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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. Genes and upbringing. Mostly genes. The physical nature of the brain.
  2. Probably because there are more factors other than your beliefs. I can't force myself into believing in bs anyway, even if I wanted to. In that case there is no value. Why must there be value? I don't give a damn about truth giving me happiness or some other value, I just want to know the truth. Why do I want to know the truth? I don't know.
  3. I don't remember. I don't like any psychiatrist. I'm not going to waste more time and energy on those things.
  4. You're welcome. I don't think I would become happy if I would believe in the same fairy tales. It wouldn't give me any special powers, so it wouldn't change anything. I value truth more than happiness.
  5. @mandyjw Okay. The only thing I like is women. But they are out of reach. So I'm left with nothing. I know, it's ok. You taught me a new saying (make light of something), thanks.
  6. I see. Unfortunately there's only rotten bananas which I have to choose between.
  7. I guess I have. It feels like a choice, or sometimes like getting something forced on me.
  8. Dude, maybe because enlightenment isn't true.
  9. Yes, they don't help me.
  10. Yeah right, I'm supposed to believe in some idea which 1. Isn't in my experience and 2. I don't even have any memory of. Don't reply to me, I'm sick of all the mental games, wishful thinking, and beliefs here.
  11. "Is it possible to never find ANY girls who perceive you to be their type?" Yes.
  12. Whatever. I can't talk here freely because of fear of getting warning points or getting banned, so I have to end this conversation here.
  13. I don't know, reality, it doesn't matter.
  14. Yes because I'm forced to play, not that I want to play. I never asked for any of this shit. What am I supposed to do? Kill myself, only to find myself yet again mysteriously reappear in a life experience which I never asked for or created?
  15. Don't assume that everyone wants to play, not even use cheat codes.
  16. @Leo Gura Is the chemical a research chemical? At least in some countries. If yes, then it's a question of time until it gets banned. So if you wait with releasing the name, then it might be banned at that point. So then a bunch of people will miss the window of opportunity to take it, maybe including me.
  17. There is no limit to how much bullshit humans can believe in. And maybe the worst part is that there is also no limit to how convinced humans can be that their bullshit is true. Some people can be so 100% sure about their bullshit that they don't hesitate to die for it, or kill other people for it, or whatever. I once talked to someone who told me that she's 100% sure that the earth is flat. And my mom has gradually over the recent years lost her mind, because she believes in almost every conspiracy theory there is. And of course she is 100% certain of all the bullshit. And she is constantly trying hard to convince me of all the bullshit. If the society/mainstream/scientists/politicians say something, then she immediately believes in the opposite thing. For example she thinks that covid doesn't exist, and that the vaccine is dangerous, even that masks and covid tests are dangerous. She once told me she pray every day that I wont take the vaccine, that I wont take a covid test, and that I wont use a mask. But of course I will take the vaccine immediately when it becomes available. I think humans might be more stupid than animals. Because we believe in bullshit, and maybe animals don't. This stuff applies to everyone. No one can be trusted for being sane. No one is immune against the risk of believing in bullshit. Not even Leo. Not even me. Not even you. And this of course also applies to this whole post. This entire post might be bullshit.
  18. There will be more "dreaming". All other details is a mystery. I think people think too much about the details and don't embrace the mystery of it. When someone refuses to accept the mysteriousness, then that person often create stories about the details. For example that God creates a universe because he gets bored, or whatever. There's a endless amount of different ideas about the details.
  19. Life is a fight. For example just think about how hard the body is working every second to stay alive.
  20. I think you don't even need to be enlightened to understand that there's life after death. I think death can be understood logically and from own experience. After death you (Consciousness) will mysteriously reappear in a different experience. In the same way as you mysteriously always reappear from deep sleep, or from before you were born. With "mysteriously" I mean you don't know how it happened, it was something which you had no control over. Your body comes and goes, but reality cannot come and go. Your innermost being is the reality which cannot come and go. It's that which survives death. So the body is like a shell which you have. "Thus you can throw yourself flat on the ground, stretched out upon Mother Earth, with the certain conviction that you are one with her and she with you. You are as firmly established, as invulnerable as she, indeed a thousand times firmer and more invulnerable. As surely she will engulf you tomorrow, so surely will she bring you forth anew to new striving and suffering." — Erwin Schrödinger
  21. @trenton I consider murder suffering level 0 (assuming it would happen painlessly), because that person wouldn't experience any suffering, he/she wouldn't even experience any loss (probably). But it's probably still wrong to take away something from someone. (Someone's life.) It doesn't matter what mental gymnastics you are trying to play. Suffering is bad, wrong, and evil. Period. This could be easily proven: If I would torture you or someone super close to you, then you would suddenly agree with me. But of course I wouldn't do such a thing. Or you can ask Jeff Foster: I don't need your help in this matter, but thanks.
  22. @trenton You should do whatever causes the least amount of total suffering for everyone. So if I would hurt the guy a bit by punching him in the face (for example suffering level 15), and that saves the woman from suffering level 95, then I do the right thing if I punch the guy in the face. It's all about the math. Simply just calculate.
  23. It's not that difficult. Whatever causes suffering to someone is wrong/evil.