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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I think truly enlightened beings strive to reduce suffering in conscious beings. And the opposite is also true: the less conscious someone is the less that person cares about others suffering. More selfishness is a direct result of low consciousness. And the entire teaching of Buddha was about cessation (nirodha) of suffering (dukkha).
  2. It's difficult to know which calculation in the end results in the least amount of total suffering. But your ignorance of not knowing the correct calculation doesn't mean that a big amount of total suffering is good. Try to see the big picture.
  3. Yes, that's why I said suffering total. I'm not denying that it's good to suffer today so you suffer less tomorrow. I include that stuff. Everything you do in life is trying to suffer as little as possible, including for example suffering today to suffer less in a year. So you do think suffering is bad and wrong, you're just not aware of it. You're even in this forum and reading this post because you are trying to suffer less. You are all like fish swimming in water, not being aware of the water. You can deny it all you want but I know I'm right.
  4. Since many times it's negative.. the suffering total gets more difficult to calculate. I guess in the calculation you need 10 000 or something babies and then calculate the average suffering total in the 10 000 baby cases. Then you would get the answer if the lumbar punctuation procedure is worth it or if it should be stopped. Suffering= wrong. Not everything is right. This is a holy rule. This can be easily proved: you don't want to put your hand in fire or something. And you don't want anyone to pour acid into your eyes or something. Labeling suffering as right is just mental masturbation until you actually experience the suffering. "A hundred scriptures may declare that fire is cold or that it is dark; still they possess no authority in the matter." - Adi Shankara
  5. USA and Nato are the main protectors of the free world, democracy and human rights. For extra security, all countries in the free world should join Nato (there's still a few such countries outside Nato). West/the free world is already united, but with Nato we are even more united.
  6. Yeah I'm sure it would be better if China, Russia or Iran would be number 1. Sigh. If that would happen, you would beg to God that USA would retake the #1 spot. You would beg 50 times per day on your knees while crying.
  8. It took me 2 seconds to Google search Areo Magazine, and found this I feel bad for even giving that shit site (Areo) more visitors by visiting their site. I need to be more careful about clicking on links in the future, lesson learned, always Google first. So no need to even read the Areo Magazine article, it can immediately be dismissed as horse shit. Only credible sources are worth anything.
  9. Ok I guess earth is center of the universe then. All previous wrong scientific theories are from now on absolutely correct.
  10. It's exactly how it works. Wrong theories gets thrown out and gets replaced with better theories. Like the theory that earth is the center of the universe got replaced by something better.
  11. MBTI was developed by people who had no education in psychology. And MBTI is based on Jungs theory that a personality can be divided in 16 different personality types. That theory has now been proved false. All serious scientists dismiss it as garbage. (These are unfortunately in swedish. Maybe there's a swede reading this post. If you create a free account you should be able to read the articles.)
  12. People like getting drunk= people don't want it to be banned= it will never get banned.
  13. I agree. But I believe in consciousness after death, because eternal death is logically impossible. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you will keep your memories, personality, problems, etc. after death.
  14. No but science is our best attempt at knowing the truth. People believe in all kind of bullshit which makes their lives better. Even if something makes your life better it doesn't mean that it's true. Even the belief that earth is flat has made lives better. Because you find a community which you like to be in, you get friends, you get a hobby, etc. Even before I read experts criticize MBTI and other tests I instinctively "knew" that they are bullshit. I never liked those things. I can see the psychological reason why people love that kind of horse shit. Spiral dynamics is another example.
  15. I'm not a INTP. I have done the test before, I don't remember what I got, but I remember it wasn't INTP. According to experts those personality tests are worthless. And they don't have any support in science.
  16. @artcastle I don't love anyone. I have the book and I have read it.
  17. What annoys me is that it's west which makes China great, by buying stuff from China. West is digging its own grave by throwing their money to China, it's mind-boggling. Stop buying chinese products and services, ffs.
  18. @Cepzeu I think this is horse shit. What is your response?
  19. 11 different answers and still no one has gave the obvious correct answer... The answer is easily written in one sentence: Because most people don't believe in enlightenment. I don't really believe in it either.
  20. Interesting, I think that's true, you would just respawn.
  21. I have kind of "heard" that "voice" too. Sometimes it was violent. Once it forced me to yell out loud: "God is good."