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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. Of course racial bias in dating preference isn't racism. “Racism is a disease in society. We’re all equal. I don’t care what their colour is, or religion. Just as long as they’re human beings they’re my buddies.” — Mandawuy Yunupingu The people I dislike most are criminals, people who harm other beings, and people who are super racists, in short: bad people. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Then why do you accept that thought?
  2. Unfortunately, that quote seems to be a fake one. But there's other real quotes from other scientists.. Always need to do some fact checking on quotes..
  3. You just sent a question to the universe. And this is your answer from the universe. (This is a different take on it.)
  4. People need to buy their quota of junk food. If McDonald's would disappear then there would be a huge hole left, and something else would take its place. There's not much potential for McDonald's to evolve on the junk food area, because junk food is junk food. But they do lots of other good things, they care about and take action in: environmental stuff, tenable meat production, packaging and recycling, undertaking for families, possibilities for young people, people, how the food is produced, organic coffee and milk, well being of animals, employees, more vegetarian food, support local farming, support sports for young people, environmental friendly transports, charging for electric cars on the parking lots, minimal food waste. So McDonald's is a excellent company. It's better than most other companies. And no I'm not hired by them.
  5. I guess my point was that there is more people like me. There are many people who like eating McDonald's food. So why would McDonald's be bad? People only do stuff which they enjoy doing. If McDonald's wouldn't exist something else like it would exist. If selling junk food would be completely illegal then people would make junk food at home. The only way to stop people from eating junk food would be to kill all people. Then no one would eat junk food.
  6. I'm pretty sure some people in this forum say that. Maybe the thing about my bloodwork is true, but I don't care, and I would be glad to die prematurely. So from my point of view, why would it be foolish?
  7. There is no need to write books about this subject. It can be written in a single short sentence: The point for you is to not suffer. How can that be achieved? Who knows. You are programmed to search for whatever makes you suffer the least/make you most happy until you die. So that is what you will do until your death, no matter what advice people will give you. This is of course also the reason why you started this thread. It is running your entire life.
  8. Well it's good for me, because I like it. I eat "junk" food every day (but not only McDonald's), and I'm not fat, I'm healthy, my skin is ok, etc. And don't come and say that my bad mental health is caused by it. Because that would be a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy Maybe you will say: "you will get sick later in life." Maybe, maybe not, who knows, I don't care. Maybe you will say "you will die prematurely". Maybe, maybe not, who knows, that would only be a good thing.
  9. The hate against "junk food" is overblown. It's not as bad as you think.
  10. @SoonHei Good one. Maybe you are right. But I think following this rabbit hole all the way could have unpleasant consequences..
  11. @trenton So what do you think is the solution to the "hard problem of consciousness"? That dead matter creates consciousness? Like this?:
  12. Another good one:
  13. I liked it. As a coincidence I was looking at my favorite YouTube videos list, and I found this video on the list, it's the same guy:
  14. Why on earth would anyone think that reality is love because of that? (Don't even answer). Anyway.. Sorry, I will try to shut up now. I don't want to hijack this thread.
  15. Use any word but love. Why do you have to use the word love? A word which will provoke/be offensive/outrageous to billions and billions of suffering people and other animals.
  16. Mental gymnastics, wishful thinking, far fetched, stupid.
  17. Isn't it obvious? Open your eyes. It's because there is so much suffering in the world. I know for a fact that God isn't love. I speak from direct experience, which you guys normally praise. No one or nothing who allows so much suffering deserves to be called "love". It's as simple as that.
  18. God is love? Saying that "God is love" is like a stone hitting your face hard and then say "the stone is soft". I don't understand how anyone can uphold such a belief for a extended period of time. Such a belief should crumble down fast. But never underestimate the power of wishful thinking I guess.
  19. I like this one, but I don't know if what he says is true: I don't use to watch him because I think he's wrong on too many things, and because he seems too focused on getting money from his viewers. But maybe he's right about some things.
  20. The question remains: how could that idea be tested, verified or proved? And I'm not even talking about science now. I'm talking about just proving it to oneself.
  21. @Origins I spare you my case, because I'm a hopeless case. You're welcome.
  22. And you know that? --------------- One time there was a woman who told me she's 100% sure that earth is flat.
  23. You answered yourself there. We can only have different beliefs about it. Consciousness is a bitch, without consciousness we wouldn't be thinking about these kind of things.
  24. You don't know that. Maybe all your recognitions and revelations were false. You don't even know if other people are conscious. So in that case there wouldn't even be any "everyone". I'm not operating in the materialistic paradigm.