that have not yet accepted by science" to something doesn't make it true.
  7. Nowdays I simply see them as mentally ill people. Maybe in the future there will be treatment for such stuff. It's super tricky because it's so tightly entangled with their normal psyche: "The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent. The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior." "Symptoms: Strong false beliefs despite superior evidence to the contrary." So there's no point in even replying to unicity's delusion above.
  8. @Preety_India Yes. There's nothing wrong or abnormal with you.
  9. In my opinion, even if a woman is hyper sexual, it's just a positive thing.
  10. Then tell me, how come a dominant male enjoys licking?
  11. Don't make it complicated. Even dominant women enjoy sucking. Most women love penises so they love sucking. It's that simple.
  12. You're wrong. Most women like or love oral sex.
  13. @Shin Not all women like being dominated. Most women don't like anal sex.
  14. So because I like Leo's content that means I should automatically like Sadhguru's content too? Why? I have watched Sadhguru, and I have done his inner engineering course. And my firm opinion is that Sadhguru is full of shit. It's not sad. It's good that I don't believe in Sadhguru's bs.
  15. Good for him. I have already tried with sleeping 6-7 hours. I feel like shit if I sleep less than 8 hours.
  16. Sadhguru is always full of shit.
  17. Just listen to your body. I sleep 9 hours. Albert Einstein slept for at least 10 hours.
  18. @Ponder Sorry I can't hear you. The spiritual ego alarm is too loud.
  19. Why doesn't your advice end my suffering? Or preferably: I want to become happy. The beauty about "I know that I know nothing" is that it supports itself. So to speak. So, "I know that I know nothing" includes not even knowing that I know that I know nothing. So yes, I don't know.