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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I'm currently reading the book "Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness. 2nd Edition". It's quite good, but it contains lots of complicated technical stuff which only a genius in quantum mechanics can understand. From it I found this quote from Albert Einstein: “It is basic for physics that one assumes a real world existing independently from any act of perception - but this we do not know." But the thing which scientists don't agree about is: what counts as observation? According to many scientists observation isn't the same thing as consciousness. But to me it seems difficult to remove consciousness from observation..
  2. That there wouldn't be any problems without consciousness.
  3. I said it because of this thread and other threads recently. When you get older you will realize that you don't want to live forever. You will also realize that our bodies will die.
  4. Jesus Christ.. This forum has detoriated.. @Igor82 How old are you?
  5. In a normal country no one would ever vote for a republican candidate again.. Which would mean the death of the republican party. I think it would be good if Trump would be the republican nominee, because then the republicans would lose the election. Americans can't be so crazy that they would make Trump president again, right..
  6. I'm Swedish ?? And also Finnish ?? Not that it matters, but whatever.
  7. They are easy to dismiss. They could be lying, hallucinating, dreaming, imagining, believing or mentally masturbating, etc. Keyhole has a excellent signature. But I don't know if I can trust my experience either, since I could be hallucinating or something. Or well, I can trust my direct experience.. but direct experience doesn't say anything about the future, for example.
  8. Well, fact is that other people would suffer very much if someone committs suicide, there's no way to get around it, even if you think that morally people have the right to kill themselves. I think they do morally have the right to kill themselves. But that it causes others to suffer immensely is a simple fact, so anyone who has even a bit empathy should put that in the calculation. One of the most common suicide methods is safe and painless when done properly. But since you aren't allowed to mention safe methods in forums.. people choose bad methods. NDE accounts can't be trusted as evidence. And when people like Neale Donald Walsch and other "gurus" claim something without any evidence.. It's not worth anything at all. His book could be used as toilet paper though.
  9. There's 2 rational justifications I can think of: The suffering your suicide would cause people who know you. And the possibility that it can get better later in life. But it's of course not certain that it will get better. The chance of it getting better varies between cases. Finally some truth and honesty. Nice post ? I like it.
  10. Get your blood tested to check your vitamin and mineral levels.
  11. It's really stupid that euthanasia isn't allowed in so many countries. There's not a single good argument against euthanasia. It's illegal only because people can't think rationally about it. And such stupidity pisses me off. The laws are supposed to be based on reason and not on some stupid irrational emotions. It would lessen the suffering in the world. Make it legal immediately.
  12. I don't understand why everyone think that life is better than death..
  13. I'd say there's zero evidence of spirit guides, angels, or anything else spiritual or metaphysical.
  14. And people really do over value the opinion of any other spiritual teachers. And people really do over value also their own opinions.
  15. Yeah, it's really painful. Some things you can try: Sigh super loud. Take a deep breath and then close your eyes and "listen to the silence". Rub your forehead and the area around the eyes like crazy for a while. Pull your hair like crazy and rub the scalp like crazy for a while. If you are self-controlled maybe this one works. I'm usually not self-controlled enough to pull this one off:
  16. You guys are engaging in mental masturbation and drawing conclusions which has absolutely nothing to do with reality.
  17. The skin color of different races are different. And the bodies are a bit different. And their genes are a bit different. Women and men have different bodies. And their psyche/brains are different. They are not fucking social constructs. Seriously. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Aaaaaaaah. Don't write to me anymore, I beg you. No one in this thread.
  18. A ant is short compared to a giraffe. No matter what you think. As soon as you are able to perceive something, for example a ant, then you are automatically relating it to other things. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to perceive it in the first place. Without any contrast you can't perceive it at all. It's not socially constructed. And no race/gender isn't based on imaginary divisions created to separate and justify dehumanization and discrimination of certain groups of people. No what you think and believe doesn't become your reality. Just because someone thinks Hillary Clinton is satanic and drinking baby blood and raping babies in a basement doesn't make it true. You're simply dead wrong about everything you have said in this thread. I shouldn't even waste my time and energy on this shit. So I would appreciate if we could end this discussion.
  19. The reality which is there no matter what I think.
  20. You can think what you want, like conspiracy theorists do, but that doesn't change the reality.
  21. It's not invented. Like for example the difference between a tall and short person isn't invented. The difference is there no matter what you think.