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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. No I'm not one of those. No I don't think we have figured out much. It's just that there's no good reason to believe that aliens are visiting us. There's literally not a single good picture or video of a alien or a alien space/aircraft. Only blurry footage. They could be anything. And the radar stuff could be anything: glitch in the equipment, ice crystals, etc. And the words from eyewitnesses could also be anything: lies, illusions, hallucinations, etc.
  2. I must say it's interesting that you are so confident about this subject. I hope you are right, but I don't think you are. It's ok to change opinion about this subject in the future. I've been more pro-aliens before. I'm of course not 100% sure that they aren't aliens, but I think they most likely aren't. I wish they would be aliens. I'm sure there are aliens somewhere. But it's a completely different thing whether they are visiting earth or not.
  3. How long do you alien believers think it will take until their existence gets confirmed? I can set more reminders on my calendar, several years ahead into the future, so I can be right when that specific date comes.
  4. Rrrrright. I'll set a reminder on my calendar for that date, and then I can talk to you again. Mmm it will feel good to be right, looking forward to it.
  5. Yeah the moderators and @Leo Gura should take their responsibility and not let this forum be a spreader of conspiracy theories, especially these extra dangerous conspiracy theories about the vaccines. He should also get 5 warning points..
  6. If I enjoy suffering, that means I'm not suffering. Then why are you telling me to stop enjoying suffering? And why do you think enlightenment is a good thing, since it means you will stop enjoying suffering (you will start suffering for real)? According to your logic, I definitely shouldn't get enlightened.
  7. Consciousness continues after death. I'm sure about that. But I don't know about the details. Don't hung up on the details. You know you will dream, but you don't know what you will dream.
  8. @Swarnim No you don't. If you enjoy suffering, it isn't suffering.
  9. "Being conscious is hard" must be one of the funniest jokes ever. You can never not be conscious. Not even if you kill yourself.
  10. Another example is this: Everyone immediately thought it was a mahasamadhi, without being skeptical at all. And later it turned out that it was fake, or at least not mahasamadhi.
  11. This is a perfect example of not being skeptical enough, and of having confirmation bias. Because even a child can see that the first object in that video is a airplane or maybe a helicopter, yet somehow people manage to think it's aliens.
  12. @Scholar You're showing us videos of stuff which has been debunked. The thing on the first video is a batman balloon.
  13. Lmao, funny how you think you are smart, and even talking about epistemic work. I have more reasoning than you. It's you who have dogma which tells you to believe in any woo-woo stuff which you wish is true. Your epistemic method is: "believe everything you hear or see, if you don't, it means you are closed-minded and dogmatic." It's claimed that 4 fighter jet pilots saw the thing, but only one or two of them have talked infront of a camera about his experience (David Fravor). There's a million red flags about the Nimitz incident. One is that the witnesses disagree with each other.
  14. "I was a able to pinpoint the first phenomena of that night, which happened to be a something moving at a constant rate, that was the same size as the apparent size of stars in the night sky. (I now see this phenomena often)." That's satellites. "I’m open minded to dragons" "my brother was experiencing a state of rather ecstatic heightened consciousness (I’m guessing some degree of random kundalini activation of sorts), saying things such as “humanity is ascending”....”there is a global awakening taking place”" Those are warning signs. Maybe you were hallucinating. Or maybe you are lying. So, yes, I don't belive you. But I don't rule out the possibility that you actually saw aliens. But before I believe that I would need more evidence. And why didn't you take photos or videos of it..
  15. This UFO-stuff has been a wake up call for me, because it shows how people in this forum (and also Leo) are too unskeptical. They buy basically anything which they want to believe in, without requiring any evidence. This UFO-stuff is like one big confirmation bias party. You guys want to believe it so badly that you're completely lost in confirmation bias/wishful thinking. If you are like this about this topic, then you probably are like this in all other topics aswell. So this ruins your credibility in other areas too. For example, of course you will believe any hallucinations which you experience when you are tripping balls, without demanding any actual evidence before you believe in your hallucinations. All the footage is completely useless. Period. Most of it are debunked and the rest could be anything since the "objects" are always super fuzzy. The most difficult thing to dismiss is the eye witness reports, but it's not enough. Many of them are probably lying. There's several examples of intentionally faked images/video footage, and of people lying, Bob Lazar is one example of someone who is clearly lying. And the rest is probably hallucinating or seeing some rare phenomena, like for example a optical illusion or something.
  16. @Leo Gura Today I found some music which reminds of some of the songs on your playlist. But the ones I found are even better in my opinion. They are true art. Unbelievably good.
  17. Hallelujah, it's a miracle, he came back from the dead. Sigh.
  18. Yeah, I've experienced that. My body also starts to shake when it happens.